Sad day in America,

Well…my guess is the jurors did what they could with what they were allowed. They weren’t the real problem - the judge and the DA were the problem.

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One of the really weird things is that we are living in the most immoral, selfish, indulgent, corrupt, unethical societies that has ever existed.

And…we judge our leaders when they do likewise.



AND the White House, who they conferred with.


Because they should be held to a higher standard in their positions of authority.


Yes true but there is not close threat to life and property.

Ask the rancher who was recently exonerated for killing illegals on his property, or the folks who have been raped and/or killed by illegals, or the cops who were beaten by illegals in New York, or the shop owners being looted by illegals. NONE of these folks should have even been here.


true but its for when the majority of the public is in danger not just a few although it is true that it should have never ended that way for them.

Are you saying we should wait until 50.1% of the Country is affected before we call distress?

Have you needed to get into an emergency room in a major city lately?
Have your kids been pushed out of their school to make room for illegals?
Is your school budget woefully inadequate because you have to provide translators for each ethnic group?
Are your kids not being taught properly because they have to sit in on zoom calls?`
Have you tried to buy a home or rent an apartment but availability has been maxed out?
Have you had an illegal squat in your home while you were on vacation?
Have you been robbed by a pack of illegals as you pulled into your driveway?
Are your community food banks running dry?
Has your border security been overrun?
Are Cartels controlling the “border”?
Is fentanyl the leading cause of death for ages 18 to 35?
Is lawfare being used in an attempt to retain control of the Country?
Is Joe Biden ignoring a Supreme Court decision by paying off student loans for a select few individuals?

Make no mistake, the Country is in distress.


no but a few cases even if it is nearly 100 is not enough to fly the flag upside down.

Oy! :astonished: :confounded: :confounded:


For a libertarian, you’re the Mitt Romney of Pierre Delectos.


Stand back and watch, until you are overwhelmed, them with superior virtue you can say, “Well, at least I gave them a chance.”.


If I gain more weight, I’m sure I can fit them all on one t-shirt!


Trump fans turn US flags upside down to protest former president’s conviction (

Hanging the United States flag upside down, a move that is supposed to signal distress and that has ensnared Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in controversy, is now being practiced by supporters of Donald Trump to protest the former president’s conviction in his hush money trial.

Prominent Trump supporters such as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and former national security adviser Michael Flynn posted pictures of upside-down flags on social media soon after a New York jury found Trump guilty Thursday. Flynn, a retired three-star general, made the image his profile picture on X.

By Friday, pro-Trump social media accounts were awash with images of inverted flags hanging on porches and lawns across the country. The Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, posted an image appearing to show the flag hanging upside-down above its Washington, DC, headquarters.


Hope he took his BP meds.


That certainly is a threat to life and property. If you are imprisoned for political reasons, that certianly does impact your life and that of your friends and relatives. Being imprisoned will also definitely impact your property, and defending yourself in court from such charges would definitely impact your property, impoverishing yourself and your family.


Love Mark Levin. If anyone knows how to combat this madness it’s him.


you know what I mean

I know only what you stated, and what you have stated so far, which is why I posted what I did. I have yet to determine what is “nerdy” about your brain.


Dave17. Please . Tell me what in the world is this guy talking about is wrong with his brain . I know a good doctor. That can maybe help him . To figure out . Chocolate or strawberry .,ice cream. I definitely understand what you are talking about and our country is in . Distress. SOS :sos: Stay sharp love Bobby Jean. Brother every thing. In our country is in danger . Even every American citizen. Sir A blind person can see this is . Very dangerous times GOD BLESS AMERICA. Bobby Jean.