Words of Wisdom, or Preaching to the Choir?

“Learn to expect the UNexpected!” - a carryover when driving became a UPITA for me. “Be a HARD target to hit, or a TOUGH target to hit” - a carryover from casual study of martial arts. “When it’s YOUR turn, don’t give it BACK!” - an example of the “combat mindset”. “Your rights end at your fist - mine begin at the end of my nose.” - freedom versus liberty. “Politics have degenerated from public service into SELF-service.” - no mystery, here. “If a**holes could FLY, you’d be a JET!” - just a general observation of bosses I dealt with in the series of dead-end jobs in my working life. “If you kill the body, the head will follow.” - repeat of an ancient saying in boxing.


Be polite.
Be Professional.
Have a plan to kill everyone you meet. (Printed on the door of a FOB comms shack in Iraq.)

Fast is Slow.
Slow is Slow.
Smooth is Fast. (Gun fighter mantra)

Never forget to look up. (CQB instructor to me after I got “dead” in a kill house because I didn’t)

If I wanted the opinion of an A$$hole, I’d fart. (Me on more than one occasion)

Do not fight to defeat your enemy, fight to destroy it. (Some General somewhere prior to PC)




Quote from Wyatt Earp on gunfighting: “Learn to take your time, in a hurry.” Bravo!


Saw this on some meme somewhere, attributing it to Mattis. Figured it was from Iraq.


I would submit that the good General may be given credit for it but it was also a common mantra for Marine Embassy Guards as far back as 1988 when I heard it for the first time in Panama and again in Monrovia, Liberia in 1996, later in other places. So I guess the author is unknown but was probably a Staff SGT on Embassy Duty keeping his young bucks on their toes.




Thank you. Wherever it’s from, whoever said it, it’s sound advice.


Those that think that they know it all, really piss us off that do - My Dad

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