I have a Sig p365, thinking about a Sig p238 looking for some advice

Ok, this is my first post so here goes. I purchased a P365 thinking I would use this for CC. It’s a great compact gun; however, it prints on everything I own and my clothes are not that tight! I prefer appendix carry. The only way it doesn’t print is if I deep carry, then it’s a bear to get out. In the winter my clothes aren’t an issue, but during the summer it is (Texas).

So, I’m looking at the P238 (I have a little Kel-Tec but I really dislike it). Now, I’ve read all sorts of comments about this gun but what struck me is ‘only experts should carry this’ comment(s). So, I wouldn’t consider myself an expert (I’m not even sure how you qualify to be an expert), but I’m not a complete novice either. But, this is the first time I’m serious about carrying it on me all the time. I’ve always kept my Beretta in the car (just in case) and the HK .40 in the house.

So, what is the deal with the p238? I know it’s SA, but it does have a safety. There was a comment that if the p238 was in a purse (I’m not going to carry in a purse) or something the trigger could get snagged and the gun will go off - but not if the safety is engaged right? What I did read is the safety is tight and can be difficult to re-engage one handedly. Anyway, so many opinions I would like to hear from people that carry it.

So, just to clarify, I only plan on carrying the p238 on me. I guess I’m looking for someone who carries a p238 and why the p238 isn’t right for me based on the comments I have read and briefly stated above.



Having your gun in the purse is fine but you have to properly stage it in your purse and not just placed into the purse. When you draw it you need to have good finger placement which is not on the trigger. I carry the P 365 XL and I have played with the locations of it to find the honey spot. The honey spot is the perfect placement of comfort and concealment. Everybody is built differently so my honey spot is not going to be yours. I am 6 foot tall 300 lbs. just weighed myself too so I know.
A lot of what you wear and how you wear it matters into how you will carry. On you tube there is a site I follow so I can help with this matter and it is,… She equips herself and girls with guns. Maybe these places could really be a good match for you and help you out. If not there is always @Dawn or @Beth could give you their two cents worth. Hope this will help you out.


If you do put it in your purse don’t loosely put it in there, use a holster that protects and covers the trigger. Even though I don’t recommend off body carrying I suggest you have it in a holster. As far as the P365 and the P238 they are both excellent firearms that will serve the purpose. Which one do you feel more comfortable with is the question. Hope this helps and God bless you.




Okay thank you! I don’t plan on carrying it in my purse that was just an example. I’m trying to find something I can carry on my body that won’t print.



I believe every one of us prints depending on how we move every day. The good thing is most people don’t even notice because we are all living in our own world. I rotate carrying a sub-compact (P938) to a full size 15 round 40 S&W. I am certain I slightly print when I bend over to load bags of mulch at Home Depot or twisting back and forth loading the groceries from the cart to the register belt. If anyone should notice at all, they probably think it’s my cell phone poking out under my shirt.

I guess what I am saying is I think we tend to over scrutinize ourselves wrt printing. With that said I do always check myself out in a mirror before I go out of the house and re-adjust or change clothes if required. I don’t want it printing when I am standing or walking around. Once out of the house the best thing to do is go about your day mentally treating your firearm the same as your purse – it is part of your daily uniform – nothing more nothing less.

Edit: One other thing I always check before I leave the house is that I can sit down comfortably. I carry between 2:30 to 3:30 (right handed) depending on the gun and holster to keep the grip close to my body and the barrel off my hip bone. I have also found for me the greater the cant, the less the grip wants to move away from the body.


The P238 is a fine handgun, my wife has been carrying that for 11 years, designed like a 1911 and she is comfortable racking the slide. It’s as accurate as any .380 can be. I do recommend the extended mags for a better grip, additionally G10 grips as well. I use it as my backup in pocket holster when I leave home, in addition to my IWB .45 Kimber Ultra Raptor.


Paging @dawn :smiley:

My first thought is what type of holster are you using for appendix carry. Probably 80% of the time I talk to someone who has trouble with appendix carry concealment or comfort they are using a holster that is not a dedicated appendix holster. It will be something like a Vedder holster which is a quality jack of all trades, or a holster for hip carry that they’ve used. Sometimes you can just use any IWB holster depending on your body shape and clothing, but it will always be better with a dedicated AIWB holster.

A good, dedicated, appendix carry holster will help you regardless if you pick the P238 or stick with the P365.

For the P238 questions, I have never handled one, but regardless of where you carry (appendix, purse, hip, etc) it should always be in a holster that properly covers the trigger to mitigate the possibility of accidental discharge. If the safety is a bit stiff, usually that is something that will break in/wear in over time, but someone with actual experience with this firearm would have to chime in.

I have only ever heard good things about the P238 though…


This is the internet, everyone is an expert. LOL I have carried a 238 in the past. No problem with printing as it’s quite small. I have a 938 in my rotation now (virtually the same but 9mm) I find it very handy to carry but not so much fun to shoot a lot. If you’re willing to learn the safety and take time to train with it they are a reliable solid pistol.


Hi yes I was told at the range people criticize themselves too much on printing. My problem is I put on a t-shirt for example and it’s not tight fitting and I either have the pistol in the sticky holster iwb or inside a band. It prints just standing there that is the stock prints. I don’t know maybe I am doing something incorrectly. I want to carry at 11:00. I am right handed and feel most comfortable with a Cross draw. I’m just thinking with the p238 I shouldn’t have that issue because the stock on the p365 is fairly fat. Thanks for your input






Okay thanks. What I am using is sticky holster which was recommended by an instructor at the range. Do you have a better holster you would recommend appendix carry? but I don’t want to have to wear a belt.



I’d suggest maybe you put “woman” or “female” in the title (you should be able to edit) to attract some more answers, I think everyone here who has replied is male :laughing:

Without a belt, what is holding the holster in place?

I am guessing when you say the “stock” prints, you mean the grip? With a belt and a dedicated AIWB holster those usually come with a “claw” or “wing” that helps push the grip back towards the body by leveraging against the belt. If you don’t have a belt, then the firearm needs to be placed in such a way that it fits against your natural curves, nooks, crannies and that will likely not be along your waistline.

I have a friend who uses a belly band (I dont know the brand but I can find out) and IIRC the firearm is approximately 2o’clock but way higher than the waistline. If she places the firearm along the waistline the grip pokes out and also gets “tip out” where the top of the firearm leans vertical or slightly forward while the body tapers backwards (those of us with “tactical tummies” suffer the same).

These two ladies run a podcast here → http://notyouraveragegungirls.com/ and run the following companies:

You might also have a look through these threads:


I must admit, I really dont worry about printing very much. I do worry about it being totally concealed. As long as the gun itself is not seen, I am good. I do try to conceal, but dont labor over it.

There are lots of nice lose shirts you can wear to cover a print in a pocket. Actually several nice shirts that have great concealment pockets.
Wear lose clothing, at least outer clothing.

To be honest, not trying to get myself banned, but if you have boobs I think you have a huge advantage when concealing. If you wear lose clothing as I suggested you just have all that more advantage. Curves and draping are your friend if trying to conceal.

I will say again, I dont try hard to conceal. I want my firearm secure where it wont fall off of me, and I am cautious that all parts of the weapon are covered, but I have never had anyone ask me if I was carrying. I suppose those who carry may notice and dont care, and those who do not carry just dont have a clue.


Okay thanks for that. Yes women that have big boobs do have an advantage. I do not have that advantage LOL.



511 makes some womens CCW shirts https://www.511tactical.com/womens/womens-shirts.html
Also, seems to me, with a womans anatomy kidney carry would a good option. Just guessing mind you.


Just an aside, I used to live in Flower Mound a bit North of Dallas. Did most of the shooting on our property but sometimes went to the Elm Fork Shooting Range. Used to be a really nice place to shoot. Back then it cost around $5.00 a day to use the range, sure it must have gone up.


Yes it is gone up! It is $25 an hour in San Antonio unless you go on LTC day or ladies day and then it’s half price . I used to live in Coppell by the way. That place has changed dramatically since I live there.


Thank you for the information! Yeah appendix Carry makes the most sense to me! :grin:


I had the 238, and switched to the 938. No appreciable difference in recoil/control, more powerful cartridge, and (in the day) 9mm was readily available and cheaper than 380.
I’d recommend shooting both before you decide. My wife’s carry is the 938 with a laser.