Mace/Pepper Spray vs. Firearm

@Adamant, please keep track on Community’s threads. We have been discussing wasp spray, and it has been proved to be illegal in self defense.


I know we used to get it every Friday when I was in the Navy, last man without his mask on didn’t get any duty that weekend. So I personally know I can take it and fight through it.

If you are bound and determined to use Mace, get a gel to minimize back spatter, remember from which direction the wind is coming from so it doesn’t blow back on you when it hits your targets, and get a gel that has indelible dye in it to help the police catch them

Also be the first to win the race to call 911.


Active Self Protection on Youtube is very big on pepper spray. He’s the first person I ever heard say anything good about it. I am very leery of pepper spray because I’ve heard so many stories about it failing, either because the aggressor is on drugs or because they trained themselves to basically be immune to it. It may be because of the sheer amount of red and green chilies people eat around here, I don’t know.

From what ASP says, I would not recommend a gel. If you use a gel you MUST hit the opponent’s eyes to get a useful reaction in a useful time. On the other hand, if you don’t use a gel, you WILL spray yourself too, so you had better train to fight on and to recover from the pepper spray yourself. That means you will have to pepper spray yourself every so often just to make sure you can do that. I just really don’t want to torture myself periodically.

No option is a panacea. All options have drawbacks. You have to find out what the drawbacks are and decide for yourself what you are willing to put up with.

Edit. Here’s a video of pepper spray. Note that the cop kept going after he’d been exposed, but really, I put this here to show you how to recover.


Pepper spray has it’s place. I have added it to my EDC on most days.

Most people are affected by good pepper spray pretty close to instantly. Some people get a delayed reaction, up to 30 seconds. And some people are immune or have been pepper sprayed so much they have built up a tolerance.

“Most” of the time, this should work pretty good for what you want, especially in the highest risk now which is an angry mob/rioters. Just be prepared if you dont get the reaction you want to have a fallback plan of action, which may include lethal force if appropriate.


From what I have seen and heard, if it doesn’t work, you have to be prepared to transition to lethal force pretty much instantly because they WILL immediately attack, and you have no weapon in your hand.


If you use pepper spray & situation didn’t call for it you will be prosecuted. One more thing just for laughs suppose attacker eats ghost peppers with the post toasties.


Just as an additional point.

While Pepper Spray or Bear Spray or CS if you can get it… is a good option, always be prepared.

Leftist agitators seek to cause harm and death on the street.


Except that pepper spray is an “area weapon.” While serving as an LEO, I had to deploy spray several times. Every single time, I TOO was semi-disabled by it. If you are one of those that pepper doesn’t bother, more power to you - but find out before the emergency. This is why all cops get sprayed in the academy - so that they know how they will react and if they can fight through it or not.


I keep “Sudecon” wipes on me. Indirect pepper stream doesn’t harm a lot.


Like the gel more


In the past, we purchased a 2 shot compressed canister of “pepper spray”. Supposedly good for up to 30 feet in high wind. We never had to use it (fortunately) but had it in hand on quite a few occasions.
The thought of blow back was always a concern since most of our instances were outside.
Also, having only 2 shots was a concern if in fact we missed or had multiple individuals on an encounter.
I’m leaning toward a second firearm on the compact side. My wife, even after we have discussed most of the comments on this question is leaning toward finding a better solution to carry her normal EDC firearm.
Again, referring to a secondary option, for the purpose of replacing the firearm since she won’t be carrying more than one self defense tool at a time.
I’m really enjoying all the comments!


Is this the Kimber model? Looks kinda gun-like and has an over/under design? I have one too, I used to carry it instead of a firearm (in situations i couldnt carry a firearm), when the most likely encounter was a mugger. I would not carry it today for the reason you state which is more likely now multiple attackers and the two shot gel is just not enough.

I have several choices to CCW and each one fits different situations and/or clothing. A G19, G26 (vast majority of use), and a G43 for minimal size. If your wife is carrying the 380EZ (which is basically Shield size), the only thing smaller would be a compact 380 like Ruger LCP or M&P Bodyguard. Those will definitely be smaller.

OR you could get a snub-nose revolver, or one of those lesser known calibers like .32 or .25 but I’m afraid I don’t know enough about those to recommend a good model. Those will fit in more places than a typical semi-auto in 380 or 9mm.



Why not carry a firearm AND a can of pepper spray, or a Taser or some other backup weapon… even a good knife.


I can’t answer for @Matt_W but I know for me i used to only carry one defensive tool. There was only so much “stuff” i felt like carrying as part of my EDC, and even if I wanted to there is only so much pocket/belt space available without me looking like a lumpy hobbit (I am 5’6"). I expect, as a woman, she is probably even more sensitive to carrying items that won’t go in a purse. So I get the perspective of just carrying one purpose built defensive item.

Having said all that, with COVID and then riots, I “found a way” to carry more items, specifically pepper spray and often times PPE. But I look forward to getting back to a minimalist carry


Ah, but there are options. Pepper spray can be as simple and small as a key chain sized spray, can even be hooked to the purse. It is after all, primarily a backup or an option of less than lethal.
There are also ankle holsters, and even women can wear them… even with long dresses (got the new magazine and have been skimming through it…) or and for women, there are bra holsters for a small .22LR or an NAA .22WMR, or even a .25, plus ‘garter’ holsters for backup firearms, but if the issue is simply a secondary defensive weapon, a small pepper spray does not take up much room nor does a knife, and there are even some knives that can be carried around the neck on a chain

There are options that do not require a combat loadout. I carry spare ammo (in the car), extra knives, weapons, and survival gear (all in the car) but I only walk around with my firearm, magazine, knife (usually) and flashlight, and ball point pen (always a good defensive weapon, if a good metal body pen)… I currently do not have a pepper spray that I carry, the one I do have is larger than I would like in warmer weather and the case is large, so I need to obtain a smaller one.

Just saying…

You can still be somewhat minimalist, while still having a backup or secondary weapon.


@Harvey yes, the kimber over/under. I would’ve liked to test it but back then, it was expensive for a test.

@Kevin29 I carry multiple items. Women’s clothing does not work well for multiple items. At least not for quick access. Lack of pockets… etc (from what she has explained to me). She doesn’t want to get more overloaded than she is already (we have 6 kids) :joy:. I bought her a 511 tactical vest jacket that she likes and wears to carry. However when she’s indoors, the jacket isn’t comfortable and limits her carry ability with typical women’s clothing.
I’ve looked in to many of the options you’ve stated. It’s just not what she would like to do as of yet. Great thoughts!! Much appreciated, from everyone! :+1:t2:


I’ve been eye balling the bodyguard… :+1:t2:


Congratulations and my condolences :slight_smile:
Girls? Oh boy come wedding time. … and keep the 870 behind the door.
Boys? Just Oh Boy… (for some of us who remember what we were like)
Car keys locked in the safe?

But they should be there when you get older… hopefully they will not decide to move all the way across the country.


Saw a co2 air pistol that fires ammo like paintballs. Looks a little large but really takes care of business. Also looks like a firearm. Hmmmm


@Kevin29 3 girls, 3 boys!
I got my rack set up:
XDm 40, shield 40, EZ shield 380, 2 SR22s, AR15, Mosin 7.62x54 sniper and my Win. SXP with 30 shell bandolier all in wait for some pimple faced little weasel to come court my daughter… lol (all in good fun)… my daughter knows how to use them all. Whatever little boy comes ‘a knockin’, they better know they’re way around a firearm.
The rest of my “lead projectors” are comfortable in their storage spaces. LOL…
But I digress from point of topic. :joy::joy::joy: