This is the Policing/Court system we are dealing with

After he shoots his own patrol car…

"While the county’s state attorney’s office found no probable cause for criminal charges, the sheriff’s internal affairs investigation determined Hernandez’s use of force was “not objectively reasonable.”

And his partner…?

“Roberts’ use of deadly force was found to be reasonable, and she was exonerated, the report found.”

So when you get arrested and are locked in the back of a cop car they can shoot at you, can you say “Fish in a Barrel”? But Hey, go ahead, cooperate with the police and everything will be just fine???


Know your target and what’s behind it.



Squirrels… it’s what’s for dinner. Those flying bomber squirrels are dangerous.

Amazingly egregious. Just imagine of one of us did anything even remotely similar.


In Kalifornia,
Goodbye, gun ownership and CCW privileges.


I think this is part of the actual video of the incident (below). I support our police, need them, want them, honorable work. But like in most careers or professions, seeking to improve the quality of our work is important. Education, training, even vetting is critical.

Imagine if we saw by video, all the inner workings of nuclear power plants, health care service providers, military, major airlines, we’d see some great secure work, but we’d also see some risks, or sentinel events – that with proper training, can be avoided.

The Video:


We’d be ‘Squirrel Patties’ in the middle of some remote road!
Or hung up by our nuts!

As Maxwell Smart might’ve said “The OLD squirrel acorn falling on the squad car trick!”
(why didn’t I think of that Bang bang!) :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


That comment makes me long for the days of playing w/ Agent ‘69’ ! :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:
would you believe? :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent: :innocent:


But, isn’t this the kind of guy we want to identify and eliminate from Police Service. Reaction to high stress is the name of the Policing Game, if they aren’t able to deal with it maybe they should seek employment elsewhere.


I hear ‘in-and-out’ burger is hiring! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:‘You want fries w/ dat?’ yep, that he could probably handle


In all the psycho babble from the DJ or whatever the guy in the video was, I never did hear whether the unfortunate subject of 30+ rounds of 9mm fire ever got hit or did the squad car just get shot up and the unfortunate guy was missed with all 30+ rounds. Sounds like LAPD a few years back. Bunch of the nation’s finest fired over 100 rounds at a “suspect” sitting in a pick up truck. He got hit in the hand once. Neighborhood got hit plenty though. Lots of vehicles had custom ventilation systems in them, houses were shot up, lots ofwindows were shot out. Or the NYPD shooting at a guy sitting on his front steps —how many shots did they fire at him? My personal opinion follows someone else’s comment. The first cop is too nervous in the service to stay on patrol. Maybe he should work parking enforcement or some kind of paper work. Years ago the Orange County Sheriff (CA) had new deputies work one year as a court bailiff and one year in the county jail before they went out on patrol. The year as a bailiff let them see how the court system worked and the year in jail introduced the prospective deputy to a lot of folk he was going to meet on the streets and he learned how come they are called “cons” and it has nothing to do with the word “convict.”


He amazingly was uninjured, and the officer resigned. The second officer is still employed there. From the story posted by the OP:

The man, who was being questioned about stealing his girlfriend’s car, was not injured during the Nov. 12 shooting[.]

Hernandez resigned on Dec. 4, the sheriff’s office said.

Roberts’ use of deadly force was found to be reasonable, and she was exonerated, the report found.

Sheriff Eric Aden said he realizes the situation was “traumatic” for the suspect, and his office has incorporated the shooting into training for other deputies.

It is times like these where I am grateful that their marksmanship skills are so poor.


Scared of their own shadows. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I can see why the female cop didn’t get blamed except for poor marksmanship. Her partner cries out that he has been hit and is blazing away at the car, she naturally joined in, figuring he knew what he was doing. I wonder how many other cars in the area, plus buildings managed to get hit in the 30+ rounds fired? Let hope the guy in car has had his “Come to Jesus” moment and is now living life on the straight and narrow.


I wonder what the revised training will entail? Listening to acorns being thrown at their vehicles and differentiating between that and actual gunshots? Learn how to not fall on the ground when running? Not leaving your firearm on the street while crawling away on the ground in fear of “shots fired”? :sunglasses:


Sheriff Eric Aden said he realizes the situation was “traumatic” for the suspect, and his office has incorporated the shooting into training for other deputies.

He also said he does not believe that Hernandez acted with malice.

I am sure Mr. Sitting Duck will be ‘compensated’ for his PTS and Anxiety to the tune of ($30+) Million dollars if he can chose a good one from the (50)Thousand that are beating down his door as we speak.
Somebody slings Mag full’s of lead at me when I am unarmed and handcuffed in THEIR Squad car after being searched I’M THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO SUE THEIR ASS’ES WITH MALICE!


Your Honor, I’m not sure but I think $30,000,000.00 might help me feel just a little bit better…


…and a bowl of ‘Acorns’…so, I can laugh when I am sunning myself by the pool!


This guy need to be fired. Spred his name far and wide so he is never aloud to be a Police officer ever again.


Mike, the presenter in the vid did a follow up vid I saw but can’t seem to find it now, sharing that the arrested individual survived, ducked down away from the windows onto the floor of the cruiser, but I forgot if he got hit – if at all.

Unless there are more facts unseen, could make for a good training video. IDK. I’m all for simulations and drills, training in “all” professions.

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I am sure I wouldn’t want to be the simulatee, sitting in a police unit while various and sundry cops blaze away, emptying their mags at the car. I am puzzled about how to teach someone not to be clumsy. Does one practice sprints while your comrades in arms throw acorns at your squad car? Perhaps the department armorer can affix a loop to the butt of his pistol and he can wear a lanyard like the Mounties used to do — do they still keep a lanyard on their personal sidearm? That way if he is low crawling away from the acorn throw he can drag his sidearm along with him if it is attached to his body. I am sure Jay Leno’s writers could do a whole lot better with that material than I.Too bad Mack Sennet isn’t still making movies about ludicrous cops. He could have a ball with that scenario.

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