What's With US And Israel Getting Their Butts Kicked?

I thought Israel was Iron Dome, Super-Duper Untouchable!

How is it a bunch of Houthis got y’all kicked out of the Red Sea and are kickin’ yer butts?

No mo’ Israel no mo’. Looks like.


Nothing happened as far as I know

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“Nothing happened”, eh?



Are they using Hypersonic missiles or no? Heard the Dome cant stop those… neither can we (reliably atleast) at the moment. But as far as iv heard, (whether true or not, cant be positive) this administration gave a stand down order to the Navy over there, even if we are attacked


His sunglasses work a lil too well :man_shrugging:t2::roll_eyes:


Not surprised by any of it.

Yes, Iran’s hypersonics are smashing Israel to bits over the last few days. Nothing IDF can do to stop it.

I suppose the Resistance wants to bang them up real good today, given that it’s the first anniversary of the Oct. 7 2023 attack.

Happily i even had a muslim co-worker talkin ■■■■ bout the Palestinian protests that was supposed to be at my work today (i work at a university)… she still sides with them… but said anyone protesting TODAY is just celebrating terrorism. Kinda made my day. Lol


I’ve no sympathy nor support for any of them over there.

I want our government to start taking care of us, like they’re supposed to!

Let them all kill each other and we’ll buy the gas from the winner!

Look at the hurricanes! They’re doing next to nothing about them, indeed the FEMA workers are telling citizens they can’t rescue other people! It got so bad in NC, the State had to issue a decree: any FEMA or other Federal trying to prevent citizens from rescuing others – will be arrested on sight!

And then you got illustrious Lindsey Graham on the horn, saying, “To hell with the American people! Look what’s happening in Israel! We gotta help our friends in Israel!”


There is a war going on.

Yes. Most are quite aware of that fact.


That is what happens when there is a war. People get their but kicked. Israel is doing a lot of but kicking. That is the nature of war. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Oh, they are, are they?

Where do you get your news?

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Ah! No wonder everything’s so f*cked up!

All the good men are beating their meat somewhere, doing nothing. Maybe they’re tired and need a break.

So that’s how the evil won! I never woulda guessed.

This must be one of those times in history when we are suffering from the weak men making bad times.

Whereas… Weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make bad times, bad times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men… So this true story goes.


Oh yes we can! Someone just has to have a set of balls!
We all know this administration is castrated!


Good times won’t make weak men if we keep trying to do better. If we keep fighting to do better. Giving up makes weak men. Good men don’t stop trying to do better.

The good times are all over now. The weak men are at the helm.

Time and chance will deal with all the weak men we have here.

Then the strong will return.

Not before.

Brace yourself. It’s gonna get rough soon, like nothing you’ve ever seen.


Should be a time of our own choosing!

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Yeah, well, not this time. Trouble will find you. No matter who. No matter where.

We’ve arrived.

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Who’s WE :question: