Serial numbers on ammo and ammo registry?!

I really don’t understand this statement at all.
You can carry anywhere except schools, police stations, post offices, etc
In Chicago you just can’t carry on public transportation and everyone ignores it, those who have used their firearms for self defense on a bus or whatever are never charged. A jury of the peers will never convict, the classes are just packed with black woman that are afraid.
You can’t carry if a place has a sign other then the places listed there are few and it’s concealed carry how are they to know. If they do and the ask you to leave or call the police they ask you to leave if you don’t it’s a misdemeanor, but why wouldn’t you. They’ve tried to pass this serial nonsense before the technology simply doesn’t exists and everyone will just get ammo out of state regardless. Of the 35 million firearms sold last year 4 million came to Illinois. of the 4 million sold in January over 1 million of them came to Illinois clearly the people in Illinois are concerned. The backlog of the (already once Illinois Supreme Court ruled unconstitutional) backlog of people waiting to FOIDs and CCL’s is subject of numerous lawsuits as well. I carry everywhere but the shower (and listed places) including Chicago and there’s no way you go on public transportation without being armed or just have you wallet and life ready to hand over.
Apologize for the rant, I agree we have a s…hole state of Democratic corruption and insanity.

i have to leave my gun in my truck almost every where I go and Ive had friends that complain about CPD harassment while carrying all the time IL isn’t a CCW friendly state period

Wrong. Just “doing something” won’t solve the problem. “Just do it, no matter what it is, or if it works, or if it makes sense” is not fixing the problem.

The problem is not guns and ammo. It is the criminals that use guns to break existing laws and kill people. Assault is illegal, assault with a deadly weapon is illegal, attempted murder is illegal, and murder is illegal. How many more “doing somethings” do you try before you deal with the problem? Law abiding people own a lot of guns and ammo. Anyone here on the forum have your shotgun, rifle or any gun jump out of the safe and go on a shooting spree?


There in lies the problem. A lot of people believe that something must be done. It doesn’t matter that that something is not going to work and in many cases will only make the problem worse. It doesn’t matter if that something will only violate the rights of law abiding citizens. Just do something right? Sorry, don’t agree.

Now if that something involves getting dangerous criminals off the streets and getting people with mental health issues the help they need before they go off the rails, then that is something I’m all for helping to get done.


That’s something isn’t it? I never said take away guns. People too busy … always think that someone is trying to take away your guns. The first thing that comes out of your mouths is 2nd Amendment, and half of you have never ever read it to not only know the words written, but understand what is written and why. Sometimes one must think outside the box and execute to see what happens. Again, if we don’t try, we have already failed. If any of us in this forum had the answers, we wouldn’t be in the predicament that we are in. Pushing back and not even trying isn’t the answer either. That much I do know.

Inappropriate phrasing removed at the … ~Moderators

Good point. These idiots trying to pass stupid bills should just crawl back under a rock where they belong!

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CPD harassment?
How do they know he’s carrying?
It’s concealed.
CPD I know STRONGLY support it, given up isn’t the right phrase but things are quite different.

I love the ignore feature. Now, If my non reading self can just figure it out.


I haven’t bought ammo in Illinois in years and I live here so I guess I’ll just be a criminal if it passes

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Shoot at the range next to a cop spread his brass at crime scene

I have more faith in local/state governments trying to protect our rights than I have in SCOTUS, as SCOTUS hasn’t filled me with confidence lately. . .

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I think everyone here has read the second amendment. Most have also read the documents that discus how and why it was added to the constitution. The intentions and purpose were very clear. It was clearly not put there to protect our right to hunt with single shot muskets.

The Democrats are not thinking outside the box. All the laws they have tried before have failed. All these quack job laws with micro stamping, serializing, and violating 4th amendment rights by tracking innocent people’s purchases and sales of every gun, part and bullet will also clearly fail. It is too easy for criminals to defeat them and it is very clear that none of these mass shootings would have been stopped by any of them.

The only way to reduce “gun violence” in this country is to pass and ratify a new Constitutional Amendment repealing the Second Amendment and then go door to door taking all the guns. This will leave only the criminals (who will have no problems attaining black market guns), police, military, rich people and politicians with the means to defend themselves. The rest of us will be at all their mercy. That might stop a couple of unstable people from getting guns and shooting someone but it won’t stop them from running people over with cars or disintegrating them with pressure cookers and household products which are far more effective tools for indiscriminate destruction than firearms.

Looks like Illinois is meaning to limit the ammo market in such a way as to eliminate all of us reloaders as well.

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It would seem that it is you that has not read and understood the 2A.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.

Pure BS. We have the answers, and we have the knowledge. What we are doing - not here - is educating those that we meet that are willing to listen and learn, and teaching others firearm safety and how to shoot. What we are doing - not here - is contacting our reps, even ones not in our district, as all their votes affect us. What we are doing - not here - is supporting those groups (GOA, SAF, VCDL, etc.) that help in our fight for our rights.

You might want to actually learn the reasons why the Bill of Rights was added to our Constitution. Were you aware that the 27th Amendment, ratified in 1992, was the second amendment listed in the Bill of Rights? It was not ratified, and therefore not part of what we know as the Bill of Rights.

Our Second Amendment is quite clear on government’s regulation of our RKBA. Our Constitution tells government what it has the ability to do - it does not grant us rights. Therefore, shall not be infringed is telling our government it has no authority to infringe on our RKBA.

You make the ignorant assumption that we are all uneducated buffoons. The first thing that “comes out of our mouths” is our stating that the government does not have the authority to infringe on our inalienable rights. You should read the writings of our Founding Fathers for enlightenment. Your posts imply that it is you that lacks the knowledge and understanding of our rights and why our Founding Fathers argued for and against a “Bill of Rights” to protect and guarantee our inalienable rights. It was a very controversial debate between the Anti-Federalists and the Federalists, one that could have prevented our being what we now know as the United States of America.


Sand packers pack sand.

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Just like Dry counties - people will cross the state lines.


My god. Serialized ammunition? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. If they’re going that far why even carry a gun?


I will put the same serial name on each bullet. FU

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Think about the cost to mark ammo and firearms, register the ammo and firearms, track etc… What about people who have ammo stored up that is not marked… who is going to exchange the unmarked ammo for marked ammo… or will the owner have to destroy it and take the loss?


IL CC holders are flagged as such in the LE DB. A check of you license plate will tell them that there is a possible armed person in the car.