What is your EDC?

Agreed. And I’m now afraid that I will be trying and adding a MC 9 Prime to my “Canik Collection” (SFT & TTI), when it becomes available…!

Darn @ZoldFrog and @Gary_H !

:wink: :+1: :+1:


Thank me, you’re welcome. lol


As far as the grip on a G43, I put a Hogue slip on that improved the grip feel without adding too much to your width.


I’ll look into that. Thank you for the tip.

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Really have no interest in the GX platform. I’m not into the newest and shiniest. What I have works for me. Fit my hand well and aim naturally. As accurate as I can shoot them. Plenty of capacity if I make my shots count.

I have other handguns for pocket carry but the G’s are my edc.

Wouldn’t mind a TX for plinking though.


Sorry, you are correct about Sig V Crown and Fed Hyrda Shock :sleeping: :woozy_face: :yawning_face: :rofl: I must have been dosing off and got all mixed up, but nonetheless, I do use both of them. :laughing: Good catch! Fixed it! :+1:

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This is why I’m considering the CR920X. 15 rounds in a footprint almost the exact same as my 43x, without having to go aftermarket.


I had the 920P, good pistol but the X is what I really wanted. The grip is too short on the regular model for my hands.
It became a trade in for my C’24


Just don’t opt for the Combat or Elite models, it’s all for show, the Foundation models are just as good for $300 less.
I have owned all 3 tiers, the comp is the only part that I would get


Yeah, I don’t need/want the comp.

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That is my current EDC. Sometimes I switch out depending on my mood or situation.


Whatcha got in here? :grinning:

I’m surprised you aren’t carrying the CSX


I do carry the CSX sometimes. I am thinking about hitting the range tomorrow and bring all my CCW guns. The leather wallet is my retired LEO ID and badge holder.


Looks like a safety pin.


Words a guy never wants to hear.


My proffered edc is Sig P365 X with Wilson Combat grip and Romeo X. Love this gun. Fits my hand and I am as accurate with pistol as I am with any of handguns. 12+ 1 and 3.7” barrel yet very concealable. I carry extra 12 ⎌rounds plus have 2 17 rounders.

I use the LCP in the summer when concealing the 365 is more difficult or when I want to deep conceal. Shorts and a tank top, no problem. I usually carry as 7+1 and carry extra 6. I can carry this anywhere and not even feel it It’s surprisingly accurate out to 10 yards but it is not fun to shoot. I can get it into action quickly from apex or pocket After 2 magazines I’ve had enough. So not a range gun but good at what I have it for. Here the are in the staging vault in my office.


Psa micro dagger depends though on how I feel
C-2 or apex centurion, or 320 compact carry but I want to upgrade the internals


RUGER SP101 .357

This is my EDC for a lot of reasons, and the only modification I made was swapping out the grip with a Hogue rubber monogrip for better accuracy.

  1. Size - With a 2.25" barrel it’s easy to conceal.
  2. Double-action - I’ve never felt comfortable walking around with a chambered pistol and I feel the double-action is the best of both worlds; it’s already chambered but requires a serious pull to discharge so it’s ready in a second if I ever need to defend myself.
  3. Power - I carry .357 magnum jacketed hollow points for stopping power.


My preferred carry is my 4.25" barrel, double-stack 9mm Remington Recon Commander. It is my preferred simply because I shoot far more accurately with it than any other handgun. My carry ammunition is 124 grain Remington Golden Sabres. Even though it is more uncomfortable to carry in an IWB holster than a pocket gun, I put up with the discomfort except during those days in Houston, TX, when it is just too hot for even the lightest covering garment. Then I carry an SCCY CPX-2 in a pocket holster, again loaded with 124 grain Remington Golden Sabres. Once I got the bugs out of the SCCY and retrained my trigger finger for a 12 pound pull, I found it was accurate enough for self-defense and absolutely reliable,


Is your EDC 100% reliable