On the subject of concealment

I have nobody to share this with besides a message board.
My wife and I were just about to leave the house when I opened the safe. She said “Are you carrying because we’re going to the bad part of town?” I just replied “no, I’m putting this one away.” referring to the pistol in the dresser.
That’s when I decided not to mention the one I have had on me all day every day for the last few weeks.
So maybe I’m doing a good enough job at concealing, or maybe the wife needs to be more handsy.


Hello and welcome @Josh47
Sounds like you’re doing it right.


Welcome. Thanks for the laugh I needed that one. Yeah, you’re doing an outstanding job of concealing if your wife, the person you’re around all day every day isn’t noticing. There are a few things you can do and say to entice your wife to be more handsy as well. :rofl:




How I determined a person could be trusted because they didn’t say anything :wink:




I relate to this.


@Nick34 and @Josh47 Welcome to our community, we are glad to have both of you here. :slightly_smiling_face:


I became a gun owner at age 45.
Family might have wrongly thought it was part midlife crisis.
My wife wasn’t fully on board.
Fast forward to the summer of love, she asked the same question.


Handsy, no doughy in my mind.:smiley:

Welcome to the community @Josh47

I’m in a similar boat. My wife isn’t against firearms but doesn’t think they are necessary given the safe area we live in. If not for the sketchy areas I have to work in that have lead me to believe nowhere is completely safe I might agree with her.

At any rate. Have been carrying for years when the locations we are going to allow and she has no idea except for the couple of times she has asked or I have told her.

The new challenge is I have to pick my son up at school on some days to take him to martial arts and he is more observant than my wife is. Thanks to nonsensicle laws I am required to unload the firearm and store it unseen before entering school property and reload it after leaving. Doing this without my 8 year old son noticing is a fairly good challenge.

I’d prefer he not know I carry since I think it would be difficult for him to not talk about that to his friends when they are sharing that information with him on a regular basis. I have quite a list of intel on what firearms his friends’ parents own and how and when they use them. We live in a gun friendly town where pretty much everyone owns a firearm or 10+ but I’d still rather not share the information on what I own and when I carry with all of them.

So sometimes I just leave the firearm unloaded and locked in a safe in the car or just don’t take it. Though I have had many successful instances of stealthily loading my firearm and putting on my holster without my son noticing. Still it adds an extra firearm handling risk mandated by laws that are supposedly meant to keep us safe but much more often than not make everyone less safe.


Why travel to a bad part of town and carry? Don’t go if you would only go with a concealed handgun.


Not sure what the OP’s reasons are and where he’s going.
Sadly, life happens and
”bad part of town” is pretty much where I am as soon as I step out of my front door.


@Josh47 Looks like you’re doing a very good job on concealment! Keep it going! Be the GRAYMAN!!! :dotted_line_face: :+1:


There’s good ice cream over there.


My wife about if she can tell or not. She feels good about me having on me. When you have a wife who can tell if you are carrying it makes it easier to hide it well so she can’t tell if I am or not, but she knows I do so, there is that. When you hear gunshots at least once a week at the house you know there is no good part or bad part of town that you don’t have to worry about something stupid happening.


Carry every day. Everywhere law allows.


My wife is not fond of guns, but she is awake to what’s going on in this Country. When we go out, she knows that my carrying is just the way it’s going to be now.

An armed society is a polite society.


I’m blessed. When my wife and I leave the house she often pats me down just to be sure I AM carrying :slightly_smiling_face:


Not to be misunderstood. The Mrs. is not opposed in any way. My initial test was to see if she would notice. She didn’t. Time goes on and I’ll just keep on chooglin’, doin my thing. Hope to never need to bring it out.