What's With US And Israel Getting Their Butts Kicked?

Perhaps the most bizarre response to anything I’ve ever seen.

Ya know, ask a bizarre question, get a bizarre answer. We weren’t talking about democracy. We were talking about news. Perhaps you are old enough to remember GIGO. Garbage in garbage out. IDK if we still use that expression.
Garbage in, garbage out, or GIGO, refers to the idea that in any system, the quality of output is determined by the quality of the input . For example, if a mathematical equation is improperly stated, the answer is unlikely to be correct.

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My point precisely.

Thanks for the emphasis.

Now you can go drip yourself dry.

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What’s up with this? Scrolling down threads I see more comments saying (x) hidden and it’s getting into the double digits.

I was going to say


I am the most bizarre person you ever met.

As far as I know Israel is kicking the doggy doo out of those Hammas and Iranians.They have killed almost all of their leaders and their Iron Done has taken care of a heck of a lot of the 180+ missles Iran fired there on the first night of it. My God they or Israel are one little country surrounded by people who wanna kill them all, I think they are doing great


Oh and I almost forgot just wait till they retaliate for those missle strikes , that is really gonna be something!


Sounds like you’re “ movin on up” lol To a de-lux apartment in the sky! Lol

Yer another one of those kids who makes me wonder what you been drinkin’, smokin’ and swallowin’.

If you’re talking to me I’m not a f’ing kid I’m in my mid 60s d bag

Ah! So, you’re not a kid, but an ol’ decrepit in his dotage. That explains a few things even better.

I guess I don’t get it there Ted

Anywhere but those!

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I’ve had some interesting conversations with a buddy who used to design war plans for global scenarios against our enemies. He’s retired now. His assessment was, if truly unleashes, there is NO war the USA Military can’t win DECISIVELY, in one week. Period.

The problem is the “unleashed” part. Wars are waged by politicians, not warriors…


I think Biden personally has issues with BB. I think he hates him.

BB has ignited the wrath of every fighting man in the region from top to bottom. All eyes and every gun is now aimed at Israel.

Perhaps this little UN speech is advising the Israelis to back off a bit. Perhaps US has figured out escalating could lead to another long, ten year war and/or a nuclear war.

Attacking Iran is one thing, but attacking Iran means getting Russia and China involved in the fighting. This means global war.

It would be reasonable to try and avoid that.

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Agreed wars should be fought by the warriors – else not fought at all.

And the war should be quick and decisive. Nothing less than the enemy’s unconditional surrender will do.

Kill anyone who resists until complete surrender or victory is acheived.


If that means what it says, I couldn’t agree more.:+1:
The big challenge, everybody doesn’t agree or they don’t know what it means.:cry:

In the 20th Century, this business of policing instead of warring and soldiering became the norm.

Now that we are well into the 21st Century, this business continues unabated.

And business is the reason for this nonsense.

Wars are not meant to be won, but sustained so the giant corporations who control our government can keep raking in vast profits with no interruptions.

War should never be for business, for making money. It is only in the interests of Self-defense we should go to war.

Marine Smedley Darlington Butler (twice decorated with the Congressional Medal of Honor while still living) wrote a perfect little essay on this scam, called, “War Is A Racket”. It’s a great read.

President Eisenhower also tried to warn us of the Military Industrial Complex in his farewell speech to the American people when his time as president was up.

Of course, nobody’s listened and nobody’s listening to them still.

And here we are.

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PBS, ABC, and The Economist. I find these to be the least biased. does anyone else have some others.

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