Mace/Pepper Spray vs. Firearm

You might mean the Byrna. Looks extremely capable.


Yeah that’s the one. Seen a couple of videos on it. Looks good for less lethal or for someone who doesn’t like firearms. However it does have the look of a firearm.


Yes, I just watched the Byrna series of videos. Very nice! Going to look into it for my security team. Thanks @Harvey


I agree. I have learned new respect for the “lowly” .25acp. I used to say if I had a baseball bat I might take my chances against a person with a .25acp. However, doing research I have found the .25acp was at one time a very popular cartridge. AND, it can do a lot of damage. See short video below with ballistic gel tests. 9" to 11" penetration after 3 layers of denim is not something to take lightly. It dosent expand much… but, moving forwardd I will take my baseball bat and run for the hills.


I remember the old cast white metal .25s before they were banned. .25s were very popular before that.



But, they do not know it is all in fun… put the fear of God in them… or the fear of Remington or Mossberg and then have a good laugh about it later … hopefully, your daughters will be lucky enough to find boys that grow into men…
They also have their brothers… nothing says behave like a mean looking brother staring at you, so any who come to court the girls… better behave :slight_smile:

Or, get an old double barrel and load some ‘rock salt’… yep, I am getting old.


If someone took that byrna idea & turned it into a tube fed long gun that was powered by large co2 cans like some air rifles, that would be a real crowd pleaser.


Not really. In the Navy and again in the police academy, we were exposed to (sprayed in the face with) OC and OC/CS and required to “fight through.” It’s no fun, but you can do it - it definitely does not take you out of the fight. Yep, your eyes burn and things get blurry, and copious snot exits your nose, but you can wrestle, etc. And don’t forget, that applies to the person who deployed the spray too. Spray is an “area weapon” and usually you won’t have the time or the inclination to stop and check the wind direction before you spray.


Oh, that’s not a new idea. Basically a paintball gun with high capacity hopper and large CO2 canister that is loaded with 68 cal pepperballs.

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I don’t remember where I read it, may have been somewhere on these forums, but the gist of the discussion was this. If you carry a firearm AND a less-lethal device such as spray or Taser and use the gun but not the other in an attack, is there a possibility that a lawyer could ask why you went straight to the lethal option first, without trying to use the less lethal device? Something to consider…


Lawyer or DA can use everything & anything against you. That’s why you carry insurance…


You’re right. I do. Unfortunately many may not.


I carry a heavy wooden cane, a large folder on my left pocket, a canister of pepper jell and a pistol
on my right side. I like options, the cane would be my first choice to stop the attack or create distance. :us:


Its a common topic on “what if the DA says this or that?!?!?!” and the reality is you have exactly zero control over what a DA/prosecution will say about you. It doesn’t even need to be true or applicable to your situation. A DA is going to say/do whatever they want in order to get a conviction. Its a tactic that quite frankly works very well for them. Often times, by “throwing the book” at you they will get people to plea down to a lesser conviction and the end result is another conviction stat for that DA.

So the key for us law-abiding, responsible, gun owners is to make sure that we are fully knowledgeable about when we can and can’t use force and especially lethal force.

The equation is very simple… Is lethal force justified in any given scenario? The answer is yes or no. Lethal force is only justifiable when an immediate and lethal force is presented at you. The fact that you had an option to use some other lesser force is not relevant.

If you had time/distance to be able to use pepper spray and consider that a viable way to stop the threat, then perhaps your lethal force use wasn’t really justified. Because that would mean the attacker gave you indications that you can wait 30secs or more to see if the pepper spray kicks in. That doesn’t sound like an immediate lethal threat to me. If the attacker has the means to be lethal and has shown an indication that he is imminently about to use those means (knife, bat, gun, disparity of force, etc) then there is no time for pepper spray. And that “fact” should be easily presentable as evidence to debunk anything an unscrupulous DA/prosecutor might say.