I’m not so sure you saw what I wrote because I wrote that they were “trespassers.” Since there was also property damage associated with the trespass (broken gate), I think I would actually go further and call them a ‘mob’ i.e., “a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence”. But for sure they could be called trespassers. I think Missouri is an open carry state, so I don’t know if they would be charged with anything considering the extenuating circumstances of the mob-like behavior, trespass, property damage, verbal threats (according to the couple), pre-meditation (threats at earlier rallies to go to ‘rich’ neighborhoods), and well documented recent history of violence at these so-called peaceful protests. I would not have handled it the way they did - I am not suggesting that.
I was thinking the same thing but didn’t want to sound like I was encouraging that sort of response. There are definitely down-sides to that sort of response. If one of the protesters wasn’t impressed with their display, there could have been a shooting. In that case, I don’t know if it could have been justified because there is an appearance that it could have been avoided altogether (go into the house, arm yourself and stay there until they pass). There is an appearance of over-reaction and not an imminent threat of serious bodily harm or death.
Just curious, how quickly would the police have arrived if a gunshot was heard?
If they don’t arrive by the second shot, ooopps!
That crowd was not there to have an intelligent conversation. I’ll bet, because of the lack of training, that couple is still shaking from the adrenaline rush.
500 people trespassing on my small piece of the world is considered a “disparity of force”!
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
This is not protesting, this is an immediate threat to your life, if this happens down your street. I imagine even if you’re trained and the cops are not showing up and this is your backyard, I would like to know exactly what you would do, at your home, everything is flammable and you have no means of escape.
I agree with others, I’m not sure the lawn was the most tactical position to be in. If this was a very violent mob (I don’t think this mob was friendly, but I don’t think this group was anticipating a life or death situation and not ready to commit to one) than the house would have been far better to be in. Assuming you could be dealing with multiple threats, that could be life ending fight being completely in out in the open. That being said, their deterrence did work.
I’m sure by this time most people are noticing that their homeowners insurance doesn’t cover damage due to insurrection, riots and anarchies.
This is leading to a rabbit hole no one wants to go down. If we are a sleeping giant, it’s time to wake up!
We are going to see a lot more of that and some folks will be highly trained and surely some folks are going to get hurt. So whenever someone is prepared to stop this, I will have their six.
The other conundrum is if they want to mandate the wearing of masks who is going to enforce that law, when they won’t show up for rioters at your home. That’s the second best joke I’ve heard. The first is Joe Biden swearing to uphold the constitution. LOL
I was glad to see them stand their ground!!! The guy’s wife was pretty careless with that pistol…gee whiz! I kinda got the feeling it was hubby’s gun…and while she had it…she definitely doesn’t handle it much. It wasn’t the greatest moment for gun safety…but a good win for them.
But of course this situation falls into “dont try this at home” category. This couple are not ordinary people, they are connected in ways that makes charging them with anything haphazard for the prosecutor.
What if one located a bullet trap, or traps, around their property (with appropriate backstops and safety measures) in order to enable target practice at convenient times for themselves?
This of course assumes it is legal to discharge firearms in your local and that you have properly posted the property with warnings about live fire training.
Did anyone notice the Prosecutor connected with story? ( The article was on Fox news i believe ) She called what this couple did a “violent assault” and an attempt to discourage the protest!. What ever the mistakes of this couple are, to consider their actions to be the violent ones, to attache the word assault to their actions, and then further claim they in some way intended to discourage the protest, is to put on full display the mentality we face. This is why the USCCA is so important. The way things are viewed by people now is so often though such deeply colored lenses, that the victim comes out as the one who is guilty. It’s truly chilling to the bone to see how this works in the minds of some.
I’m not going to dive too deeply into what the best tactics would have been here, clearly one could make a couple of different arguments. Guards, for example, don’t take the ideal tactical position they take the most visible position (i.e., they stand in front of what they are guarding with their firearm in a visible and accessible, but not immediately threatening, position. As it turns out I’d just pointed out to someone the value of a sling. The gun owners who have been standing at neighborhood corners with their rifles/carbines slung over their shoulders to say “this neighborhood is protected” are not brandishing them. You can have a political opinion on their showing they are armed, you can have a tactical viewpoint, but legally they aren’t doing anything wrong. The same can be said for open carry of a handgun in these situations, if your jurisdiction allows open carry. And that’s not even on your property. Doing the same on your property might be prudent. If you hired guards for your property, would they be visible to have a deterrent effect? In most cases, yes. Rhetorically speaking, what’s the difference between hiring an armed security detail and showing that you yourself are armed? Not so rhetorically, they probably know what they are doing and in most cases you don’t. The folks in this video fall into the “don’t” category.
Waving a gun around, making threats, pointing a gun at someone, etc. is going to get the same scrutiny in a protest (nee rioting) situation as it will get in any self-defense scenario. Both legally and in the court of public opinion. Again ignoring the tactical argument if they were to have stepped outside with rifle slung over the shoulder and handgun in a visible holster and just stood there with their mouths shut they would have sent the deterrent message without crossing a line into brandishing or worse.
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Social media comments may be used against you in court if you ever have to legally defend your actions. Take the extra time to make sure your comments are clear about your intention to stop the threat, protect yourself and your loved ones and using force as a last resort.
Maybe so, maybe we are splitting hairs. What is the common goal between the terror mob and their loyal prosecutors? To sow fear in the public, to send a loud message “your privilege of peace in your own home is gone, and you cannot do anything about it”, to demoralize regular people.
It is naive to ignore this angle and focus only on legalities of the particular situation. Not that you should ignore it either, but realize the prosecutor-mob tandem can create dozens of incidents, someone is bound to trip, and then they can pick a case they can prosecute in the media.
How dare I say prosecutor and the mob are working together? Cause they are financed from the same soros, excuse me, source.
@Dawn, You have mentioned it several times in last few weeks. Perhaps it would good idea to add these to Community Guidelines.
I don’t know if it is only me, but I’ve been seeing this Forum so political recently.
I was so excited reading post, had a great discussions, leaned a lot… but it was 2019… this ear is not good for all of us, but to be honest I haven’t been expecting so many hate posts here (perhaps “hate” word is too strong, but I cannot find any other). Thanks God not against me or any other Community Member, but against other people who have their own thoughts and ideas, sometimes completely opposite…but still, this is not a reason for fight.
Anyway… I’m so proud to be part of this Community, no reason to abandon it yet ( ).
I’m hoping that I’ll be enjoying more firearm’s and self-defense threads than avoiding political discussions.
Back to topic, here is a video of an interview with the homeowner on Tucker. Gives a little background on the political environment and the mindset of the homeowner. One question I have is where was the private security that he references?