Tucker Carlson on our civil rights being gutted due to Capitol Hill rioting

sadly…wishful thinking


It absolutely is essential. It has evened the field in many, many cases in the past and has absolutely protected the minority position preventing many laws from passing.
If the rule is changed, I foresee a lot happening and many laws being repealed every time a party controls both houses and the Whitehouse.


You’ve got to kidding me. Take off your blindfold and look what’s happening to this country. This is NOT what I signed up for with USCCA and I’m outta here. Politics have no place in this discussion.

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Welcome to the family brother @Buzz1 and God bless you. BTW opinions are what we are here for and I prefer to stay out of politics but in this forum we have the right to speak about and post about politics. You don’t know me from left field. I read so many posts here and respect what others post all the time. If I don’t like the post I won’t touch it and if I do, I do this👍. If you have a problem with the post PM me sir and we can discuss it.


Most of the threads that involve politics reflect it in The title and are in news/current events/misc categories

It shouldn’t be too hard to skip 'em if they dont intrest you and stick to the ones discussing when to chamber a round, what kind of round to chamber when, and how often to clean.


Yes, @Johnnyq60, your posts have been quite open, and fair-minded, and as you stated, that post isn’t your words, you only re-posted the comment.

I fully agree with that statement.


You are a class act @Johnnyq60


Thank you brother and so are you @Virgil_H :+1::+1:


Yep neutralized the north Koreans so much that Kim Jong Un says North Korea is developing tactical nukes, new warheads and a nuclear-powered submarine.

Remind me what war Obama involved us in.

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And dont forget his greatest accomplishments of almost 400,000 American deaths from COVID and fomenting his followers to attack the capital.

Fellow Americans on this blog. Rather than try to persuade someone to change their minds, perhaps a better approach is to take the time to practice good situational awareness, practice reading the facts of democracy and accept the very fact that we are able to write about these topics without getting sent to prison is because we live in America.
The people that stormed the Capitol were acting as terrorists. When you interfere with the democratic process and try to stop, hurt a person–you are breaking the law. Period. These terrorists knew this, albeit they were pathetic followers and misguided to think they had some rights to assault police and other protectors, they will go to jail.

Study the facts, practice knowing the law and follow principles that are just–not the misguided extremists that lack the courage to think for themselves and find out the truth.

The democrats don’t want to take anybody guns. Read the facts and realize they are working to protect us from factors that can help to reform.



I will never see criminals as animals but I think I have to agree that criminals are stupid. How smart could someone be to rob a hamburger stand at lunch hour? I once saw that happen and the police were on them before they could make it out the door. Really, really faulty decision making, maladaptive. Watching them was just really, really sad. They were obviously tweakers. But I still have to recognize their humanity. We are all deserving of God’s grace.

I guess I assume that when biometric locks exist they will be sufficiently complex to accept more than one set of metrics so me and my wife could both be keyed for the gun. I am not sure that there is a situation where she would pick up a gun. I have to keep working on her for that. I think that as we get older we are increasingly at risk. She is not from the US originally so I am not sure she really understands things.

I also assume that I will be able to temporarily disable the lock so my buddies at the range can shoot my pistols.

Thank you Johnnyq60. God bless you!


God bless you brother @Scott170

Poor word choice. Acting like is what I meant to type. They have a target or task, and if you’re in the way…or the target, you’re mot likely going to reason with them. Add drugs to the equation and it doesn’t get better.


That’s odd. That is not what the Democrats say.


Why do you assume that? If you can disable it, why have it in the first place? Would there be a timer on it to insure it is only temporary? What is the next restriction they put in place?


What about the cost of these types of guns? Does it price out anyone who is living paycheck to paycheck? Will criminals will hack them while people who are barely scraping by will not be able to afford them?


I assume that any electronic device like this has a backdoor built into it, so all biometric locks within certain radius can be disabled by people with right equipment, and no one would be able to use the weapon. I also assume that “right equipment” may be in the hands of criminals.


Michael Bloomberg has already explained that only rich people need guns.