How much equipment do you keep on hand?

I’ll take a que from Skeeter Skelton—a fully loaded handgun plus three magazines/speed loaders.
If I have to go light, only one reload.

I’m not sure what the OP means by “placement.”


When the ideas of equipment on hand come up. Along with the firearm of choice, I include my get home bag that is set up for the time of year. :us: There were some videos from Survival Summit awhile back that I found interesting: us

                                                                            Have a great day
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This what I believe he meant. :thinking:

Staging loaded magazines - Self-Defense / Gun Safety & Storage - USCCA Community (

CCMW question: “bedside” gun (and staging method) - Guns & Gear - USCCA Community (

Staging home defense weapon/ammo? - Firearm Training - USCCA Community (