So this just happened in my town


:roll_eyes: REALLY!!! AGAIN!!! :thinking:




“He admitted to messing around with the gun often and that this wasn’t the first time he had shot at Washington, according to the criminal complaint.”

Did he actually shoot before, as in discharging a bullet? Or did he just say to police he shot at the kid before but meaning to say he pulled the trigger while pointing an empty gun at him? Either way the guy sounds like an idiot and a menace. This was not a tragic accident. If the facts are as presented in the story it was completely preventable, reckless manslaughter.


"Vang told authorities he was “horsing around” with his gun and he forgot to unload it. He said he messes around with the gun all the time, saying he “pulls the trigger of the gun all the time and the gun is never loaded.”

“I guess I loaded it,” Vang told authorities.

He went on to say he usually points the gun at Washington and pulls the trigger and “usually heard the gun clicking” because he “usually has the clip hanging halfway out of the gun.”

So much stupid !!


Two many people “learning” how to use firearms by playing video games these days:(

If the anti gunners truly cared about saving lives they would be working with firearm organizations to develop firearm safety classes for all school kids. Real classes that teach firearm handling and safety. Not the “guns bad, don’t touch” classes some of them promote now.


I mostly agree.
Most of the gun deaths (other than suicide) are gangbangers. Sadly, “the gang banging” lifestyle is accepted by some

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He killed him on purpose and is trying to claim accidental.


Quite possible. Though his story seems designed to maximize his time in jail for manslaughter. Not the sharpest tool in the shed regardless.


I agree that accidental gun deaths are a very small fraction of deaths in this country. They are tragic but there are many bigger issues we should also be dealing with. But if the anti gunners are truly willing to do anything to save just one life, why not start with the ways that don’t violate the rights of law abiding citizens?


We don’t have a gun problem so much as we have an idiot problem.


It wouldn’t have happened if it was a shotgun, or so a politician has said🙄


What a shame, this needs to stop.

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I hate this for the people who died but especially living family’s. Two lives gone by both parties acting in negligence and death occured!

Even normal person is obigated to make sure basic life to rights, healthcare, proper nutrients and daily medicine administrations as doctor requested.

Request to doctor from patent grandson is checking with grandmother because she has most of the critical symptoms it gives. She a few most of time.

One out ordinary is her claim of painful bowl movements during business trip. Pain persists in stomach to administer person knows under ‘ordinary care’ that during company VISIT LOUISIANA LEGISLATURE TO TRACK BILLS FAILURE OR Pas


Can we all agree, you can not “Accidently” kill someone with a gun? Very simply put, if you don’t pull the trigger on the gun you are pointing at someone after you loaded it, all direct action you take, you won’t kill or injure someone with that gun. It is impossible to do all of these thing in the proper order by accident.


The article states that he faces decades in prison, as well he should. Anyone that criminally stupid shouldn’t be walking the streets.

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Think the vast majority of firearm “accidents” can be traced to clear negligence on the part of the operator. But I can imagine some rare examples where people are doing their best to follow the rules and an accident still occurs. A ricochet for example, or a dropped firearm where the drop safety fails or is none existent. Can even those accidents be prevented? Maybe in many cases. But if a person driving cautiously comes around a corner and hits a patch of ice causing them to slide into another car are they being negligent?

Sometimes bad things happen, even to people who are doing everything the way they should.


Stupid makes up such a big part of our lives and as the saying goes you can’t fix stupid or even control it. I am not for gun control ut there needs to be some way to show what guns really do to a body and that dead is forever. There is no reset button and start over. Every time I take a weapon out I think if something goes wrong how will this affect the gun-owning community.


@Cecil8 Welcome to the community. If you are protecting you and yours, affecting the “gun community” should be the least of your worries. :us:

Sorry, I am not a skilled communicator if I pull my weapon to defend my family all bets are off.