Sad day in America,

Remember when they defaced the street in front of Trump Tower with giant yellow graffiti? My point, noone needed steering in that town.


Radicals have been hired to do things in the past. Maybe that was the case at Trump tower. Not a stretch to believe it was politically motivated.


Sorry allow me to clarify, the trump case however you view it has not caused imminent threat of physical harm to the American public, flying the flag upside down is reserved for things such as war.

I donā€™t believe the word ā€œdistressā€ is limited to war. It could lead to war maybe.


You know this for a fact? You have proof of claim? When the government can arrest and convict someone without any proof, with witness testimony proving innocence, yes, lives are in danger.


When a government can mandate that you put a foreign substance into your body that you do not want, I think that qualifies as distress.


When a governing body decides that taking an innocent life up to and even after birth is something they want to control, I think that qualifies as distress.


Do you truly hold these insane opinions or are you simply a troll?


Dave17 brother. Sir. Please understand. This can become a war. To the Likes . This nation. Has never ever seen.!! SENCE the. The .British.WAS.COMMIN. Paul.revere. !! And we can be fighting not only each other but the invaders here!! The. Government. And. This country has . Criminals from foreign countries and governments. That are just. Watching and listening and.Waiting for. The American citizens. To. Lose their . SHITTi. Our country is . A POWDER KEG.!! FULL. OF HATE.GROUPS. Just waiting for a little reason to. Get entirely STUPID. And HELL. YESā€¦ A. the Likes. We have never seen. In. Our COUNTRY. Or. In. Our. LIFE TIMEā€¦PLEASE .Donā€™t. Make the . KARZY. BASTARDS. Get STUPID. Letā€™s Let the World Know we. Are. THE GREATEST NATION ON EARTH. And we. We will out monster the monster. AND. ACT LIKE OUR VERY LIVES depends upon it. Let us . All act like . Civilized. Americans. That . Believe in Law and Order. Love Bobby Jean . Twofeathers :feather::feather::us:


Dave17 My brothers . Please donā€™t feed the trolls.:troll: They are hungry. Letā€™s let them starve to death. :skull_and_crossbones: They will die after eating their own crap.:poop: Love you brothers Mike Dave. & all my brothers . Just donā€™t feed the trolls. Hereā€™s their dinner :poop::poop::poop::troll: thank you for your service. Love Bobby Jean. Out monster the monsters :japanese_ogre:. :us::sos:


If you truly think that read up more on the case.

LOL Good one. More ā€œnerdy brainā€ fodder. :sunglasses: That and recall ā€œsafe and effectiveā€. LOL

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When did I say that?

I didnā€™t say you did, but believing the trial was valid, is just like claiming the ā€œshotsā€ worked. Both ideas are clearly wrong based on the testimony and lack of evidence.


I saw plenty of evidence

That is interesting, as none was presented. Charges are not evidence.


No I am not a troll and no I donā€™t find my opinions Insane.
I simply read the docs and found them adequate.

Exactly what I stated. Charges are not evidence.