The first 2024 debate

They like to eat their own.

They fail to see the hypocrisy of stringing the American people along for four years, then pulling the rug out from underneath old Joe in front of the entire country. These two faced snakes make my skin crawl.


Did he lose is ear piece, or did they give him an implant?


#2 debate coming September 10th. Think they’ll both be there? If Biden drops out and is backfilled by a shadow, will they debate Trump…or will there be alternative or NO debates between them and Trump.

Also, I thought Trump promised a VP announcement last night. I didn’t hear that. And will there be a VP debate? I’d love to see Harris talk out loud, debating anyone. The country needs to hear it too, before they vote.


Rumors said a VP announcement was possible last night, but more likely at the convention.


Nah,… he was just imitating the brain dead hobbit from LOTR….


Predictable outcome. Problem is after the MSM and Biden’s handlers propping him up since the beginning, the truth was on display on CNN. Everyone tuning in saw it with their own lying eyes. The king has no clothes. An empty husk of a human being with a vacant look in his eyes.

Running as a “one term” moderate with a stated goal of normalcy and unification his policies have been anything but. There is no normal today because of HIS far left radical policies. The only unification we see now is the realization that Joe Biden is inept, old and weak.

The democratic party has screwed themselves by annointing him their king. Dismissing any and all other prospects because they knew Biden is a political coward and could be steered in whatever direction the carry overs from the Obama years wanted. Replacing him now indicts the party and exposes this lie perpetuated on the American people. NONE of the possible replacements stand a chance at this point. Too late and the lies are now laid bare.

It will be fun watching their grasp on power slipping away and the desperation as they worry and wringing of their hands over any possible RETRIBUTION coming. The pucker factor will be at an all time level after the vote is tallied come November.

I really hope Trump sticks to his word and gets down to the business of repairing the damage done these 4 years. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


After this debate I really doubt there will ever be a 2nd.


If Trump and Biden are indeed our only choices, then never before in the history of this Nation has the choice of VPs been more important.

I personally would love to see Tulsi Gabbard dismantle Harris again in a debate. I think she would be a slam dunk choice for Trump if he wants to try and gain more independent voter support.

I doubt the big money backers or core Republican voters would be pleased with her selection though. When running as a Democrat she showed that she wasn’t afraid to call BS against her own party and crooked policies in general even if it hurt her election chances. It has been awhile since we have had someone with real military experience as VP or President. Especially one who has spoken out against the military industrial complex. It could be a refreshing change.


ok here is my take away from the show. Biden is old and not fit for the job he holds and is trying to keep. Trump was just hitting his talking points and when asked a question he would go back to something other then the question. as for the moderators they did a poor job if you ask a question get the answer to he question. I will say that I will not vote for Biden he is not fit for the job and has not done it from day one.


That is Politician 101. Don’t answer the question you were asked. Answer the one you wanted to be asked.

The vast majority of journalists/moderators have always been horrible at getting at the truth. Especially these days when almost all the investigative journalists have been laid off and replaced with talking heads who spend all their time telling us what to think instead of reporting the facts of what is really going on around us and letting us decide what we think about those facts.


IMO they both did that as do nearly all politicians in nearly all ‘debate’ or Q&D scenarios. They talk about what they want to talk about, generally.


I trust her as far as biden can walk on his own. She still has strong Democratic beliefs, but I agree the VP choice is important.


Trump gets my vote, but if this country is saying that these 2 are the best we have we are in trouble. I was better off when Trump was in office his policies were good for the most part but I do agree that he is a bully,loud mouth a—hole. Biden is too old and out of touch with the American people and always has been. If his family really cared they would get him finish this term then retire. I almost felt sorry for him last night.


He has sold access to the highest bidder, to Ukraine, China, and others, plus the Mexican cartels. The whole family is involved in pay to play.

He has destroyed relations with our allies, and emboldened our enemies.

He has weaponized the justice system such that it is no longer recognizable.

With his money printing and allowing millions into the country, limiting gas and oil production, he has unleashed the law of supply and demand as a weapon upon us.

He’s turning our military into a DEI poster child.

He embarassed the nation in Afghanistan, and got us kicked out of our base in East Africa.

I could go on and on.

I have ZERO sympathy for this sad human being


Well I would say the same about Trump. Especially when it comes to the 2A but also abortion and Obama Care among other issues.

I don’t think either the Republicans or the Democrats have the answers to the vast array of problems they have created together through their usually corrupt actions and inactions.


I agree with you on all but I still feel for someone that is loosing it mentally and doesn’t see it or admit it.


Biden is not listening to any of the talk about replacing him. That doesn’t surprise me. Senility and dementia have a lot in common with stupidity. Stupid people don’t know they’re stupid. Sort of like being dead. The affiicted are not aware of the effect that their stupidity, senility, dementia or death has on other people. Other people are the ones that have to deal with the consequences.


The Doctor still wants to be Queen of D.C. :roll_eyes:
That’s 1 reason he is still in the race. :slightly_frowning_face:


AMEN my brother!

Poster child of the career criminal elite politician. A fitting end for him watching his own family wring the life out of him with their greedy grasping claws. His lovely “doctor” wife right at his side.


She had to come and get him after so he wouldn’t get lost. :roll_eyes: