Militia “Rise of the Moors” Cause Nine-Hour MA Standoff


I was uncontrollably sobbing by the time I reached the last paragraph of the NADDI article. Poor men who were trying to turn their lives around… :cry: j/k

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Re: Jury selection could start next month in Greenwood-linked drug ring case
“ Also pleading guilty was Jamal Marcus Latimer, who admitted he conspired to distribute a controlled substance.”

Ummm… that was dated 11/5/2019. Why was Latimer not behind bars?

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Maybe someone thought he had potential. “Wu Wei” as Confucius would say, acting without doing.


My interest in learning more about the Muslim religion has nothing to do with this group since I have seen little to no evidence that religion is their motivating factor. But whenever people spend a lot of time living in an Us vs Them world I think it is important to try and understand the Them better. I think that as often as not the differences in the two groups have less to do with the majority of people who are lumped into either group and more to do with the people who can gain from the division.


Exactly. So he is either a skip or made a deal. He is a veteran(not sure of status), and he worked at a RI “community” non-profit as a farmer before his coronation :rofl:


If only Latimer and his group were USCCA members, they could’ve benefited from this thread



Update: This is not the same person. Jamhal Tavon Sanders Latimer Is the man arrested by MASP.

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“All Jamhal wants is for people of all races to be treated fairly and equally. And he wants the law to be upheld as such,” Sanders said. “He just wants people to be treated fairly, that’s all he wants. And he wants to be treated with respect.”

They want the laws they like upheld apparently but reject all the laws they don’t?

By declaring themselves sovereign citizens are they not renouncing their US citizenship? If so doesn’t that make them an armed foreign presence on US soil? Will be interesting how this all plays out in the courts. Of course the left will try and make this all about the guns and likely try to ignore any issues with the people carrying them.


Leader’s father: ‘He’s not a violent person at all. No one can ever say that he’s done anything wrong to them, no one.’

Bey’s mother, Felicia Sanders, told the newspaper that he is not antigovernment and is not violent.

“All Jamhal wants is for people of all races to be treated fairly and equally. And he wants the law to be upheld as such,” Sanders said. “He just wants people to be treated fairly, that’s all he wants. And he wants to be treated with respect.”

Sanders believes that Bey, who identifies as a Moor, is being treated unfairly by police due to his skin color.

Every word uttered by his parents is a lie. No wonder this family produced a criminal son.
I recall Fort Hood murderer’s cousin also giving “he is a good boy” line to a reporter.


"After transitioning out of the military, Bey joined an apprenticeship program at Blue Skys Farm in Cranston, Rhode Island.

“It wasn’t the greatest of experiences,” Christina Dedora, who operates the farm, told the newspaper on Monday. “It started off as a really good experience, but it didn’t end that way.”

She did not elaborate."


This gets tiring.
If they don’t identify as Americans, what’s preventing us from deporting them to a nation of their choice?


Doubt any nation of their choice is going to want to take them either!


First off understand I do not have a dog in this race nor what I am about to ask, but I have to ask. Not trying to piss anyone off nor start a lot of back and forth BS, but as a human, a Black man and as one that has signed that blank check and stand on the word “ my time of service may be done but my obligation stands forever “ .

   ? Is. How come there is much said on this subject but hardly anything said about the brothers and sisters which forced their way into the capital?  Is that what being an American is?

 Like I said, not here for arguing nor disrespect, but I am curious because I as one which served and is a American, disagree with how both parties handled the situation
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That is a worthy question @Lu-Can .

I think a lot of it has to do with this being the story of the day. We busy humans have short attention spans. I do remember some heated discussions and points for and against the Capital event back when it was happening. I suspect this topic will soon fade into obscurity here as well.

But I do also think it is possible that the Capital Event is a harder topic for folks here to reconcile. Many here likely can more easily identify with some of the ideals and beliefs that motivated and manipulated the Capital protesters into their actions.

I personally can see a few similarities between these two events that could be worthy of discussion. Though it might be a touchy subject and given the political environment some may be uncomfortable sharing their opinions on a public forum for fear of being associated with a group of people charged with serious crimes.

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Thank you my brother @Shamrock
Like I stated, not looking to start an argument, just looking for honest opinions and brother I thank you for yours. I do value understanding.


@Lu-Can, I am not trying to be dense here, but I am not sure what your question is.


Brother I am or was curious about others opinions of how come the subject above received the attention it do but I am not aware of the situation which happened at the capital did not on this sites. Looking for others opinions for understanding.

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Just my opinion… I don’t know who or what was behind the actions on Jan 6. My understanding is that the Moors were on the side of the road, long guns in hand, and did not comply with the LEO.

I am not condoning or supporting either, as I was not there, all I have to go on is the news, which honestly, I don’t trust anymore.


Thank you my brother @Fred_G , you gave me what I am looking for, understanding of why others state what they do on the subject.