QUOTES: (let's try this again...)

Don102. I am out of here . Sir thank you for BEING MY BROTHER SIR. I truly appreciate all you have done for me. Dont split because of me . I just . Don’t need any more arguments I . Have to take care of Debbie ann and brother she has stage 4 cancer .!! And I need to spend what time we have . On her . You do you brother sir. I don’t want you to feel like you need to quit . Stick around brother . I definitely will not be left behind. Here’s ya .a root beer :beer:.:beer:and one for Scott 52. SIR THANKS FOR EVERYTHING I AM GONE NOW THANK YOU AND EVERYONE THAT IS MY FRIEND A BROTHERS. Stay sharp. Ride on :bangbang::chile::us::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::feather::feather::o: Bobby Jean a Debbie ann .ps. No hard feelings. :latin_cross:


Stay Frosty My Brother
You do what you have to do man
, I’m sorry.



Bobbyjean, I’m sorry you got such a hard time from some people. Maybe you’ll see this, maybe you won’t, but I’m sending my love back to you and Debbie Ann, with prayers for both of you, and especially her with her cancer. Truly, I wsh you both the very best, and God’s continual blessings.

If you do check in again, and see this message, know that we miss you, I’m going to be thinking about you and Debbie Ann, and that I will do what I can to make and keep this part of USCCA more welcoming to everyone that honestly wants to contribute, like you have done. This kind of thing just sours the whole thing for me. Regardless, I want you to know that, even if some moderator (if there actually is one) wants to make you feel unwelcome, your friends and brothers here want you to feel especially welcome. F the a$sholes that want to ruin your time here.

Be well brother, and come back when you feel like it and let us know how you’re doing.


I agree with everything you said Don. I’ve been really busy over the last few weeks and not reading on here as much as I have been, and may have missed a lot of the flagging and unequal rules going on in some threads, but now I see what you’re talking about. It’s terrible that someone as good, kind, patriotic and caring as Bobbyjean would be made to feel like he’s been run out of his own organization that he’s been a vocal supporter of.

If there really is an admin for this board, and he really did flag and harass Bobbyjean to the point he felt he had to leave, that person needs to man up and come on here to explain himself. This kind of thing will ruin the community here, and it will affect members’ impressions of USCCA overall.


This is a ‘Hiccup’ for the USCCA
They will not miss us.
Never heard a thing to my concerns—Crickets.
That just proves how little my concerns are.
Big wheels keep on turnin’
No Mas… doesn’t matter.
I am super busy now myself
Won’t be here much (hopefully)
Just doing what I do best (Surviving)



Peace back at ya brother.


WTF, Bobbyjean and Don102, you guys can’t leave !! Instead why not try putting the trolls on ignore? I’ve put a couple of people on ignore, and now I don’t have to see their “holier than thou” remarks. I don’t know if they can still see mine though. I admit that I mentioned not being able to read all caps, but that’s on me, not you guys. I don’t know but for some reason the words all melt together with all caps. But please don’t let that stop you guys from posting how you want. again that’s on me, not you guys. If a post is hard to read I’ll skip over it. You guys contribute too much to this community to leave. I mentioned the caps issue to Bobbiejean once, just to be honest with him. I would never flag anyone!! That’s why I’ll set to ignore if I don’t like what a person posts.
Don, and Bobbyjean, I would surely miss your views on life. You guys (and a few others) are the best. The most colorful. The most demented (I mean that in a good way).
If you have to go I’ll try to understand, but please know that myself, and a lot of others will miss you two.
I wish I had an answer to put an end to the childish flagging, because for one reason, they beat me to the post, so I’ll never know what I missed. That sucs. To the “flaggers” could y’all wait a couple days to flag so that everyone else can enjoy the posts first? Come on grow up .

Since this is a quotes thread here’s mine for today

  "To all you Dementos and Dementites 

out there, Staaay Demented"----
Dr, Demento

And also Bobbyjean, Debbie Ann is in my prayers, and will be. Love you guys !!! :beer: :beer: :beers:


Donald Duck


That’s nice Bruh…


ha ha :grin:


"Quack Quack!‘’


After that I have to decide what to do.



Awesome Sir…


Hang in there brother.


Here’s a quote. Take the Pepsi challenge. :question: they should put up what they flagged over a dozen times. And let’s check it out. I don’t even know what they flagged. I know that I have never said anything negative that many times in a row in my entire life. :us::cherry_blossom::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::100::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::dizzy:

"So when is this
“Old enough to know better”
Supposed to kick in?

–Some old dude I suspect.


Some old dude that is out of touch most likely.

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8, flags I win I win woohoo :us::100::heart::white_heart::blue_heart::nerd_face::disguised_face:

But too old now to remember how…