The first 2024 debate

that is the same way I go down the steps
I am 14 years pass the need for a total knee replacement :roll_eyes:


Trump should have turned it around and said “Will the AP and CNN investigate voting irregularities before they call a winner?”


Don’t worry about Crooked Joe. Even the New York Times wants him replaced. It will happen soon, probably at the DNC. Look for some young Dem to be the new hand puppet. New puppet, same hand…



Interesting there were no questions regarding “gun violence”. Maybe they didn’t want to give Trump the opportunity to highlight his stand against bump stocks? Or, has focus moved away from 2A and prices will begin to plummet soon?


Wow… Another one?


My point was what does Biden have to brag about to the anti-2A community? Therefore, keep it off the table so Trump can’t make himself look remotely attractive to the anti-2A people.


O.K. Gotit. :slightly_smiling_face:


Comrade Newsom had a disastrous
“exporting California to Florida” adventure.


I said this before I’ll say it here; the debate proved, at least to me, Biden is not running the country. You have to ask yourself, who are you really voting for if you vote for Biden?


You KNOW this already; Barry and Michael Obama w/ a George Soros/Bill Gates Chaser.


Welcome to enlightenment.


Don 102 you’re absolutely correct, but we need to make the point and get people thinking. They’re blindly following whatever, “I’ve always voted democrat” mentality when they better wake up and realize exactly what you said. This is no longer about democracy, it’s about keeping your freedoms or giving this country over to those controlling Biden. It’s no accident that we’ve lost energy independence, we’re about to lose the dollar, they’re attacking out food, dictating our health and how we educate our kids. They’re coming for what you have, you’ll own nothing and like it, have no say and like it. Wake up, this ain’t no bad dream, look at what’s already happening, and we’re not even into the book, this is still the introduction.


You are correct Sir, but you have to understand (well, YOU don’t you have it)
The awesome obstacle is NOT Biden himself, It’s his ‘BACKER’S’ behind him
that refuse to let him go peacefully to his Beach chair in Delaware and Pass on like the
Good Lord meant him too. Some say Elder Abuse, I believe he is a stubborn old GOAT
who as long as his Acolytes keep egging him on, he feels he can do this one more time. FOOLHARDY.
This is a No Win situation for the Biden tribe. Their own party saw this, the bought Media all
saw this. He asked 'Dr. Jill" ‘How I did?’ I truly believe he doesn’t know anymore.
She wants (4) more years for HER Power, and her ‘Family’. So, she’ll say anything to ‘guide’ him along.
(Even though ‘Barry and Mike’ are the true Puppeteers!–MOO!)


THE HILL reported (10) hours ago on the Debate
BUT THIS! is Retarded!
A Biden withdrawal would free Vice President Harris to seek the nomination. California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) has seemed to position himself as a future nominee in waiting, even though his public support for Biden extended to appearing as a surrogate in the spin room here.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) is talked up by her fans for her Midwestern appeal, while Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker (D) also has his boosters. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who like Harris competed against Biden for the 2020 nomination, is another possibility.

This conjures up THE ALAMO (Fiction what comes next)
Davy Crockett, Col. Travers and Jim Bowie looking over the top of the wall and seeing Santa Ana’s vast Army turning to each other and saying (in unison) 'This ain’t so bad, we can lick 'em!" In a Pig’s eye Fella’s!
I don’t mean to repeat myself but JB PRITZKER? PETE ‘Fox hole Norman’ Butthead?
Gov Newsome who is the First Gov to DESTROY an entire State! (although their are many Blue
Gov’s in the running for that Title but I digress!

Turn out the lights Demoncrats the party’s over, Be sure to put all the chairs up before you leave…


It might not be as easy to replace him as they might like.


Not saying this from a political partisanship viewpoint, but one of Biden’s few articulate moments was mentioning that no court anywhere upheld Trump’s claims of election fraud. The courts included many Republican-appointed judges. If there was indeed widespread fraud in 2020, I’d think some court would’ve been provided enough evidence to move forward. Of course the next election will be highly scrutinized, maybe more so than any American Presidential election in history. Let it be so.

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Nothing was decided IN court because cases were not allowed to go TO court.


This, and that the fraud happened before the votes were cast to be counted. Wholesale mailing of ballots to every registered voter, even voters who didn’t ask for them, is the start of the fraud. I used to work with a printer who printed ballots. Before 2020 every single ballot was tracked and kept secure, and there was a paper trail for every one printed. Suddenly in 2020 ballots are being printed and mailed by the millions like ValPak coupons.

The courts can study the accuracy of the counting all they like, and I 100% believe that 81,000,000 votes were actually counted for Biden. The problem is, there was no way to know if those votes were legit.

Someone on the forum here posted an excellent study that showed that about a third of people surveyed who had mailed in ballots admitted in the survey to either submitting a ballot for a place they no longer lived, or sent in someone else’s. If a third of all mail in votes from 2020 were thrown out for fraud, even if 50% of them were for Trump and 50% for Biden, Biden couldn’t have carried several key states and would have lost.

By that study alone, there is no way Biden won with legitimate votes. If the member who posted the study could repost, please do.