If Given The Choice Would You Run Or Fight

And by posting that online I have to question your intelligence, that’s a very dumb statement to in a public forum.


It is amazing how much traffic this thread created, it would appear I hit on a hot button issue.

I might forward this to a fiend of mine who hosts a talk show, it could make for a interesting segment.

If it happens I will forward when it will air so folks here and call in with their thoughts.

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THANK you WB! I Love you too!

Anybody here (except you apparently) that KNOWS me
Knows I have a TWISTED sense of humor.
I get through these 'Day of Day’s by adding humor (hopefully)
to Lighten our load. Harmless jests, Off color jokes, Awful Puns.
Not one of my brothers ever thought I was serious when I make that
statement (except maybe you and a few others) of course.
So my last words to you is to know me is to love me! :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:
One day maybe we could be Bud’s—Just not today.

Have a wonderful evening Sir.

No Step on Snek!
(You may get bit!)


You may think it’s funny but if you ever ends up in court over a shooting your are involved in it will be no longer be humorous.

And before you post your anon, during discovery before a trial your posts may be very discovered and entered into evidence.

What do you think a jury might consider your words to mean when presented by the persecution?

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There’s a couple of things I find numerous…#1 Give up my wallet…hmmm why do I carry for?#2 turn my back and run.,…hmmm why do i carry for?
Pull a knife on this old vet 10 mm to the dome I’ll say it again.


What is your friends name and name of the show?
Do you have an link?


Ummm… I think he said Fiend… :scream:


If I’m on the jury, jury nullification at worst. At best, jury nullification with 5 minute standing ovation. You see, I have a warped sense of humor as well. It helps me deal with the overabundance of gullible idiots in the world today.


I think the jury will say ‘Damn dat boyz phuckin’ phunnie! and he cain 'choot too!"
They’d also say ‘Any Fiend of yours is a Fiend of mine!’

Remember WB you said yourself, SURVIVE! the shoot, I’d rather face (12_ then carried by (6)
etc etc, so on and so forth…

I’ve been in MANY shoots and I’m STILL HERE! Fiend!
The next one if it happens is when the world goes to shyte! Juries? Trials? BAH!

I’ve recently been attacked TWICE in the last six months and I kicked both their asses NO GUN involved.
You have to use ALL your recources not just your firearm Brother

HUZZAR Brother Richard HUZZAR!


Broth plain ol’ Don I think we can be fiends!



We ARE Fiends Bruh! make no mistake you ALL are my Brothers and Sisters

I have PROVEN to leave NO MAN or WOMAN behind!
This is Memorial Weekend
I honor my Brothers who have died
and celebrate My Brothers and Sisters here on this Forum.
No easy days ahead!


I have a personal issue with the “give up your wallet/money” strategy. It’s MY money, money I worked hard for and made sacrifices for. I’m not OK with just handing it over to some over-entitled thug with way to much self-esteem just because he demands it. F— him.

That being said, even I can’t foresee all possible scenarios, so I accept that a situation could present in which giving up my money would be the best option. My life history attests to the fact that I can do things I don’t want to do --when sufficiently motivated.


Just to be clear, @Don102 , I may only agree with about 75% of what you say but I’m 100% on your side.


Only read 50% of his post then you’ll agree with 125% of what he says.
Works for me. :grinning:


The infamous Karacal logic @ play here! Thank you Good Sir. YOU are Loved!
(um…not by me, but somebody MUST love you, You’re a Kat and a lot of people love Kats! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

As for that statement David, I’ll take those odds Bruh! any day of the week! We’re Cool !


Nice one.


I normally have to pay for it. :rofl:
Ammo isn’t cheap and Bidaflation ain’t help in’.


You Sir are Twisted!
(I like that!)


Watch out, that could be used against you in court! :roll_eyes::grinning:


I have no advice, but appreciate the various ideas.

Interesting scenario. Glad you are OK.

If I may just share observations.

I think it’s a normal reaction to be immediately affected, by a very dangerous and potentially life affecting situation. I imagine adrenaline rush might also cause that.

Training by the USCCA has demonstrated some education on what one can do in such situations.

YouTube series “Active Self Protection (AVS)” discusses them often, while showing real life incidences. I like the idea of “out smarting” a threat as well.

I imagine each person being different may respond in their own unique way.

Some days, my physical health puts limits on my being able to run per se. My feet ain’t so young any more.

Seen some training suggesting creating distance, distractions/diversions, and waiting your turn to make a move.

I don’t have any answers, I’d dread it if someone got hurt on my account. Although it’s good to talk about it.