I’m moving from Texas to New Jersey

Well, on the one hand, you could be safe in a different state, on the other hand, you could be in prison for a few years in NJ?


I was being facetious. I just don’t trust the government to protect me and my family, we saw how that played out in Uvalde. Border patrol agent had to drive 40 miles to get the shooter.


Yeah, at least that may give you a little “vibe” for what’s going on in NJ.
Other place I’d check is New Jersey - AR15.COM


It’s almost like moving to California.

I wish you all the best.


I know more about the horrible anti self defense CA laws than I know about NJ but from the sound of it NJ may be worse.

One big issues to figure out is the idiotic no HP ammo thing. At least outside your home, but how do you get it there without becoming a felon especially if you move there with an out of state license? Same issue with getting whatever firearms they will allow you to own to your new home. I have heard that NJ arrests folks traveling with firearms despite federal laws allowing you to transport firearms from a place you are allowed to posses to another you are allowed to.


The bigger question, if you’re one of us, how will you keep your sanity.
Best of luck.
Become a Krav Maga master!


It’s worse than CA


[quote=“BRUCE26, post:3, topic:82980”]
Also something brought up lots is no HP ammo outside your home, you have to carry FMJs in your firearm.[/quote]
Not exactly, as filled HP are not considered HP by NJ law.


It’s such a shame that the nicest or more beautiful states have liberal hive minds. They ruin everything even the ability to protect oneself. How we are still paying their salary is beyond me but that is another issue entirely.


I’m already 3rd dan in TKD, have 10 years in MMA and 3 years in Catch wrestling, and fair experience in BJJ I’d say purple belt rankish Fought in the cage. I tried Krav eh, not for me. I taught at a Premier Martial arts McDojo and studied under Ken Brayman (Ken Brayman is the master in 'authentic Israeli Krav apparently…) Honestly not impressed.

I have been a martial artist since I was 4 years old. I learned over time not to use sports fight tactics in a self-defense situation because no one wants to do BJJ on concrete. especially when you’re unable to see your surroundings. But NO martial arts stops a bullet. Indiana Jones proved that.


That’s awesome, sounds like you’re in great shape.
Good thing in the most restrictive states only the bad guys can carry a gun! Would be a bad move to keep your ownership a secret.
Absolutely right, fists and feet don’t stop bullets. But smarts do, and you sound like a very smart guy! Unfortunately places like N.J. very hostile to our way of life. You know, freedom, family, firearms and friends!
Dig deep, do research maybe you have a good reason to carry? Make friends in high places, move slowly get to know your community and all laws, regulations and city ordinances!
Congratulations on the newborn!

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One of the things I love most about gun laws (and liquor laws, for that matter), state to state, is how absolutely clear and logical they all are. :face_with_spiral_eyes:


My late father move to NJ for his job. He had a GA CCW. When he went in to get a CCW in NJ they told him NO. But they did not take his gun. And he had it the whole time he lived in NJ. And when he Retired he move to AL. And still had his gun. I now have his gun. And I live in AZ.


Here are some restrictions posted if you are going to shoot a match in NJ and you’re non-resident. This is a GSSF shoot.

For non-NJ residents going to the Jackson GSSF match.

– Don’t bring any magazine that holds more than 15 rounds.

– NJ considers a loaded magazine in a car to be the same as a loaded gun. Don’t load your mags until you arrive at the range, and strip all the remaining ammo out of the mags before you leave. Then again, a loaded “full-moon” clip for, say, a S&W 625 is NOT considered a loaded firearm. Go figure.

– As a practical matter, ONLY NJ residents can legally buy or lend pistol ammo in NJ, and then only to other NJ residents who can legally accept it from them. Then, only if they have the proper NJ permits. If you don’t possess the proper permits, and any out-of-stater is not going ot have them, it is illegal to even LEND a few rounds to the buddy who came in the same car with you, so he can finish the match if he is short. Illegal for you to give him the rounds, illegal for him to accept the rounds, and vice versa. Bottom line, bring a goodly supply of extra ammo, in case you have to reshoot something. Make sure your buddy does the same; you cannot get any at the local Wal-Mart.

– It is a good idea to put your guns in LOCKED cases, and your ammo in SEPARATE LOCKED cases. Then, if you get pulled over or something, they would probably need a warrant to have you open those cases. Or at least some probable cause better than a light out or something.


…and if the officer asks if you have any firearms in the vehicle?

Pretty sure “don’t take a handgun to NJ” is the correct answer here

Pretty sure it is in fact a felony

But I’m not a lawyer


There are some guys I worked with that live in Virginia and they do the GSSF shoot in NJ each year. They make sure to follow the rules and take a copy of the state laws with them to show to any LE. Also, they travel directly to the match and when it’s over they leave the same way. Apparently no problem, just don;t travel around the state.


There’s no more off-shore work in Houston? Some of the best paying blue collar jobs I ever heard of…

Would you mind sharing a link to the NJ state law that says a non resident can take a handgun into NJ?

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Apparently the guys I know are at the GSSF shoot this weekend. I’m sure they would be using their own Glocks in competition. They did say they take a direct route to and from the match, which is something referenced in the NJ State Police and NJ.GOV web sites. GSSF cautions competitors to follow the laws and in particular to take plenty of ammo for the match, since a non-resident cannot legally get any in NJ. Personally I don’t care what their laws are and will never go there. I’m simply sharing what GSSF is telling the members about the match. Maybe they need to include, bring your Glocks to NJ and become a felon.

Jun 18 - 19, 2022
Garden State Regional Classic XXVIII
jackson, NJ
central jersey rifle & pistol club


Just remember that NJ is unfriendly to the RKBA and it is a positive defense state. I have read too many stories where they will punish a lawful carrier by making them pay lawyer fees and court time, just to discourage lawful carry. In court the positive defense will overrule their malicious charges. Unfortunately, the fees and time cannot be recovered.

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