Why Dads Should Be Dangerous

That is indeed unfortunate, most likely due to not being taught how to safely handle firearms - that or not being taught not to touch them. When I was a kid, my father had his firearms in an unlocked gun cabinet with the ammo in boxes on top of it. We knew that if we touched them while he was not there, it was not the firearm that we would be in fear of, but we also knew firearm safety - taught so young, I can’t recall not ever knowing.


Same with me. If you touched it Dad would have killed us. He knew things in the garage that were moved even an inch one way.

Although my Dad never really taught us gun safety. I watched a ton of westerns and war movies but I new my Dad had guns, I just never had an inkling to ever touch them or go looking for them either.


Same. We got tired of the “don’t touch my guns while I’m away speech.” But we had a ton of fun and great memories of shooting those guns with dad. And we knew how to use them in the gravest extreme.


The stupidity dumbfounds me in what Kalifornias continue to vote for. Guess they just dont understand the criminal mind.


The forest fires are actually the illegal pot fields burning. I believe that is a far more believable reason for their immense stupidity regarding criminals and firearm laws. :sunglasses:

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ALMOST made you cry?

Need to have this conversation with my adult Bonus Daughter who lives at home, when she would be in a mindset to hear and consider the things on my heart. There is a nearly silent debate when it comes to the need for firearms to begin with…


Has she shot a gun before? If not take her to the range…with a 22…bet she’d enjoy it with her Pops!!!

Then you might get a 2 for one deal. Enjoy it with her and maybe change her outlook on guns!?!?!?!?!


Yeah, they are all constantly high!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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… My Bonus Daughter… I’m doing good when she uses my first name at least once a day - it is frequently “hey” or “here”, I have yet to hear her describe me as “step dad” instead of “mom’s husband”… but all in all, our relationship is growing in depth and width and I’m at least content with her slow but steady acceptance of me into her life.

and … my 22lr is the adaptor BCG for my sporting rifle, which she has softly [while boldly] rhetorically asked why there is a need for anyone to have an assault rifle… and there seems to be little room for me to invite her into any of my spheres which doesn’t include her mom and working out. For the moment, the suggestion to take her shooting is wildly off the table :confused: besides, “she has already gone shooting it before”


Yeah, I feel ya there on the step dad thing…although Ive been luckier as my two step kids call me Dad…as their Dad was a dusche.

To bad your step daughter cant see the light to protecting ones self. I guess some will never change. My ex-wife was the same way…I guess thats why she is an X now!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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How old is your “bonus daughter”? Unfortunately, early intervention is the best medicine, but some can learn later with enough ointment. :sunglasses:

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That is scary. I hope she knows guns are for saving the lives of innocent people.

My bonus daughter is in her early 20’s.

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… … … I pray she knows this also… … … which is part of hearing from the Lord when the right time is, a moment where she can both emotional hear and comprehend, to have the conversation of my FIERCE Love for her mom and her and her grandpa, and that it is my desire and intention to protect their lives to the most and best of my ability and capability!


That is a tough one. I pray she can; sooner rather than later.