What would you do if they come for your guns

I think the Dems are as clueless as the British were when they tried this.

“And” I have yet to find a Cop willing to do this - around here anyway.

This was already tried before, long ago:
Did not work out well for the Powers in Charge at the time.

They went specifically to seize the Continentals Arms.

The battles were fought on April 19, 1775 in Middlesex County, Province of Massachusetts Bay, within the towns of Lexington, Concord,


If they did it the legal way then I would give up any arms I have. If it was not legal then I would resist if I had to and didn’t have anything to lose. None of us has the right to be above the law. If two thirds majority of the state houses or whatever the requirement is, decide to repeal the second amendment, which will never happen, then it is our individual civic duty to comply with the law.

I posted on a similar thread a few months ago, and was promptly ‘taken to the woodshed’ by @dawn, who advised me to delete my post (which I did), so I will just say this…
I am 68 years old with no dependants. I took The Oath at 19. When I joined the USAF. As far as I know, I have not been released from The Oath. The Second Amendment is my ‘Line in the Sand’.


You know @Dawn is just looking out for your legal wellbeing along with your physical wellbeing @Henry_A .
Because we love you and want to keep you :blush::slightly_smiling_face:


I remember that post, @Henry_A. I didn’t want you to get in any legal issues and have that post out there to create some legal hot water for you. :slight_smile: I want you to be safe physically, legally, and electronically.

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Sorry to disagree my friend. The way I read the Declaration of Independence we sometimes have to resist governments when they become too intrusive. Just my opinion. You’re entitled to yours also.


A little ‘loving discipline’ is good for the soul.:blush:

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I will say that moving to a likely more friendly location before confiscation happens is certainly on the table.


One important action that doesn’t seem to get much attention and that is banding together to stop the intrusion of our inalienable rights. A right given by God not man and especially not by a government is being chipped away at by those that don’t care if harm comes your way. The Democrats talking points on gun controls are always political. We scream through social media but we seem to always tuck tail instead of standing up and fighting back. Red flag laws don’t do anything to protect anyone it’s just a smoke screen for politicians to make it look as if they are doing something about mental health. Today without much of a problem you can purchase what ever weapon you want off the street so if you are going to do harm what is stopping them absolutely nothing!


If Virginia legislators pass the Govenor’s proposed legislation, I will transfer my non-compliant firearms to a trusted relative out-of-state. Will not like it but will comply. If this violation of the Constitution doesn’t get worked out in court, I will retire and move to a more amiable state.

I’m still bound by the US Constitutional Oath. I also understand a bit about dynamic entry and clearing a building. If a well trained SWAT team wants to execute a warrant at Oh-Bark-Thirty they have the advantage. If it comes down to it, I would rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6. Know when to pick your battles and how best to control the story. That is why I chose USCCA. (Not a paid advertisement!)


A few days ago, in another article. Somebody mentioned the idea that They have enough information about all of us , that they can just control our bank accounts etc…No need to show up at Any House etc…


Once upon a time brave men and women risked everything, including their lives, to fight for freedom. Transferring your firearms or moving to another state is just kicking the can down the road. Virginia’s rush to the extreme will happen everywhere unless freedom loving people take a stand. I don’t mean to be critical but this is a real threat to our country. We stand against it or we surrender.


Sometimes we do… that’s what Bundy Ranch was about. Like the Bundys or not, approve of their actions or not, people stood in harms way, quite litterally, to defend what they believed mattered.

It may take a bunch of Bundy Ranches before the message gets heard. I hope those stepping into the gap have the fortitude to stand when it gets ugly, and that we have the fortitude to join them in whatever way we can individually serve.


Know when to choose your battles and when to fight to your advantage.


If this battle isn’t worth fighting what is?


Zee absolutely right, seems like we’re always told to choose our battles and then we don’t stand at all. We should be furious with what this government is doing and has done. Yet we never seem to bring anything to bear to stop them other than depending on organizations like the NRA which I am I life member. That isn’t going to get the job done any longer we must pound down the doors on the peoples house and make them understand we the people are the power and the government is to work for us. Until we grow a pair we will be shoved further into a corner. I can’t even fathom what it would be like if every believer of the 2nd amendment showed up in DC it would be the beginning of the end of their disgraceful attempt to disarm the people. One voice one choice!

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@DavidLH1 I agree.

So here’s the deal… put up or shutup… are you in?
I’m contacting someone in the MO legislation today to make sure it’s not happening here. And I’m asking my hubby to as well. Maybe we can get that MO law resurrected.

your move :smiley: who ya gonna call?

Lets DO this thing.

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Poor old Patrick Henry is rolling in his grave. He just heard us say, Give me liberty or I’ll move to another State, or maybe I’ll call my representatives. When does this become real? Maybe when the SWAT team shows up at your door. It will be to late then.


Well I lay claim to ALL of that. SWAT has shown up at my door and landed a helicopter in my yard. Have been involved in a personal gun confiscation fight (family member), in court. Have written and called and showed up in person to talk to my legislators. Have volunteered in several organizations that push the edge of gun legislation back, have given them my money as well as my time. Have converted people one-on-one by taking them to the range.

All that and STILL had to move to another state.

It’s kinda real over here. Right down the road probably less than 40 miles from you.

If you’ve got some task you want to add to my list, bring it on. Let’s see what we can do.


Not really talking about one on one fights that any individual has with the law over gun ownership. I’m referring to the outright grabbing of thousands of firearms and the overnight criminalization of every gun owner who chooses freedom over tyranny. This is the kind of thing that must be resisted in every way. I somehow doubt that the same Democrats who are proposing such outrageous laws are going to be persuaded by letters or phone calls. I’m not trying to hurt anyone’s feelings but this is a bit more serious than any one personal run in with the authorities. Its wholesale denial of rights by one group on another.

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