QUOTES: (let's try this again...)

Nail polish remover. A friend told me.


Why does she look like Cpt Obvious?


Thank you.
I left my tooth out ; it’s easier to whistle.


Love me a marital artist that practices multiple arts at the same time. :wink:


We do it everyday.


It’s all good ; this is my wife Snaggle toof.


Look at the bright side I will save 20. Dollars A month. KAZ being an elite member.!! Don’t matter. Then I will be Regular member. :us::feather::feather:.


You my Good Sir are having a ‘Mass Causality Meme Event’ Going on here Brother!
Does someone have it in for you recently? Never got to read any of the Posts!

Put on your Body Armor and Helmet before posting! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


And, They already have.


Don’t stop Brother, keep them coming…


Sad But True Brother.

1 Like

Don102 they took down everything that I post so no one could read what was said this game is not worth the sadness and I have trained so much I just hope I don’t lose all my . Training courses that I completed. I did all of them that could be done . And I watched all the videos hours and hours and I watched them over and over SIR . I have training from others but I could share what I learned and did here. DON.102 you know me and lots of other members this is wrong.,. No matter TIM WILL SAY LEAVE OR . ? Tell them to stop . ?? You know what this is . Embarrassing. Take care sir Bobby Jean sir :us:


I don’t blame you Brother

Never any answers from the great USCCA about our concerns

‘Regular’ status comes and goes at their whim (like we are bad children)

Take it easy Brother if you decide to leave I might be right behind you

I could use the $40 a month on my extravagant Bidenomic lifestyle.

Your Brother Don (non-regular)


Brothers @Don102 and @BobbyJean please don’t let the negativity get you down. Honestly, where ever a bunch of people get together, pretty soon you’ll get some Lord of the Flies behavior. I know you both know this, it doesn’t mean the whole group is bad, it just means there are a few bad actors that need to be ignored, dealt with, whatever.

I get bothered by the attacks, fighting, trolls, etc. I recognize that this place is pretty much unregulated, and I also recognize that anyone can join, not just USCCA members.

Even with the negativity, there are so many good people here whom I really respect and enjoy, and you both are at the top of that list. I could name off a dozen people whose posts I look forward to every day. Some make me laugh, some make me think, some teach me, some just make me go “hmmmm??” and some make me thankful that we still have such good people in the world. At different times, you both fall into any of those categories.

Bobbyjean, enough people hare have come to your defense that you must know you are respected and wanted here, regardless of the flagging and comments of a few. Don, you are an awesome warrior, brother to many, and important part of this community. The USCCA needs you both, as members and contributors here.



I appreciate the kind words My Brother. (I really do)
It just seems this is getting old (this community rules and unfairness)
I’ve made some good friendships here that’s the truth and Joseph you
are one of them. I just don’t like the ‘games’ being played on us lately.
Flagging other Brothers (me? I don’t care if I get flagged–whatever these days)
I have more serious concerns than the petty-trollness here.
This is a place to unwind and prepare the upcoming festivities and to keep current for me.
I like to Babble and voice my opinion here (as you can tell) But I’m not feeling that lately.
I feel the Arbitrary ‘rules’ are starting to be unfair.
The here’s a Carrot you’ve been a good boy (‘REGULAR’ status)—‘You were naughty’–
They take that away. TWICE or THREE times! in a year? ridiculous
That’s just childish.
It’s like earning Sergeant stripes and some Officer takes a dislike and bust you down
to Private PHUCK YOU! Why would I stay? (I know Contracts but there’s no contract here–Thank god) I am free to come and go as we all are.
Personally I’ll miss this Community My Brothers and Sisters here
But this is starting to be like the .gov:" Rules for thee but not for me"
You shouldn’t be allowed to flag a very nice guy like BobbyJean out of the Community
because someone’s feeling butthurt by what he say’s or HOW he say’s it.
Or even worse some Ass*ole is being ‘Petty’ and just doesn’t like him
THAT ISN’T COMMUNITY that’s TARGETING and it’s Bullshyte!
If you are going to rule and regulate a group BE FAIR.
If you have a Troll in your midst ‘Take them the Phuck out!’
You banish quality Gunners in the past and then after YEARS go by they graciously
let some back in. WOW, how nice of them. You banish me and I ain’t comin’ back EVER.
If they let BobbyJean leave (BY DOING NOTHING) I am gone also.
I know big deal Buh Bye Don—whatever. Don’t mean nuthin’ I’m free to go Don’t
let the door hit you in the Azz right?
BobbyJean is a nice guy no doubt but why would he put up w/ this shyte every time he posts something? People diss his ’ Grammar’ and ‘spelling?’ what are they (2) years old?
‘He uses all caps and it’s hard to read some idiot said’----WHAT?
I had a guy saying idiotic stuff about me (I was YELLING AT HIM BECAUSE I USED ALL CAPS OCCASSIONALLY----(REALLY SERIOUSLY?) Oh my God I should banned for life!
'OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" I IGNORE people who annoy me. That’s my right.
Somebody is stupid to me they do it by themselves.
I’ve been through too much, seen too much and killed too much.
Verbiage (good and bad) really doesn’t bother me anymore
Say what you feel, you have that right
But don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining , that doesn’t fly w/ me.
I was a Civilian Security Contractor, Not a Regular Soldier(No contract==
But I TOOK THE OATH! to my Client and my Brothers)
This is an OPEN FORUM—I get that
But if you are going to have RULES —BE FAIR to both sides.
You see a guy get flagged (15x’s) in ONE day and nobody does anything to help him.
Find out who is flagging and ask him/her WTF! DO SOMETHING.

When something gets stupid I leave.
If it isn’t productive anymore I Jet.
The First Amendment GUARRENTEES BobbyJean has a GOD GIVEN RIGHT to say what he feels
(Yes Yes as long as he isn’t abusive or goes against the rules) He doesn’t, he’s unique
I give you all that. But he would give even the stupidest Troll the shirt of his back.
He’s a Gunner and deserves to be here (He’s a PAYING MEMBER also)
He’s a Patriot
He’s a Vet
and he is being shyte on
and that I will not let stand.
My leaving doesn’t matter–I get that also
I am doing this for me
It’s the principle of you know–the thing.
I’ve always helped a Boot that was in trouble
Gone to bat for the underdog (If my word had any pull at all
it was with My General and I used that for GOOD not evil)

BobbyJean has had a tough life
He shouldn’t have it tough here
He’s my Brother now and that means something to me.

Brother’s don’t quit on each other—EVER!



Why not a segment of the Community for members only? I have been on boards with that feature and it helps. Some also have a feature that allows members on the ‘members only’ section to set up topics which are by invitation only.


Blacky Love ya brother .F m love Bobby Jean SIR :us::feather::feather::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::100::100::100::cn:

