They Are LYING To You (USCCA CEO Confronts Deceptive Claims)

Welcome aboard, Joe!


these guys man. Wow.


Welcome to the family brother @Joe195 and you are in the right place at the right time.


Hello and welcome @Joe195


and Jepp
Welcome to the USCCA Continental Fold brothers!
Itā€™s ALL Good Here
Zero Lies
and Total Protection.
You are right where you are supposed to be.Merry Christmas Tim and our New brothers.

adonde nosotros vamos uno nosotros ir todo!!!
Nessun passo sul serpente


This Bearā€™s repeating right now
I just set up a Topic but you should remember it from before and watch it again.
(Scary Timely)

Will this be our LAST CHRISTMAS (they allow?)


@Joe195 Welcome to the community, and glad you made the right choice like many of us did, and hope that many more will jump right in as well.


@Don102 This Administration SERIOUSLY needs to be DEFEATED!!! Great VIDEO and this is what many of us STAND FOR ā€œTHE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTIONā€ but is there ENOUGH of us left in this Country to keep this CONSTITUTION alive!! With so much corruption, and so many immigrants flocking into the country that KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THIS COUNTRY, just collect free money and vote ā€œDEMONCRATā€ to keep this Administration going, no Education being taught about the Constitution and the Freedom, turning this Country into a third world Country, the Constitution is slowly diminishing.


Brother Ron,
How many Guns are in the hands of American Citizenā€™s?
No, they are NOT all Gunnerā€™s, I admit that.
But when the SHTF will they protect their own? I would say probably yes.
Are they TRAINED UP? I would say probably no.
Please see the RANT I posted on this Topic. THIS IS HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW>
State of Nevada shooting in defense of another
The people I trained with, fought with are getting older (by the minute)
But we ainā€™t dead yet! The numbers of Vetā€™s HERE, Law Enforcement, Security etc are HUGE!
The sheer numbers of regular Joeā€™s and Janeā€™s here that see the writing on the wall and KNOW
itā€™s going to get loud are FANTASTIC. USCCAā€™S numberā€™s are growing leaps and bounds DAILY!
We will be at a MILLION very soon. That ainā€™t chopped Liver Brother.
People SEE the situation
But what will it take to act on it?
This administration is trying to break us
Destroy our President
Destroy US
Are Founding fathers set up a Bullet proof plan for success and they are trying to dismantle it all.
How can you KILL the 2nd amendment? But they are trying real hard.
The first rule in Combat when you are hit is STOP THE BLEEDING!
If you donā€™t nothing else matterā€™s. Your Training, Will power, Critical thinking flow right out with your life force and you are done.



About time this was spoken on by someone from USCCA. I called in about those that sit here lying about how they are great and USCCA is untruthful a few weeks ago. I had a lengthy conversation about how I felt USCCA didnā€™t have a choice in ignoring the lies to the rep on the manning the phone when i called.

I explained to the rep this way. That by not speaking USCCA was indeed shoring up the lies against it, because people could say ā€œHell all that must be true, because you know USCCA didnā€™t say anything about what they attorneys have to sayā€ is what I told himā€¦

So its great to see that USCCA decided to stop ignoring the lies as if they would just go away!!! I would also direct my admins of the forum to rebut nonsense from other by replying with this very clip each time, and as such there is no need to go back and forth with whomever it isā€¦

Great Info to beatdown the lies and twisted truths!!!


The heaviest and most direct attacks on USCCA in recent months have been on YouTube from Marc Victor at Attorneys on Retainer. A few years ago Victor was the recurring lawyer-guest for John Correiaā€™s Johnā€™s Briefs series on Active Self Protection Extra on YouTube. I stopped paying attention to Victorā€™s advice after, in one ASP Extra video, he advised carrying your semi-auto gun with an empty chamber (thus requiring you rack the slide before the gun is functional), and in another one advising after a shooting you totally clam up and refuse to say anything at all to the police until you have your lawyer present. As a student of both Andrew Branca and Massad Ayoob, I consider both of those advisories less than optimum.
Victor may well be a decent criminal defense lawyer, but I do not agree with his advice on self defense gun issues.


I had no Dout you will cover me if I have to defend myself or family.


Thank you Tim an USCCA, Delta Defense glad i have all this with me 24/7


Welcome to USCCA


Tim said Alan Colie is a USCCA member, why did a public defender represent him if this is true?

Tim also said USCCA will represent Colie on the appeal, but it seems Colie was left to a public defender for the initial case and subsequent trial, why was this?


Hello and welcome @TheDude
@Tim.D_USCCA should be able to answer this question for you.


Welcome to the family @TheDude and we are happy to have you with us.


Welcome to the Community @TheDude !

We all understand that there are more questions around this case and I apologize that we are unable to speak about other details at this time.

We will not share private information about a member or their cases, just as we would not share your private information with others if you were a USCCA Member going through a difficult time.


I watch a lot of YouTube videos and have been seeing these videos popping up saying all this crap about how USCCA/Delta Defense dropped someone after a self-defense shooting, etc. I know itā€™s BS and donā€™t even bother watching them. I just ignore them.


So, can you confirm that USCCA completely covered Colieā€™s defense expenses and supplied attorneys to the end?

The reason I ask is that I am unclear as to how USCCA/Delta Defense responds to him being convicted of firing his weapon in public (or however the court phrased the charge).
