If Given The Choice Would You Run Or Fight

You were Good Brother!


General Garrison leading the remembrance service for the fallen following the October 3 battle (wiki source)

THEY were good Brother, I was lucky.


Joyce Kaufman.


I didn’t read every post, sorry if this was asked and answered already. However some of us don’t have the option of running or as in your situation getting into a car quickly and closing the door.

If I notice I’m being watched I would do exactly as you did. You might want to add a verbal warning to not come any closer while you have your hand on the grip ready to draw. Three feet is very close. You should add shooting from the hip up close to your target. I did it for the first time last year and it was an eye opener for me. Reminds me to add it to my next time out practicing.


I hope if I am ever faced with that situation that I will make a quick assessment and choose whichever option gives me the best odds of getting home to my family. Going for their weapon, going for my weapon, running, complying, distracting or some combination of those are all on the table for me.

I hate the idea of rewarding a thief but not as much as the idea of not being around to support and protect my family in the future.

Because I carry a throw down money clip that only has a little bit of cash and the one or two credit cards I will use during that day, it is a small price to pay for increasing my odds of getting home to my family. It is also a pretty poor risk to reward ratio for the thief since the cards will be immediately cancelled and the $10 to $30 I keep in the clip doesn’t buy all that much these days.


A point well taken.

My problem with “what would you do” scenarios–my own included–is that no matter how much thinking ahead or reviewing in hindsight one does, it all falls apart in the actual moment. One reason for that is in the moment there are hundreds of variables in play, out of many thousands of possibilities; far to many to anticipate let alone make a plan for each of the billions of possible combinations. Another reason is all the things we can’t possibly know no matter how much we plan and train. For instance, the mindset, motivations, intentions, and experience of the assailant, let alone their mental capacity/stability.

There is one more obstacle present in every possible situation. TIME. According to the statistics, and the people who’ve been there-done that, these incidents start and finish in a matter of seconds. That doesn’t leave much room for observation, analysis, decision and action. That’s where training comes in, but how many different scenarios can one train for? And how long does it take to recognize which situation you’re in and choose a reaction? Training is essential, but the more basic and focused it is the more valuable and successful it will be.

Avoidance and escape are excellent strategies IN GENERAL. By the time an attacker is in range and displaying a weapon avoidance is out the window-- you’re in it. Running away might be an option, but might be incredibly dangerous. (Variables again.) Giving up your money, car, whatever, is a way to go but you’re depending on the good will of someone who has openly demonstrated an intent to use violence on you.

Each of us has our own capabilities, skills, and thresholds of acceptable actions. (G–D— variables again!) I appreciate the suggestions offered from all sides, but they’re mostly food for thought. Some of them I can’t do (physically or lack of specific skills), some of them I can’t do (mentally/emotionally), and some of them I won’t do (personal moral code), but they all offer something to consider.

This turned into quite a ramble; forgive me. I hope it make at least a little sense, even if you disagree.


I don’t disagree with any of your arguments. I also agree that there are way too many variables to go into any given situation with an expectation of one or two set planes being the best ones to go with. But I also don’t believe all the variables are quite as overwhelming as they might seem. Especially if someone has a reasonable amount of experience and practice dealing with a fair number of them.

Just look at how many people make it safely to and from work on their daily commutes. With all the bad and distracted drivers out there that seems like a major miracle. I do t know of anyone who spends all their time behind the wheel looking at every car around and consciously analyzing exactly what each is going to do in any given moment. Our subconscious mind uses previous experience to look for clues of when something needs to be brought to our conscious minds attention. It is also fully capable of making our bodies react before we have time to even think about it.

But a 16 year old on their learners permit isn’t likely to be as good at choosing the right response to a sudden threat as someone who has been driving for a decade or two. Their brain just doesn’t have all the threat recognition and reaction skills built into muscle memory. Instead of swerving to avoid an accident they might not recognize the threat in time and run right into it. Or slam on the breaks causing the cars behind them to all collide because they don’t have the experience to recognize all the variables at play.

That is why I try to go through and practice as many options as possible while focusing most of my efforts on the couple of reactions that are likely to be effective in the largest number of situations. It has kept me safe on the road so far as well as with the handful of sketchy encounters I have had. Hopefully that trend holds​:fist::wood:


Yea right then find you guilty and at sentencing you get transferred off to a prison.

You need to grow up an realize shooting someone has zero humor attached to it, and if you do try attach some humor to it in a court of law you just dug yourself into a pit and probably forced your attorney to have the court remove him from task of defending you.

Exactly, it is not a award for the prep it is low cost distraction to give you time to get out of there.

While I didn’t think about this before, I noticed I have for some reason a bunch of expired CC’s in there, I have stuffed them into my toss away away wallet and make it nice and fat, I will place them in the top of the bill fold which if I’m not careful to hold that side upright everything will spill out once I take it out of my pocket, which is why I no longer use it as a wallet

That would me to toss it out spilling th CC’s all over the place hopefully providing a distraction to benefit me.


That is why I will do violence upon them first. If you find yourself in a fair fight, you’ve done something wrong. That is why they chose when and who they attack. They attempt to stack the deck in their favor. My job is to prove to them its a loaded deck, pun intended.


Just wow dude.

You know he’s a combat veteran right?

There are many here who know exactly how serious shooting another human being is! FIRST HAND!

Yay for your expert legal advice. :clap::clap::clap:

Just like your expert trigger control advice, I’m sure we will all take it under advisement.


Not at all.

I’d think my statement was fairly self explanatory.

He’s a COMBAT veteran, he HAS killed.

He laid it all on the line, and nearly gave it all so you can run your mouth online.

Read his posts, not just a tag line, and you’ll gain some insight into who he is as a man.

And in your imaginary trial situation, understand that his defense team will bring up the character of the man, while the prosecution only has a catchphrase.



Son, With Respect, I do not need to tell you my qualifications nor do I have the crayons to draw you a picture of just what the heck I’ve experienced. You have proven to be an ‘Expert’ in all things Guns, Law and experience and I have no truck with you.
So, I will just say that if you feel the need to ‘spew’ your experience and expertise please do it with someone else for my patience with your arrogance has run thin. I never said anything negative with you but you continue to insult me and belittle me.

Have a nice evening my good sir
Every Memorial Weekend I mourn the loss of my Brothers in Arms
I mourn the loss of a large part of my lower anatomy and I don’t need the
Bullshyte from a piss ant know it all like you.
I’ve seen the Arrogance and unwilling to listen to the other side of any discussion in the field
It usually resulted in the Deaths of Grunts and Special Operator’s (MY BROTHERS!)
Say whatever you wish here it’s a free country (and before you wiggle your lips in response I AM NOT giving you permission.) But do not address me like I am some bottom feeding lowlife.
You apparantly don’t like me for whatever reason. I really don’t care.
Post your shyte—just not to me and I will do the same
You continue to Insult me and I will block you.

Have a wonderful evening


Way to make friends and influence people


So he gets blown to smithereens loosing his legs and nearly his life defending our nations interests, including your first amendment rights,

And HES the A-hole?

Because of a tag line?



It’s ok Brother Will,
Really, Please don’t.

I appreciate you all here. Let’s not spoil your weekend.


He’s a troll, I knew that before I posted my first comment.

I never served, however I have nothing but respect for those who did.

I made my point and he’s reverted to calling you names and making false claims.

This weekend especially is not one to disrespect those who served!


To me and you, you are correct.

However, I expect there are quite a few combat veterans out there that laugh at things that give the rest of us nightmares.

I have zero personal experience, but have taken some training from guys who have been there done that and their sense of humor is affected by the kind of work they do. One class I took the lead instructor (retired SWAT) laughed and bragged at things they did to perps. My uncle was a prison guard. Yeah. He laughed at things he did that would land the rest of us in jail.

I agree with what I believe is your underlying point: everything we do online will be dragged up and brought up in court if we ever find ourselves there. It’s a worthy caution. But at the same time, I’m personally careful to not call out the guy who’s lived this more than many of the rest of us combined.


Lighten up Francis. Dark humor is fine here. He has earned it. Mind your business a little more than you are. He knows all about social media risks. You are coming off like a scold. It dilutes your message. Not to mention how annoying and unnecessary it is. Try to work on your delivery a bit.


Maybe it’s the weekend (Memorial)
Maybe I’m being too sensitive.
But NO One LAUGHS in Battle
At least no one I’ve ever fought with!
Killing in Combat is Serious business
If you don’t take it extremely serious you phucking DIE!
You (‘Well bonded’) Want to JUDGE me? Go phuckin’ for it!
You think I give a Rats Azz as to Prosecuter’s reading my Posts?
The Phuckin’ .gov could be reading everything already who cares.
IF I get in another shoot (God Forbid) I will do it BY THE BOOK!
A RIGHTOUS SHOOT! my 'comments are hopefully taken in the humorous
way they were intended. If my shoot is Golden my Posts don’t matter.
If someone is stupid enough to attack me I WILL DEFEND MYSELF
and MY FAMILY! I follow the rules but in a fight I play to WIN!.
You can Monday MORNING QUARTERBACK all you want but I do not go
off half cocked and do stupid things.

NOW THAT made me laugh my azz off Virgil!
I don’t think I have ‘Dark Humor’ because of Combat that is who I am.
I AM A SURVIVOR. I have plenty of Commanding Officers that will atest to my character
and Good Judgement, Loyalty and Patriotism. I love God and Country and my record is
Exemplary. How’s your’s?
And you are right! (shocking!) I didn’t do anything for YOU!
Your 1st, 2nd Amendments, your Freedom to do everything you desire.
I did it all for MY BROTHERS BESIDE ME! Did I get pissed off when my first Brother
died on those filthy streets? Hell yeah! WAR WAS PHUCKIN’ DECLARED AND THEY FRIGGIN’ PAID A HEAVY Price Sir! They Invaded OUR Base and WE STACKED BODIES!
I am no Keyboard warrior sir, I am a Grunt to the core. And if we ever met in person I would
gladly shake your hand because THAT is how I was brought up.
Bur NO, You have to attempt to be Big Man on Campus and try to take my inventory without having a clue as to who I am and what I am about. You Sir are a Jerk.
You have zero Social Graces and you tried earlier to SCHOOL ME about blocking a guy saying ‘Don’t do that, try to educate him’
 Pot Kettle PAL!
If I am ever in a shoot again I will thank God I am not depending on YOU to have my back!

You don’t know how to act on this forum
You have zero idea what we have here. A BROTHER/SISTERHOOD A Covenant, A Bond, A COMMITMENT.
Your Village just called