Lack of faith in Biden drives doomsday prepping

According to recent news reports they are already here. Though I suspect it is more likely they are just hanging out waiting for us to off ourselves so they can move in than it is that they are here to save us.


IMO, the doomsday event won’t be an attack from some foreign power or climate change, but a currency collapse brought on by our own government unable to control its spending, and financing social programs and military adventurism by printing money. I’d look to how ordinary people in Germany, Austria, Venezuela and Zimbabwe weathered hyperinflation that wiped out their savings.


Notice what states were not listed; Alaska, Wyoming, North and South Dakota. Could it be that they were smart enough not to ‘participate’ in that BS ‘survey’.
Surviving is a way of life in Alaska - they would be the highest most likely, followed by, oh snap, all the states not listed.
FEMA did a survey before it was supplanted under DHS commie infused cabinet, and they said at best, our citizens were 4% prepared for a disaster. But, that was also based upon the indoctrinated belief of only two to three weeks before government could assist. That was of course pre C-19. And as mentioned, what questions were asked. Most Californians will have a box for emergency egress due to earthquakes and fires, and now C-19. So is that why most people answered ‘yes, I’m prepared’?
I suspect this is analogy to people getting a CCW/CHP and saying, ‘yep, I’m ready to protect against bad people’, without any training, any instruction
 Every instructor has horror stories about THAT issue.
So, IMHO that survey was not reflective of a true preparedness level. I have taught family and company preparedness for decades across the US and other countries and my straw pole surveys and QA prep levels fall far short of those numbers

Like I said IMHO :beers:


“I can guarantee that 40+ percent of the people here in AZ are not prepared for a serious disaster let alone a doomsday event. I’d be surprised if more than 10 to 20% of the people in AZ or anywhere else in the nation could handle an event that disrupted power and supplies for more than a few days without help from others.”
You got that right Brother Shamrock, But AZ is home to a large community of “Starship Earth” followers and she (name never revealed) is a huge proponent of “Prepping’’ w/ 2.8 M visitors and 10K subscribers. That ain’t chop Liver.
Here in the land of NOD ( NM) we have Mesa Preppers and some in towns, but it’s quietly done, low key
 The city dwellers are already losing their battles
 It’s a slow insidious process
 Honest, all of a sudden you visit ‘in town’ and the ooze makes it another section. First it was the south valley, then Route66 (central ave, then Lomas blvd Now Montgomery is fallen
 Businesses fleeing North of town
 With ‘Wally world’ in the wind that whole 'Central Albuquerque” is defunct. Busy during the day but after hours Brothers you really don’t want to be there unarmed. Very SAD.
Toilet water bidet really phucked-US ALL!


Or the people taking the survey forgot about those states. :laughing:


The small print in the graphic says those States were excluded because they had less than 20 respondents. So the response for the other states was a whooping 20 plus people. Doesn’t sound like a statistically significant number to me. Far too high a chance that they did not reach a diverse enough audience even if they tried and if their questions weren’t leading as many poles are.


That’s true. Everyone who lives in South Dakota is a Dakotan. :wink:


In my own strawpoll and QA, my statistical analysis is much closer to FEMA’s number, even after C-19. And that abysmal 4% was only for two to three weeks with emphasis that after that the government would arrive like the cavalry! For long term SHTF teotwawki et al, etc., it is much closer to 1% if that.
BTW, ever notice how the US per se, is absent from the bible in the coming days.


That’s what I thought, a global power outage would be the most likely event.


I think a grid down event is the most likely “doomsday” scenario given our aging, inadequate and poorly protected infrastructure. Especially in the developed world where people don’t know how to function without power.

But I agree with @Mark697 that a painful and extended economic collapse is our most likely imminent threat at the moment. And that economic melt down scenario could lead to serious civil strife, wars and other serious unintended consequences.


Our ‘Grid’ is rickkity @ best !
And ‘Puddin’ pants wants to ADD
Oh, I don’t know (50)MILLION 'lectric cars and
Lord knows how many 'lectric stoves ?
They WANT Kaos, strife, despair
But you ARE NOT ALLOWED to have a wood fire Pizza place in
New Yawk shitty!
Oh lordy am I ALLOWED to say stuff like this here anymore?


Add greece to the list. Their government went in and took half of every citizen’s savings.


I am sure its a Template for what is happening here.
They try it elsewhere and if it ‘sticks to the wall’ they will
use it till they think of the ‘Next big thing’ to assault us with.
No one does it better than ‘Pitchfork Pete’ in the bowels of the earth.
He’s got every agency weaponized against WE THE PEOPLE
He’s even Weaponized the Pride Parade into thinking they are relevant.
Note to gay’s: This administration doesn’t give a rat about you.
They Just want KAOS! and guess what? “TAG you
 Your it!”
Biden (puppet w/ broken strings) and Obama (puppet master)
actually think they can have it all, with Zero push back.


The grid is vulnerable to a currency collapse when, in a hyperinflation environment, utilities don’t have enough money to pay workers, can’t pay fuel suppliers, and/or fuel suppliers cannot pay railroads to move product from the mine to a power plant and/or utilities don’t have enough money to buy power from others connected to the grid. Then there’s the fact that utility bills are paid in arrears based on consumption from the previous month. If the amount received from consumers for June is not enough to cover a utility’s expenses in July, it collapses like a house of cards.

In 1920s Germany, coal supplies were vulnerable in the same way as mines did not have enough money to keep up with wages required by miners and charges demanded by shippers. A black market in coal emerged as well as commodity exchanges (e.g., trade a potato or a piece of jewelry for enough coal to heat a house/apartment in winter).


Interesting post dear Mark697. I might need to look for other prepper threads on these pages. I see your idea as a valid potential risk. Somewhat related, I would have concern if limited foods on the shelves at the grocers.

I say that — due to remembering when the infection of Covid was at its highest peaks, and seeing little to no TP on the shelves, and prices for food and other items soaring.

Combined with how I see people behave on busy day time Saturday grocery shopping in the summer. I would dread what if there was limited food.

That does scare me.


@Burdo Been prepping since 2005, if you have any questions. :slightly_smiling_face:
Just a few topics on prepping here.

Are you Prepared for a Disaster - Self-Defense - USCCA Community (

Preparation for food shortage? - Miscellaneous - USCCA Community (


How about the destruction of Truth by means Artificial Intelligence?
Or more to the point, how about artificial truth courtesy of Artificial Intelligence?
If that’s not Doomsday, it might come pretty close to it.
Pictures giving visual proof of—anything!
Voices swearing verbal testimony on
The complete instantaneous elimination of digitally stored data as desired?
The Gummint’s record of your DD-214—poof!
Records of your last income tax or credit card payment vanishes like Brandon’s Chocolate Chip ice cream.
Infrastructure rendered nonfunctioning as desired.
How does one prep for that?


There isn’t anything I can do about any of that, so I don’t worry overly much about it.
Prep for what you can do. :slightly_smiling_face:


I believe these states have already prepped before this survey was taken so, the prepping being done at this time has already been done and they are already prepped.


I think most of these scenarios go hand in hand with each other. If the monetary system goes first then like Mark697 said you can’t pay employees, or suppliers, etc. Then the power grid goes down. Forget about savings or stocks, without power the banks will close, along with businesses, the government will seize any assets left. Forget about the crazy trends at the grocery stores, (Yes Saturday shopping is insane right now, and even worse on Saturday before a holiday) Any foods left will be up for grabs the most well armed or the largest gangs will rule. But this could happen in any order, government seizing assets will close businesses, collapsing the monetary system, stopping the food supply, eventually collapsing the power grid. If the power grid goes first, well you get the idea. One will lead to the other in whatever order. The thing is, the barter system will take over and the most reliable asset will be ammo. It will be the new gold. The reason that I believe it will start with the power grid isn’t so much the aging system, but the fact that our anti-American administration is mandating electric everything. If everything is electrical, than the next step will be a complete takeover of the power companies, say for back taxes (80,000 armed irs soldiers will come in handy). Then anyone that doesn’t comply can be shut down with the flip of a switch. First will be half the country that are conservative, then liberals that are moderate, then the blm activists, then the lgtbqpb activists. Until the only ones left with electrical power will be the ruling marxist government. Anyway, getting back to the thread about the lack of faith in joe brib’em, I bought my first firearm in May 2021.