Militia “Rise of the Moors” Cause Nine-Hour MA Standoff

SPLC is as far left as can be and has zero credibility.
But they are correct about these moors


I would not make this assumption based on group or individual names. From what little I have read it sounds more like their beliefs are based on the sovereign citizen movement taken to the nth degree and utilized for personal gain at the expense of others. Doesn’t make them any less potentially dangerous though. And groups like this tend to be easily manipulated by other groups with very different agendas. So does bear looking into thouroughly!


What code do you believe followers of Mohamed would use? Their Qur’an tells them what to follow. Read about the Moorish invasion of the Iberian peninsula. About the only positive of that, if one wants to look at it that way, is that is why the Spanish eat rice. I am sure the 700+ years of war between the Moors and the people of that peninsula was not a positive.

Look at the countries Muslims live in that are a majority Islam as examples. Even in the countries where they are a minority, they still have influence on the living conditions of people there. In the UK they practice Sharia law, though the UK government, against the UK laws, allow them to practice it only for domestic issues.

In the USA, several years ago, someone decided to punish a thief under Sharia law and cut off one of his hands. So the idea that Muslims in the USA do not believe in Sharia law is ridiculous. You might want to ask a few, if you know any. I have, and they agree that they should be allowed to practice it here, as it is part of Islam. A poll of Muslims in the USA, several years ago, when the Iranians were tossing gays of rooftops, showed most had no issue with that.

Rather than laugh at reality, you might want to learn more about it. It is interesting to find out what people in other countries believe, when talking to them in person in their own countries. Many people in “Western” countries still love Americans and the USA. I know firsthand talking to the Brits I met abroad, they envy our RKBA, and self-defense.


This is pattern recognition, not Aristotelean logic.


SPLC has a long and distinguished track record. I dont believe one word coming out of their website, though even a broken clock is right twice a day.


But they were mostly law-abiding protestors, even if reality shows otherwise… as getting out of their vehicle and running away is what every peaceful law-abiding citizen does when the police arrive. As to the federal safe passage law, they were not abiding by that, either, as they were armed with rifles and pistols.

I’m sure you meant “ignoble.”


I’d use the right adjective, but this is a family forum.

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I actually do have friendships with several muslims in this country. What they would find ridiculous is the idea of practicing Sharia law here. They would find the sweeping generalization that all muslims in America would punish a thief by cutting off one of his hands as offensive as any American militia member would find the statement that every one of their members is racist and practices polygamy.

Sometimes I wonder whether the people on this site are for real or are foreign operatives working to spread discord. Seriously.

I would worry more about operatives from 3 letter domestic government agencies looking to encourage and then entrap potential miscreants. But I would be very surprised to find @Dave17 motivated by anything other than his strong opinions.

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I do remember a poll from a fairly unbiased source several years ago that said over half of the US Muslims surveyed said they wanted Sharia law to be practiced here. But what all those folks interpretation of what Sharia law is or should be I cannot say and there was still a fairly large percentage of those surveyed that did not want it.

Aside from the obvious no way, no how, not here aspects you see in the news about Sharia law, I haven’t looked into it enough to say if there are any redeeming lessons to found in it.

I also don’t know if these “Moors” are into it or not. They seem to have other agendas.

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It’s incompatible with the Constitution.

You try hard to twist my words, as when reading what I wrote, I clearly did not state such non-sense. However, you adroitly side-stepped what I did state. As to your comment about Muslims you claim to know, that is clearly BS. They may have told you they cannot practice it in the USA, but I am certain they did not tell you they would not want to practice it, as it is part of Islam.

So now I am a foreign national? I thought you believed everyone believes as you do? So much for that “world view”, moral equivalency and and tolerance of those with other points of view. You just shredded your ideology.


Have you read texts containing all the principles? I’m not trying to be argumentative, just curious. I have not read the Koran or texts on Shiria law so I can’t make an informed comment. I have read the Bible cover to cover and there are many ideas there that could be taken as incompatible with the constitution if you take them out of context.

We could go into much detail and would need a separate thread.
No. 1 on my list would be we have the Constitution of the United States as the supreme law of the land.
Which, in turn, IMHO makes going into detail moot and academic.

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Completely agree with that one no if’s ands or buts.

I am just curious what differences and similarities may or may not exist. There seem to be a lot of universal truths throughout the worlds religions. I just don’t know enough about the Muslim religion to say one way or the other how different they are. I do know that as with many religions, it often gets used by people with evil intentions to motivate others to do their bidding.

After 9/11, I did read the Qur’an and everything else I could find about Islam. I spent a lot of time researching Islam and everything I found was appalling to me. Some sites needed to be translated, but confirmed what I read. The difference is clear when looking at “Western” countries compared to countries that are mostly inhabited by those that believe in Islam. I have read in Egypt, they modernized Sharia law to allow doctors to remove the appendages, instead of using a knife or sword - progress? I have not read about how that is in other Islamic countries, they, too, may also do similarly.

When looking at the history of Islam and the ideology of today, it has not changed much since Mohamed. Mohamed was a wise tactician, declaring to be peaceful when out-numbered and attack when one has the strength. Islam was mostly spread by the sword, and as the Taliban shows, still is today. The Mid-Eastern Arab, or in today’s lingo, Asian countries, fought Israel several times and lost. Even today, Iran states it will push Israel into the sea - it is an Islamic theocratic country.

When Jefferson fought the Barbers, he, too, made clear what he thought of Islam and those that practiced it. The Marine Hymn memorializes that part of our history with the line “to the shores of Tripoli”. The Barbery slave trade and attack on the world’s shipping, including the nascent USA’s, was not going to be tolerated by Jefferson. He was not going to pay ransoms and tributes to stop the attacks on the shipping and to free those caught. Jefferson was no fool - he had a copy of the Qur’an. I am quite sure he read it.


Dang it. Now I’m going to have to add the Qur’an to my reading list! Thanks for reminding me of the more properly accepted spelling.

Violence in the name of religion unfortunately seems to be one of those shared universal truths. But some religions are likely more conducive to violence than others?? Or perhaps many have been manipulated from their original teachings in order to produce the desired results for various political rulers throughout history and today?

But back on topic here. I’m not sure that these “Moors” have a religious agenda. Has anyone watched their videos to see what agendas they are pushing? I have limited time and bandwidth.

I don’t think you need to have in-depth knowledge of Koran, to make conclusions about a guy who dons tactical gear and rifle, declares rejection of US Law, and changes his name to Talib. The word means “student”, but I somehow don’t think he is working on his PhD. So he is telling us very clearly what his gang’s agenda is (religious fanaticism), but we don’t believe him, we say no, they are just conventional criminals.

This reminds me of Ford Hood mass shooter, who signalled his intentions for years, and people dismissed it. Until he lashed out. I just can’t help not to put together in my mind this merry group, and July 4th celebration, and crowds.