Brother, I can and DID keep it to just that (Two) times.
(and I didn’t have the USCCA to watch my back then).
The next time (and there WILL BE A NEXT TIME SOON)
We will ALL be in the Sh!t!
Won’t need a Police Investigation to navigate
It will be WAR on our own Soil.
You don’t have (7) MILLION INVADERS just go ‘POOF!’ man.
Everyone with a firearm will have to get some skin in the game
for us to remain United States!
Homicide is a broad term for any killing of a human by another human, which can be lawful or unlawful.
Murder, on the other hand, is a specific type of unlawful homicide where someone intentionally kills another person with the intention to harm beforehand.
That right there, is my kryptonite. I have Addison’s. It’s an Adrenal disorder. I produce Adrenaline just fine. My body does not produce the steroidal chemicals to calm that production afterwards. So I’m like a high speed engine stuck going full out in an Adrenal Crisis until I can…
A) Get my/a shot of corticosteroids and that will bring me out of the danger zone of that crisis.
B) I drop into a coma which can cause my death or with the right care. I eventually recover.
It’s happened to me several times. It can happen immediately or even over days if I subject myself to low order stressors. One of my worst was 12/19/18. Ive talked about it here you can search that date and read a more detailed version. Short version was my daughter got caught between a few gang bangers while driving home for Christmas, who started shooting at each other through her car. I went and rescued her, I was furious that I got there before the Police Department, but I assessed her physically (1 round passed so close she got a friction burn, literally a friction burn) and I got her to the Hospital. She had to have eye surgery to get the glass removed from her eyes. From the accumulation of stressors. I dropped. Four days later I woke up 2 days after Christmas (I’ve had 4 multiple day comas) I was undiagnosed at that point, so I didn’t have medications.
So I keep ruthless control of my emotional state, or at least as much as I can. But that is one of my biggest fears. Having to defend myself or another innocent. Then the adrenaline aftermath. So, my order of response is different than most. As getting my Corticosteroid shot is my #1 priority. I’m no good to anyone if I am dead or in a coma.
Edit: Punctuation, spelling, and added a descriptive literally and
I take daily doses of steroids just to cope with the day to day stressors from minor to major. Something as silly as I get to hot to I fell down.
I know Brother and I’m sorry.
I hope none of this nasty sh!t happens (to any of us).
I have PTS/Anxiety from you know ‘the thingy’ in '93
I keep myself ruthlessly calm, How? By applying humor
(sometimes twisted/inappropriate humor)
I think I said before I have a picture of me in full Battle Rattle
standing with my foot on an insurgents chest grinning like
I just planted the Flag on Everest. (it’s a great shot!) but I can’t post
it here because of a diplomat (clearly recognizable puking his guts out in the background (Priceless!) I have a 16x20" blow up of it in my War room.
(available for a nominal fee on my website SickSh! (KnowhatImean?)
This is why when/If I have another shoot I am telling the dispatcher I need (2) buses.
One for da dead dude and one for me. (JIC) I’ve been in so many hairy situations my
body is unpredictable and I’d like to be under a doctor’s care for oh say (48) hours
just like da Poe Poe.
Take good care Z, I am pulling for you my Brother. Stay Frosty.
Don. 102 Brother I . Think. About when is. This . ILLEGAL ENTRY.!!! In to our country. Going. To. BITE. Every day citizens. Right in the AZZ. Seriously. And the criminals who have entered our country illegally. Are knocking on our doors and windows.??? That’s the . Very LAST STRAW. And in some states that’s is happening. High speed chase down the highway. ILLEGAL . Invasion from across the border. With Canada. MÉXICO . It’s just . Starting. I don’t have psd . Or anything . I. Am the only sane one here. I know . I . Know. I am just . That kool. Here’s a. Root beer. just. Stay calm. KAZ we are all going .to. WTF. Woohoo stay sharp. Love Bobby jean. . Debbie ann said . . Well I just gave her the fifth amendment . Humor . In sad times . Love Bobby jean .
Brothers. Keep your hands and. Heads in the . Vehicle while . Daddy is driving. Here’s ya a root beer and for peats sake be nice. their. All better . Now. Pass the ammunition. Stay sharp. Love Bobby jean . &. Debbie ann . Put them middle fingers down . Sip your root beer . Ok. Boring. Insult. Someone already. Humor.
Ted64 Brother the kind that is wet. . The sign of the times . My Brother. Only . Buy. The GOOD . Ammunition. And settle for the wet. Root beer. . A&W. Is cheap around here. . Wet. Works. Every time. Love Bobby jean.&. Debbie ann
[quote=“BobbyJean, post:47, topic:106314, full:true”]
Don. 102 Brother I . Think. About when is. This . ILLEGAL ENTRY.!!! In to our country. Going. To. BITE. Every day citizens. Right in the AZZ. Seriously. And the criminals who have entered our country illegally. Are knocking on our doors and windows.??? That’s the . Very LAST STRAW. And in some states that’s is happening. High speed chase down the highway. ILLEGAL . Invasion from across the border. With Canada. MÉXICO . It’s just . Starting. I don’t have psd . Or anything . I. Am the only sane one here. I know . I . Know. I am just . That kool. Here’s a. Root beer. just. Stay calm. KAZ we are all going .to. WTF. Woohoo stay sharp. Love Bobby jean. . Debbie ann said . . Well I just gave her the fifth amendment . Humor . In sad times . Love Bobby jean . forever.