The first 2024 debate

Boop! Boop! Boop! Boop! Boop! Boop! :bomb:My EKG machine (if I really had one just exploded Brother!)
WOW! The only thing I will Comment on your post is…

Don’t touch the Kool-Aid Sippy Cup Brother, Please.
HARMLESS? OMG! He’s taken the United States and Destroyed US! Crippled US, Made us Weak in the eyes of our ENEMIES! (and friends)
He’s let (12-20) MILLION INVADERS onto our Soil! (No one knows the real numbers till we bag and tag the last of them.
He’s a Divider-in-Thief! and a CROOK. (10% for da Big Guy) @ least)
We are @ each others throats which is a PERFECT time for our enemies to STRIKE!
Our Woman, Children our dying (Raped and Murdered)by the Bushel!

WPHEW! That’s all I have to say about that… I need a :waffle:

Oh wait Ukraine…oh, never mind.


He is CLEARLY not paying attention.


Regarding #3. Whatever you do, don’t go bird hunting with him and don’t let him handle your shotgun.


What I said…


I disagree.


While I have no love for Trump (as many here can attest to;) and I agree that he only surrounds himself with YES men and like all politicians blows smoke up our butt holes every time he opens his mouth, I would say that Biden does a pretty good job of keeping pace with Trump on the lying part.

No soldiers have died under his watch? He is either lying or can’t even remember the funeral he was at a couple of years ago for the 13 soldiers who died. And those were not the only soldiers who have died on his watch. What an insult to their families to spout such BS. Especially when he has voted in support of sending so many young men to their deaths over his decades in DC.

There are countless more lies as well. Plus Biden has an equally bad if not worse reputation as a womanizer and groper that goes well beyond his daughter’s disturbing entries in her diary.

With Biden you get both a fool and a liar.

The Republicans and Democrats need to do a massively better job selecting candidates if either one wants a chance for my vote in the future. Hopefully enough people will vote non of the above this year to send that message loud and clear to both parties. Otherwise we will just keep getting force fed the “choice” between more and more of these flawed kleptocrats.


A lot to dissect here.

First and foremost the $27 trillion in debt is last week’s news. We are now up to just under $35 trillion and rapidly counting. And while Trump was still allowing an unsustainable number of people to illegally cross the border during his term, the numbers under Biden are incomprehensibly large. The legislation Biden and the Dems recently proposed was like sticking a finger in an already crumbled dam and would have had no significant impact on the diaspora crossing our border.

Both the Republicans and Democrats have proven time and time again that all they can do is run up the debt while stuffing their own pockets. We don’t need them to develop “suitable” young candidates. They have already proven they can’t do that. The founding fathers never envisioned two parties having a stranglehold on our government when they wrote the constitution even though that system ended up quickly evolving on its own. It is clear that both parties as they exist today are corrupt beyond repair. It’s time for some fresh young blood that doesn’t have to sell their souls to the establishment to rise up the ranks and become a viable candidate.

Though I know all of that is a pipe dream and there will almost certainly be a Republican or Democrat running the show when this Nation finally crumbles under the weight of the massive corruption that is bleeding us all dry.


The clip speaks for itself. Carmine Sabia is a blowhard who I quit following!

Thanks for sharing!


So, you would vote for someone who is a puppet. (Not in charge) and have no idea who is really running the country. Now I can begin to understand where you are coming from in the rest of your post.


My “Blocked Bin” is getting overfull this cycle. :roll_eyes:


It does make you wonder, exactly who is running this show?


TDS is clearly in da houze!
It’s Incurable and often FATAL. SO SAD



‘And if my prediction has been right from day one…and it’s always been Barack Obama giving the orders, making the decisions, and running the country as the de facto President of the United States…’

‘We have an unelected, unConstitutional, “Manchurian Candidate” running America’.

''Secondly, we need to be asking, “Who is Obama’s boss?”"
Starts with an ‘S ends with an S’ is a good start to WHO. But it’s a CABAL of Elite’s
that is destroying this World. Decrease surplus populations, control food supplies, .gov Over rule, Disarmament, New World Order.


Join the club!


Any proof of that, or any of the other non-sense you posted about Trump? However, there is proof of biden’s corruption and illegalities, though, he even admitted to one on video. Then there is his showering with his daughter, the 10% to the “big guy” tied to hundreds of bank accounts and shell corporations, etc., etc., etc.


Aw-w-w. Alright, keep the plunger handy and go ahead and flush it.


Biden and his handlers, some of whom may or may not be in his cabinet, have shown zero interest in shutting down the boarder let alone deporting anyone. Their policies are continuing to encourage millions more to cross our boarder. Why would that change in their second term?

He may not be running the country but when faced with an imminent crises someONE has to make the tough calls. We can’t have a bunch of handlers arguing over what to do when decisions need to be made immediately. And we certainly can’t rely on a demented old man who the military is required to listen too despite what unintelligible words are coming out of his mouth. That is just insane. Not to mention that no one voted for his handlers so they have zero right to be in charge. The Cabinet is supposed to advise the President. Not be a shadow government calling the shots.

I don’t see how we can continue the proxy war against Russia without eventually being drawn into direct warfare. The risk of a nuclear WW3 just is not worth any of the rewards we could possibly get out of it. Putin isn’t bankrupting us. The Republicans and Democrats are bankrupting us with their corruption and forever wars. Ukraine had its best chance to negotiate on very favorable terms right after the initial invasion failed. But a corrupt Ukrainian government gave in to U.S. and British pressure and now their country and their people are being fed through the meat grinder. Their only hope is to draw us directly into the conflict and get U.S. troops on the ground. The longer this goes on the more likely that is to happen.

Putin is a dangerous dictator but as seen in Ukraine his country has very limited conventional offensive ability. Our foreign policies in Ukraine along with the corruption taking place there with the Biden family and others opened the door to this preventable conflict. Ukraine had the chance to send Putin back across the border with his tail between his legs but now this is turning into a long term war of attrition and the Russian government and people are ideally conditioned to deal with that.

Keep these arguments up and you may end up convincing me that I have to vote for Trump even though I am convinced he will continue the Republican and Democrat process of running this country into the ground almost as quickly as Biden is doing.


Will be interesting to see who he chooses. He may be more mentally aware and physically capable than Biden at the moment but by the end of his second term would be older than Biden is now. He also hasn’t had the healthiest lifestyle in the past and that can catch up with people all of a sudden.

Some on that list seem like less bad choices. But some not so much. How does Ben Carson make the list? Watching him during the debates during one of the Republican Primaries years ago made me realize that brain surgery likely has a lot more to do with dexterity than intelligence.