What's With US And Israel Getting Their Butts Kicked?

The whole world.

Yes, including United States Corporation.


We’re no longer needed. So we gotta go.


U saying by hitting them first? Cuz Trident definitely an offensive system


They are no longer needed. We are needed. We have to see the light . Stop complaining and be the light. My 2¢.

Who’re we :question: :question:

I continue to be amazed by Ted64. He post things are so detached from reality that it’s stunning.

I’m interested where he gets this stuff. I can tell you it not from any source I read daily. That includes Fox, CNN, broadcast networks, MSN and others.

He should not be banned because that would just play into his paranoia. But he should be ignored that is the way to handle someone like this.


It could have been different if we had a Commander in chief instead of some XXXXXXXXX.


Coulda, shoulda, woulda.

Vote harder next time. Lol.

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You actually listen to this sh*t?

Where do you get your news?

Ugh! You’re listening to that crap, too. Yikes.

Yeah. I think I can discern it. I get a lot of news from this forum. I get a lot of news from FDD Foundation for Defense of Democracy. Everything has to be taken with a grain of salt.

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Why do you choose to defend democracy?

Israel is our only ally. Unfortunately it’s gotten to secular the last few years and maybe they’ve gotten lax on their security. If our nation were under attack I can almost guarantee they’d be the only ones to join our battle. But the non-existent border is the fault of Obama’s vice president taking after him. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


They have a lot of updates on the war in Israel. I am Jewish and Israeli aside from being human and American. how about you? Do you think democracy is worth defending?

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Nifty neato way of avoiding the question.

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Is it avoiding the question? Why? is not a question to me. It is a indication you want to talk about democracy. Do you want to talk about democracy? Foundation for Defense of Democracy is where I get my News.

Right. Then I asked, why do you wish to defend democracy?


You are asking me why again. Why is not a question. It can’t be answered. We can only wonder why. You still haven’t answered, where you get your news? You haven’t answered, do you want to talk about democracy?. This is not supposed to be a one sided conversation. What is the point of having a conversation if you are only going to ask nonsense questions and not get a chance to share. Do you have anything on your mind? I can help you carry the load. That is what the forum is for.

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Absolutely not.

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I get my news strictly from Independent sources not on the government dole.

Aside from that, I enjoy listening to Douglas McGregor, Scott Ritter, Patrick Lancaster, Judge Napolitano. Many others.