If Given The Choice Would You Run Or Fight

A point well taken.

My problem with “what would you do” scenarios–my own included–is that no matter how much thinking ahead or reviewing in hindsight one does, it all falls apart in the actual moment. One reason for that is in the moment there are hundreds of variables in play, out of many thousands of possibilities; far to many to anticipate let alone make a plan for each of the billions of possible combinations. Another reason is all the things we can’t possibly know no matter how much we plan and train. For instance, the mindset, motivations, intentions, and experience of the assailant, let alone their mental capacity/stability.

There is one more obstacle present in every possible situation. TIME. According to the statistics, and the people who’ve been there-done that, these incidents start and finish in a matter of seconds. That doesn’t leave much room for observation, analysis, decision and action. That’s where training comes in, but how many different scenarios can one train for? And how long does it take to recognize which situation you’re in and choose a reaction? Training is essential, but the more basic and focused it is the more valuable and successful it will be.

Avoidance and escape are excellent strategies IN GENERAL. By the time an attacker is in range and displaying a weapon avoidance is out the window-- you’re in it. Running away might be an option, but might be incredibly dangerous. (Variables again.) Giving up your money, car, whatever, is a way to go but you’re depending on the good will of someone who has openly demonstrated an intent to use violence on you.

Each of us has our own capabilities, skills, and thresholds of acceptable actions. (G–D— variables again!) I appreciate the suggestions offered from all sides, but they’re mostly food for thought. Some of them I can’t do (physically or lack of specific skills), some of them I can’t do (mentally/emotionally), and some of them I won’t do (personal moral code), but they all offer something to consider.

This turned into quite a ramble; forgive me. I hope it make at least a little sense, even if you disagree.