St. Louis Couple Use Guns to Deter Rioters

True, one vicious lawyer lady with a compact pistol drove away 200-300 hundred comrades. They don’t make revolutionaries like they used to. Comrades need to work on their motivation, too, but its hard, they kinda know their reward at the end of the stick is not a carrot, but a turd. :rofl:


I like their point of view and how they commented whole situation.


They did their part well. Our part is to comment people’s firearm training … and that was horrible approach how to handle their tools :zipper_mouth_face: :grimacing:


To avoid rumor and speculation I had to research where Democrats stand on 2A matters:

'…To build on the success of the lifesaving Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, we will expand and strengthen background checks and close dangerous loopholes in our current laws; repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA) to revoke the dangerous legal immunity protections gun makers and sellers now enjoy; and keep weapons of war—such as assault weapons and large capacity ammunition magazines (LCAM’s)—off our streets. We will fight back against attempts to make it harder for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives to revoke federal licenses from law breaking gun dealers, and ensure guns do not fall into the hands of terrorists, intimate partner abusers, other violent criminals, and those with severe mental health issues. There is insufficient research on effective gun prevention policies, which is why the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention must have the resources it needs to study gun violence as a public health issue."


What would y’all do differently in the case of the man and woman in this video? I think we can all agree their political affiliation is irrelevant. I’m just glad they were able to protect themselves and their home without anyone getting hurt.


I would definitely not go on the lawn with a firearm. You can bet I would be armed though, if things went really sideways. In my state, I am pretty sure your lawn does not count as curtilage, so the only time lethal force is warranted is when they kick in your door or if they start throwing molotov cocktails.

Obviously, call the police although i know they wont come, but having that recorded will come in handy later.

I’d get every phone, tablet, camera I can and point out the windows to capture as much as possible. My DSLR would be zooming in on every face, unique t-shirt, visible tattoo, etc I can find especially the “really loud” folks.

Basically, be the best witness you can be… and be prepared to respond IF and only IF things go really sideways.

Just watched CarryTrainer’s response on this. He has some good points, I like the megaphone option :smiley:


Just a couple of observations:

  1. They were not in ‘North Carolina’. Geography makes a difference with gun laws.
  2. They were not ‘at’ a ‘march/rally’ – they were at home. Assuming the ‘peaceful protestors’ had a permit, it is not likely that the route included private property. The ‘peaceful protestors’ were no longer peaceful protestors after they trespassed on private property. They became ‘trespassers’.
  3. ‘Irresponsible gun owners’ are what you get when you defund the police and make political decisions to not have police respond in areas where there are protests. This is what defunding police looks like a ground level.
  4. The couple need to receive firearms training because their response left them no choice but to shoot. No ‘levels’ of force are left when you point a gun at someone other than to start shooting.
  5. It was not a good ‘look’ for the couple or 2nd amendment/firearms owners in general.

Whether it was lawful I cannot say, I know nothing about Missouri law. It was inevitable. Everyone is not going to cower to the mob. Personally, I wouldn’t point a weapon at folks unless I was preparing to engage. But, I’ve never had hundreds of folks outside my residence threatening me (allegedly).

My concern about this is what happens when that “shot” goes off?


Keep inside. If must go outside, use building elements for cover, definitely don’t get close to the mob. Also, these people can afford a drone - put a drone above the mob to record evidence, it will pay for itself 100x if things go badly.


Great post Joe. Totally understand that NC laws don’t apply, but in general there are a lot of similarities state-to-state. I respectfully disagree with your point #3. Because police are defunded does not mean that we, as responsible gun owners, can forget basic gun safety rules or leave common sense at the doorstep. Enjoyed your post sir.


Paul1, I agree with you on point #3 in the original post, but I dont think that was what he was getting at. I think what he was meaning is that when you defund police, you will get a lot of people who have little to no knowledge about firearms and how to use them in an attempt to fill the void left with the defunding of the police. So, its not an excuse, it is more blissful ignorance.

That said, new gun owners or not, they certainly looked determined, didnt they?


Ha ha! They sure did Brian. Gotta love their determination! :muscle:


It’s always fair until it happens to you.


First trespassing is not a violent crime, therefore, one still does not have legal basis to use a firearm against that person(s).


Hi Paul,

I wasn’t suggesting that we “forget basic gun safety rules or leave common sense at the doorstep”. What I did say (or was trying to say) is that if police are defunded, you will get what you get. There is no requirement for gun safety. It’s a choice. Of course we hope that everyone who decides to purchase a firearm acts responsibly and receives some kind of training/instruction, but that is just not realistic – because it is not required. We must be realistic about what is actual and not just go by what others ‘should’ do in our opinion, if the law makes no requirement for them to do it.

The couple have been watching the murders, assaults, arsons, rioting and violence on TV for the last few weeks (as we all have). A week or so ago protesters threatened to go into the ‘rich’ neighborhoods. On the day of the confrontation, a few blocks away, people are being assaulted and fights are breaking out. While marching, the protesters decided to leave a public roadway and trespass onto private property of an affluent neighborhood without permission. According to the couple they called the police and they did not respond (I don’t know if that means the phone kept ringing or they talked with someone but no police were available or dispatched). The couple decided to take matters into their own hands and responded according to their knowledge (training or lack of) and beliefs (conditioning and fears about the world around them) about what was transpiring.

So in my view, defunding the police is a very dangerous idea.

By the way, the couple is supposed to be interviewed on Tucker Carlson tonight 8:00 pm EST.





I never said trespassing was a violent crime and I would note that they did not ‘use’ their firearm. I believe I heard that in St. Louis you can stand on the street with a firearm open carry. Not 100% sure but maybe someone can check (I’m from Florida).




I would have retreated to the safety of my house and watched and observed them. While inside I would prepare for the worst and hope for the best. In my view, they would have just passed by without incident. The protesters won in a way because they taunted and intimidated the residents of that community and got the reaction they wanted. They made the news cycle. They made gun owners look dangerous and violent. Mission accomplished for the protesters.



So, food for thought. Yes, mission accomplished. They got on the news, they made gun owners look stupid. The base and side that agrees with this type of behavior are cheering. However, I have to wonder about those folks in the middle, the people who are not solid right or solid left, those that are silent because they dont fit in with the narrative that we are being told by the media that we have to bow to. How many of those people, at least in their minds, are thinking that they find the actions of this couple justifiable and wish they would have the courage to do the same if confronted with the same situation?


Yes, I saw what you wrote. If they are no longer “peaceful”, then what are they? The implication I got from your post was that brandishing was just because they were trespassing, which it is not. It is a crime in that state. They might nt get charged, but it is still illegal and one would be wise not to do it.


It was hard to tell from the video but it looked like the wife pointed the gun at her husband more than once and had her finger on the trigger. With all the looting and property destruction I have seen through various media I also would defend my home with a number of firearms and would be prepared to use them if I felt the mob was going to destroy and burn down my house and kill me and my wife as well. I wouldn’t consider shooting until they made a serious effort to do us harm and then it would become very ugly.


If you are an impressionable young person with green hair, you may think twice before you toss that molotov cocktail toward “dangerous and violent” home owners. I don’t know if this is such a bad thing.

I will add this personal observation. People who live in mansions are opposite of meek.