Please send good wishes and prayers

It’s kinda funny, the nurses all say how strong of a kick he has. My daughter thanks that too the strong fight passed down to him, I told her he was training for the butt kicking he’s gonna do.

Like I said before, he’s got the fight passed down from my side of the family. Who knows, he could be the next Chuck Norris and when he does pushups, he’s not pushing himself up, but the world down. :grin:


I’m kinda jealous, kids got more hair than I do. :grin::grin::grin:


@Brian_J. But when we get older, our HAIR falls out and grows where you don’t want it. :roll_eyes:
I’m glad he seem to be doing good, but still in my prayers.


I have to find comedy where I can, simply to stay sain. I keep doing projects to take my mind off the worry of my daughter and grandson.


Prayers to you and yours my friend. I hope the worst that Momma is getting over is the heartburn from all that hair!! :crazy_face: :rofl: :rofl:

I left medicine some years ago but one of the places I was in charge of back then was the Newborn Unit at Portsmouth. The CMC thought it would be funny to put me (knuckle dragging gun slinger) there and I enjoyed almost every second of it. Those are special Nurses and Caregivers that inhabit those places and the tech has gotten amazing. When we grew up a 20 week old was almost a death sentence now it"MEH, he’ll be all right." Hang in there Grandpa your newest shootin’ buddy will do just fine!





Your shooting buddy Brandon Jr will be out before you know it, you got a lot of stories to tell this little guy. when he can talk, he’ll tell you some. But right your little buddy is saying don’t worry Grandpa, I’m strong like you and can’t wait to see you. Hang in there Grandpa, The Lords get your back :smiley:


Definitely praying for Branden Jr. Any updates?


@Jacbilt. Welcome to the community, stay safe and train hard. :smiley:


Thanks Cobra . . . glad to be back.


Ok, as far as updates as of this minute.

We’ve all heard no news is good news, so that’s a good start. If there had been ANYTHING go wrong, with my grandson my daughter would have called me immediately. Like wise, if anything happened with my daughter, my Son-In- Law (he’s proved me wrong about being a stand up guy) would call me right away or have one of the nurses call me.

All of you guys have helped greatly keeping my spirits high and I can’t thank you enough. Also, my daughter and her husband send their thanks and appreciation for all your prayers and well wishes.


Welcome to the family and god bless you.


My thoughts and prayers go out to you keep the faith .




Thank you Johnny and God bless you too.


@Brian_J, Continued prayers and God’s love for Brandon Jr and all your family.


Ok, as promised UPDATE:

My grandson is off the UV light treatment, he has gained a couple of ounces (which doesn’t sound like a lot at first, but it’s a huge step), they’re talking about taking him off the respirator, my daughter told me he was opening his eyes now, and he’s constantly improving.

I was joking around with my daughter and said “next thing you know he’s gonna be wearing a leather jacket, wearing sunglasses and lighting a cigarette as he walks out of the NICU with BAD TO THE BONE playing in the background”.

All joking aside, I didn’t truly grasp how small he was until last night. I was in a video chat with my daughter and I got to see him and when my daughters hand came into the screen while she was touching him it hit me. My daughter has smaller hands than I do and they were huge compared to his little body.

After the chat I was almost in tears, one because of how well he’s doing and two the realization of just how small he is. I kept reaffirming to my daughter that she can call me at ANY TIME for support and updates.

Now, while we were video chatting, the room catycornerner to Brandon’s room it sounds like the lord called that poor child home. There were massive alarms and what had to have been the entire NICU staff there. If so, I pray that the parents can take comfort in knowing their child is in a better place, especially in these turbulent times.

I’ve sent my daughter screen shots of all the prayers and will wishes. To which she was in tears, she couldn’t quite wrap her head around how nice everyone is.


@Brian_J Thank you for sharing the photos and updates of this precious little guy.


I’d like to send a special thanks to the USCCA team for the card I got today, you guys are great.


Congratulations and best of luck @Brian_J. :clap: :clap: :pray: :pray:


@Brian_J How is Brandon Jr doing?