What are your thoughts on this

Well said and thank you @Erick10

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Classic activist behavior from someone who “regularly announced” his identity as a victim, who as such, can not be questioned and must be believed. Non specific accusations of crimes for which no evidence was ever produced. Finally to give up and “mute the thread” in supposed exasperation for our willful blindness to that which the community, as a whole, was accused. Questions posed with “either or” answer options that box you into a premise that is unannounced and false. Setting up the situation with “questions” phrased in such a way that certain assertions are assumed in advance.

This kind of approach is at best deeply biased, and at worst, flatly dishonest.

Remind anybody of anything?


Perfect summation sir, thank you. I imagine he is still reading, or maybe not, I dont know.

I am proud of our Community. I really dont feel like we are not welcoming as a whole. I just dont think we deserved all of that.


No. We did not.


I probably could have handled it better. The whole tone of it just got to me. I was a bit too combative and snarky. It really upset me to be honest. I confess to loosing my temper for a while.


There was a saying that a Chief used to use all the time and I adopted it when I was in the Navy. “There are only two colors in my Navy, Khaki and Blue.” I have since modified that to 3 colors Khaki, Blue and Camouflage. I could care less what color you are or where you came from if you treat me with respect I will return that gesture and at all times I will treat you with respect out of the gate. From that point on you earn your respect. I am doggone near 53 (22 with 30 years of experience :yum:) years old and if someone gets the door for me at 7-11 I say “Thank you Sir/Ma’am” even if they are obviously much younger or older than I am.

Don’t tell me about White Privilege, I started with nothing and still have most of it left.

This board is one of the most welcoming sites I have ever been to. No one has to be black, white, yellow, red, green or purple. Nobody cares. There are straight, gay, trans and others here. Nobody cares. There are Christians, Jews, Muslims and others. Nobody cares. Nobody is more special than anyone else. If you have a question about firearms, ask it. If you have a question about gun parts, ask it. Carry, Holsters, How to, What if, Big Guns, Pea Shooters, Revolvers, Autos and the real guns 1911’s, ask away.

There is no one here who cares what your race, color or creed is as long as you believe in the 2A and the Constitution after that you call in your own fire. If you want to feel oppressed or triggered, that’s your problem not ours and we will go happily about our way while you eat yourself up with anger. The USCCA phone lines do not discriminate and given a shoot instance they will be there for you black, white, yellow, red, green or grey. You are a member. What you don’t get to do is hyphenate yourself to make you feel more special.

I don’t care if you are black, you didn’t grow up as a slave and no living relative of yours was a slave. Barack Hussein Obama was a black man from a white woman and a black man which meant that neither side black or white wanted him and he became the 44th President of the United States against all that WHITE PRIVILEGE. He served 2 terms. I didn’t like his policies but he was the President and I will always back the President.

What’s your excuse? Single Mom? Abusive Father? No Father? Yeah he had that too. Me: Single Mother. Abusive Step Father. No Father. White Privilege my A$$.

Get over your “offended” and " triggered" self and stand up in the shoes that fit you because nobody really cares until you make something of yourself.




It really pains me to see good people struggle to contain just outrage at a false accusation while trying to respond in kindness and give a person a chance to get the answers they may truly need. Yet the behavior seemed right in line with someone deliberately taking advantage of the situation in order to take shots at people who it is known won’t, and can’t ,respond in kind without savage condemnation. Now maybe that’s not what it was, but if it wasn’t, he should realize that’s sure what it looked like!


You are just the best brother! I am so glad you are with us @Craig6

Bravo Zulu sir!

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All of my guns and holsters are black.

I despise all Marxists, no matter what color they are.

I raised a half black son who wasn’t my blood. My wife is a refugee immigrant to America who came as an adult, became a US citizen, and was disabled in combat fighting to save brown people from other brown people. And I grew up in St. Louis in the 1970s, where I…as “the white boy” was a minority. I’ve cried at the funerals of white, black, yellow, red, and brown brothers and sisters who died while trying to free oppressed people of all races, genders, and persuasions who were total strangers. You want some? I got some!

Take that BS somewhere else. You’re a whiner with an inferiority complex. And the ONLY reason I took any time at all to reply is for the benefit of your intended victims. Your passive-aggressive race baiting isn’t going to fly in this crowd.


Awesome people come in all colors ( etc, etc, etc, ) and so do bad ones. Your not bad, OR GOOD, just because of your ethnicity, I get equally angry at all colors of unjust accusation.

I am beginning to realize with a lot of these people that the worst thing you can say is that you don’t care what color or orientation they are, — that’s NOT what some of them want, many WANT you to care!, because your supposed to feel guilty and start giving, -a lot! maybe just your rights, or happiness with your whiteness, or maybe your whole house!

Thank you @Ken38, for your family’s service to country, and to all those who serve, or served, our country.


People like you…not the same color as you…are very welcome.


As a follow-up, most of the regular posters have replied to you and as you can see, all have condemned racist and bigoted opinions. Secondly, that video you posted is not an NRA video, it was a satirical video pointedly denigrating NRA members as being racist - wholly untrue, especially as many of us, and those who replied to you, are also NRA members.

If your claim has any validity, post links to the threads where you claim members of the USCCA have made bigoted and racist comments. So far you are the only proven racist, and race-baiter. We do not, as the responses show, approve of that behavior - regardless of what category you fence yourself into - that is your issue, and you need to find your way out of that confinement.

We are willing to help you on your path to enlightenment. Anger only serves o hurt you, it gains you nothing, and we will not bend to ameliorate your “feelings”. That’s on your back.


The USCCA Online Community is for anyone looking for information on how to best protect themselves and their loved ones — no matter their sex, age, race or religion.

We do our best to provide a welcoming environment for all and ask that if you see something outside of our Community Guidelines you flag the comment or tag the Moderates so we can address the situation as quickly as possible. With over 20,000 people in the community now, not every comment is seen quickly.

If something is out of line, PLEASE flag it. No one but the Moderators know who flagged a comment.