My First Target

Because my CCW instructor and others kept saying how well I did for a beginner shooting my new gun for the first time, I wanna show you all it.

My first shot was to the head, because the instructor didn’t specify to me where to shoot. He wanted them all in the belly, so I finished of my magazine there. Then, the first shot with the next magazine is that crotch shot. The instructor said I was over compensating or anticipating the recoil with that shot - not sure how he deduced that though. I like to think that I just wanted to add some insult to injury to the already dead guy ;).

We were only 15 feet away from the targets and I was using my new Walther CCP 9mm.


That’s petty nice shooting. Congrats ! I’ve been always admiring people finding their skills !
Your result reminds me my younger son’s first shooting. He did the same (without extra crotch shot :joy:) with Walther PPQ :+1:
I bet you can do the same shooting at 30 ft ! :crossed_fingers:

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I should have turned to the instructor and played it cool by saying “Nah, that was intentional” and went about my business with the rest of the shots. I’ll remember that excuse for next time I over compensate, or whatever, lol.


:joy: … and blow the smoke away from the muzzle…:wink:


That’s your first target? That’s truly amazing.

Some people just have a knack. I have a friend whose wife was handed a gun while some people were out shooting, she proceeded to shatter five glass bottles in five shots the first time she handled a weapon.

I, on the other hand, do not have that knack. My groups have been literally all over the left side of my targets until very recently. I got the iTarget pro app on my phone, and that seems to have seriously improved my shooting. If yours improves to the same extent mine did, you might have to take up competition shooting!


It’s currently on the front of our fridge. If I had some little gold stars, I’d put one on it.

I’m excited to go to an indoor range on Tuesday. I’ll see if I’m just naturally talented, or just had some dumb luck in that class. But honestly though, we were crazy close to the targets and I did take my time with each shot.

So, you’ve got a work to do on Tuesday :slightly_smiling_face:

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Nicely Done!

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My first? Not gonna lie… I missed every shot in two mags, ha! That was the first time I shot solo. Apparently I did well enough during the CCW class but I was totally anticipating the recoil on my first time shooing solo with a rented M&P.


:joy: As we can see you didn’t give up :+1::ok_hand:

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Well if you don’t tell them the order of the shot’s you have a perfect “BallzAmbique” target. One to the crotch, on in the middle and one in the head :rofl::rofl: Nicely done for your first range trip!!!



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Excellent! You’re ready to go faster or greater distance or both.


When you are watching someone, it’s very easy to see the anticipation of recoil. It’s also very typical if you have 1 low shot that it’s anticipation.

Ask me how I know!

Keep up the good shooting.



Hmmm. I know this as well… :sweat_smile:

Okay then, how do you know?

Hopefully @Sneezy haven’t shot somebody’s crotch :flushed:

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Been there, shot that low. Had some less than stellar learning days. I learned from it though.


^^^^^ There you go!

No matter where one may start(Just Practice) in which that was pretty good! I would have assumed t was not your first time.

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Some tactical courses of fire include shots to the pelvic girdle first, then working up to center mass, and finishing with head shots. Search for Tim Kennedy (Sheepdog Response) and Craig Douglas (Shivworks) as interviewed by John Lovell (Warrior Poet Society). I think Kevin M has also done some Into the Fray episodes on extremely close range encounters as well. In this case, however, I would venture to say you probably anticipated the shot and dipped the muzzle trying to get that last 10% on the trigger (TeeHee).

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Well, my husband and I went to an indoor range today. I did about the same as I did last time, and he did just as well as I did. Could it just be that the gun is helping us do better than average? It’s advertised to not have much recoil.

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