YOU need to VOTE!

Les, I almost forgot one of the biggest things regarding Trump that applies to all of US, the members of USCCA. There is absolutely NO OTHER PRESIDENT in History, outside of Jefferson, that as strong a supporter of our wonderful SECOND AMMENDMENT, of which we wouldnt all be here together for these conversations!! He has A+rating from the NRA as contradicted by the member in all his Lack Of Knowldege who said Obomba, and Clinton weren’t after our guns! The ONLY REASON Obummer wasnt able to achieve his goal.of confiscation is the unstoppable force of the fantastic job the NRA does, 120 million of US and fantastic organizations like USCCA who bring us together keep us informed and work to stand up for our inalienable, GOD GIVEN RIGHTS Without Trump oir chances would dwindle.

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True, All True !

Before the Obummer years I would Never have believed that what we are experiencing Now could even be Possible in the United States​:confounded::cry:

Take Care!



Amen to that! You stay safe!

Sorta Funny - I’m now Permanently Banned from reddit r/politics 'cause I am “Constantly Trolling & Posting Inflaming Rhetoric” Guess LeftWing Commies don’t like having Truth shoved Up their

Ass,Ah,(Noses​:thinking:) ! I replied with the following message " :fu: " So I think I’m about to be Banned

from "BlueIt":sleepy: I’m SO Sad​:rofl:


That’s typical and par for the course! They can say whatever they want regardless of how backwards and blatantly everything that’s against our democracy, such as our FIRST AMENDMENT!! Funny, no Very Sad and highly ironic that you voicing your personal opinion on a “supposed” pro 2nd ammendment blog wouldnt be allowed because it tends to speak out against the left who are Always bad mouthing the right without any interference. Guess theres getting to be no hope anywhere anymore! Mayne we keep our comments to things like how we did at the range with various guns and how we keep records of all our range visits at different distances, what ammo, how we were feeling that day and what we were wearing so we can reference our improvements? Uh, I go to the range and if I was shooting tighter groups than the last time, I know I’m doing better! No need to document every little nuance. And that’s why I’ve always hated getting involved with these kinda threads. Anyhow, easy buddy and good luck. I think I’ll just stick to other areas where you don’t get penalized for your opinion.

Michael You said it pretty well.

I’m an Old Guy now & if I reach Lincoln’s

“Four Score & Ten” I’ll Really be Astounded since

I have So MANY 4 letter problems (:>}

PTSD, COPD as well as Agent O & Malaria Relapses.

Since I’ve reached the ripe Old Age of 72 I really shouldn’t complain But have a Son & GrandKids &

It makes me sick at what they’ll face in next 40 years and Beyond.

The DemonCraps will, in my opinion, completely Destroy the Constitution & OUR Country will be another Russia, China, Iraq etc.

You Take Care Buddy


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I very much intend to vote. I voted already in the primary and will do so again in November.


This is what is happening in Wisconsin RIGHT NOW!


*** UPDATED 2:09 p.m. – Governor Evers’ Executive Order is currently being challenged. Berlin Journal Newspapers is monitoring the situation and will post updates when available.

*** ORIGINAL POST – April 6, 12:51 p.m.

This just in to the Berlin Journal Newspapers’ newsroom, Gov. Evers has signed Executive Order #74, which suspends in-person voting, and calls Wisconsin Legislature into Special Session on April 7 Election.

Following in the full release:

MADISON – Gov. Tony Evers, in the absence of legislative action, today signed Executive Order #74, suspending in-person voting for the April 7 spring election, moving in-person voting to June 9, 2020. The order also directs the Legislature to meet in special session on Tues., April 7, 2020 to address the election date. If the Legislature does not enact legislation to change the new election date, in-person voting will occur on June 9, 2020.

“Today, I signed an executive order suspending in-person voting for tomorrow’s election. Frankly, there’s no good answer to this problem—I wish it were easy. I have been asking everyone to do their part to help keep our families, our neighbors, and our communities safe, and I had hoped that the Legislature would do its part—just as the rest of us are—to help keep people healthy and safe,” said Gov. Evers. “But as municipalities are consolidating polling locations, and absent legislative or court action, I cannot in good conscience stand by and do nothing. The bottom line is that I have an obligation to keep people safe, and that’s why I signed this executive order today.”

All ballots already cast in the 2020 Spring election will remain valid and will be tallied in conjunction with the new in-person voting date.

Something tells me this could get really ugly if not handled VERY carefully.

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MADISON - The Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstated Tuesday’s election Monday, five hours after Democratic Gov. Tony Evers called it off because of the widening coronavirus pandemic.

Link to whole story


I wanted to vote for her but she will not be on our ballot. I just liked that she was different. But differences cannot be tolerated. It was amazing to watch how the party shut her out. That should be a civics lesson for anyone who thought the parties had anything to do with fairness or democracy.

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In IL this Fall 2020, two polling questions on the ballot include:

  • “If those with higher incomes should be taxed higher”

  • “Should the State of Illinois restrict the sale or possession of firearms that have been defined as assault weapons or of magazines that can hold more than a certain number of rounds of ammunition”

Higher income people Are already taxed higher.
Illinois is basically an anti-2A state & getting worse
Probably having a lot to do with the Horrible mayor of
Chicago (queer Lori lightweight) who blames every state
Around IL for her city’s gun & murder problems.
Sadly the rest of IL seems unable to do anything different
than what IT & IT’s Ilk push in Chicago.

I’ve done my due diligence on the provenance of guns used in crimes in Chicago using Chicago’s own database. Their are 2 stores in suburban Cook County that sell more guns used in crimes than the next 3 biggest contributors if you take the entirety of each states sales.

Just another " DON’T LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN, FOR I AM THE GREAT DAY AND POWERFUL OZ". Wants to blame anyone for their own incompetence than themselves.

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Without all the fanfare i vote in every election, have ever since i could, even in the rice paties of Vietnam, the planes of Spain, ect. Stay Alert Don’t Get Hurt. :cowboy_hat_face::cactus::statue_of_liberty::desert::sun_with_face::dart::sunglasses::us_outlying_islands::+1:


Me, too, and as I was living in Democratically controlled NYS, likely since I was born, and still am, 30 years after leaving… :sunglasses:

It’s not about who votes, or how many vote, it’s about who COUNTS the votes.
If we don’t do something about this, it doesn’t matter.

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