Threats of Arson and Violence in the wake of the election

Free speech is is truly a wonderful thing, however foolish is still foolish. Dont write white power on your vehicle & drive through compton


Probably wouldn’t get much different results than being white and driving through Compton, these days.

Nothing against the good folks in Compton, just pointing out that hatred/prejudice/racism is a universal occurrence that ALL people need to fight hard to overcome.


True just talking about foolish


Does anyone else find it interesting that a man who fights to preserve our nation, our economy, and our rights is now referred to as a “far right?” Preserving our nation is a bad thing? Bringing manufacturing back to the U.S. and cutting taxes is “far right,” so it is bad?

Even our conversation on this topic shows how our thoughts have been altered to the point that the nation that I was born into has become a bad one. We have forgotten how our nation became a magnet to all the oppressed in this world - by offering people the liberty to pursue happiness. Now, we find that the national culture has been so indoctrinated that it is viewed as a nation that needs sweeping reform to submit itself to the policies of socialist and ultimately communism.

“For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor that the protected will never know.”


And remember, you have to shoot the bad guy in the leg so you best be a expert marksman at shooting kneecaps.


I am reminded of that Who Song “Wont be Fooled Again”: And the men who spurned us on, will sit in judgement of our wrongs. They decide and the shotgun sings the song.
These clowns will be put against the wall by the communists when the clowns start to realize that this isnt the Social Revolution they expect and push for another one. They will be deemed 'Counter-Revolutionary" and shot or thrown in prison. Like the Nazi Brown Shirts they are willing pawns who are too stupid to see their fate.


NO! You shoot to stop the threat for good. He could still pull the trigger

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Passion will continue to rise as we get closer to the elections - and so will the tension. And if the elections aren’t clearly decided within a few days of election day, tensions will rise even higher.

Please do not let that tension change how you interact with people here - constructive, respectful conversations. (More of a preemptive reminder than any sort of chastising here.) We are all in this together.

There is a difference between keeping our opinions to ourselves to avoid in-your-face arguments and keeping our opinions to ourselves out of fear.

I don’t have a yard sign because it won’t sway anyone’s opinion, but I do have well thought out conversations with people one on one because I have a chance to learn from and maybe educate them.

Everyone has a right to their opinion and the right to express their opinion, but does that mean we have to listen to it? :thinking:


But Biden said you can always shoot the baddie in the leg. And he also said just blast off a couple rounds from your scattergun to deter baddies. And Biden is a widely known self defense expert, right?


The brainwashing is working! Who wakes up in the morning and says, “when I grow up, I want to be a communist?”
When they go red, my wife and I go grey!
Keep in mind, if you heard the shot it wasn’t meant for you, the next one is! Of course it will be in your knee from 1000 yards out, average knee size approximately 3” no problem!


40+ years in Washington and richer than when he started… he has some kind of skill…

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If people continue to tolerate the thug’s threats, the threats will only increase. The demands will only increase. The sense of power that these leftist mobs have will grow stronger.

I will strike my colors for no man. Period. This far, no farther. If I see an arm cocked back with a molotav, I see myself and my wife trapped in a burning house. Our lives are in peril.

We all know what to do. You never, ever let a bully terrorize you. Remember, whatever you give up will never be enough for the mob.

Some things are worth dying for. If that is what the enemy presses upon you. Remember this, the enemy has a vote in any outcome. Fly your flag and die on your damn feet like an American.


Now thats funny. Compton is now predominantly Hispanic.

Someone has been reading their history. The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William Shirer?


Huge fan of history. its funny how the Nazis and the Russians pretty much followed the same paths after their taking of power. Those who do not remember history s doomed to repeat it.


Not just the Nazis, and Russians, Chairman Mao in China, Pol Pot in Cambodia, Chavez in Venezuela, Castro in Cuba, Khomeini in Iran, The the list goes on and on and on…

The people of those countries went along with the revolutionaries, and became ‘grey men’… and we have seen the results.


My biggest fear is that Biden/harris gets into office and they start the tax on guns and high cap mags. Which could be done thru cross checking IRS and ATF forms. If you have a AR, AK or anything similar then they will ask garnish wages thru the IRS unless you provide proof you dont have the weapon anymore. And dont think they have a plan in place. With all the computers it wouldnt be that hard to do. And then we have a Prague spring type of uprising.


Unfortunately all my guns have been lost due to a terrible boating incident. I would not doubt a Biden/Harris administration would not use the IRS to go after those who opposed them like Obama’s administration did to conservative groups for retribution. What is good and bad at the same time is our Congress is so dysfunctional that there is no chance the second amendment will be repealed. Much less 38 states approving of the removal as well. I can’t tell if the Democrats are spreading fear about the gun confiscation for real or is it just to sale more guns. Obama was the greatest gun salesman I have ever seen. I doubt Biden could do anything other than spread fear and create more happy gun owners.


Never having made or lit a molotov cocktail before, I would expect that once lit, you only have a limited amount of time to throw it. With that in mind, wouldn’t someone carrying one that is lit present an imminent threat? Particularly if they’re on your property, they’re either going to be throwing it at your house or a neighbor’s.