Sad day in America,

LOL, if there was evidence, it would be easily found because the MSM would have plastered it everywhere. Use your “nerdy brain”, it should be easy for you. It has never taken two hours for me to find information on the internet.

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ok I exaggerate about things it runs in my family it would probably take me less time

You DO realize, that you are trying to produce evidence, from the very people/source we hold in contempt for falsification of evidence? (Aka Trumped up charges)


Then what would convince you?

That he’s guilty?

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yes, what evidence would you want?

I have seen a wealth of evidence that he was targeted by the Justice Department, the White House, the judge and the Manhattan D.A. to be found guilty. It’s called a political hit job.


What mandate is this?

Federally, several armed service members were forced out of service for rejecting the jab. State governments forced people to quit.


So, they didn’t have to take it, they got to choose to stop being employed by the government if they didn’t want to?

Is this a new thing? Service members never had to take an injection they didn’t want, and could stay in service, in the past?

Because I know a lot of service folks and they all tell me about all the shots and vaccines they had to get. Were they incorrect in telling me that is what happened?

Did the government tell them they had to get it or lose their livelihoods? What would you call it, a retroactive stipulation?


That is my understanding, yes…as serviceman and serviceman, they had to take the vaccines they were given when they effectively belonged to the federal government, or they wouldn’t have that position any more. Was I misinformed?

I’m not calling it anything different, I’m saying that I thought it had been that way for decades. Was that not the case, was a few years ago the first time service members had to get any kind of shot/foreign substance into their body?

I was afraid I was missing something so I looked for a resource

As of 2020, mandatory vaccinations for North American military personnel included hepatitis B, MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella), tdap (tetanus, diptheria, and pertussis), polio, meningococcal, and influenza[17]. Two vaccine mandates, influenza and anthrax, exemplify historical lessons that apply to current controversy with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

It seems that “When a government can mandate that you put a foreign substance into your body that you do not want” has been around for a very long time, if that means active service members getting a vaccine.

I’ll concede your point for now, but the shots were none the less mandated, with virtually NO understanding of the harmful effects of the clot shot…

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Whether or not those shots were safe or smart to mandate is one thing, but using a service member required vaccine in general “put a foreign substance into your body [or be forced out of the service]” as the nation in distress/upside down flag is a bit of a stretch IMO especially considering how that very thing goes back decades.

Requiring foreign substances into your body in a situation other than being active service…now that’s a different ball game entirely.

So, I’m curious as to your opinion. Are we a nation in distress, to the point that a flag can reasonably be flown upside down?


Flag flown upside down time? IMO, no. Which is why I’m not. Then again when I fly a flag it’s usually one with 13 stars anyway

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Thank you for your opinion.


Ahhh, the good old days, when the government didn’t mandate ANY shots, and the Constitution was followed!


I’ll betcha dollars to donuts if smallpox vaccine existed at that time, George Washington himself would have required it of his troops