New Jersey now "Shall Issue" Any Recent experience?

I know that New Jersey has been pretty much an impossible state to get a concealed carry permit. Now that New Jersey advertises that they are a “Shall Issue” state if anyone has recent experience with getting a non-resident permit I’d be grateful if you can share the experience.

Thank you in advance,


Only 2 states away and haven’t been to NJ since my Grandfather passed away, but saw this in the news a few days back. Hope the idiots in our blue states wake tf up next week. Nov.8 will let us know our future.

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They want residents and visitors to feel safe, well I will avoid New Jersey, because they make me feel less safe with their laws.


Same as me,and I have no reason to leave Texas right now for any BLUE State


Applying for a NJ permit is akin to pasting a “kick me” sign to your back. NJ Democrat law enforcement would know that you are a dangerous firearms owner who carries.


I am only dangerous to any one that wants to mess with me


It’s a “shall register!”
How do you say in American, doveryay no proveryay!


I was chatting to a guy from NJ the other day at an IDPA match about getting a permit there now it’s a “shall issue” state.

He told me that he applied as soon as the law passed, and he still hasn’t gotten his permit yet. He did everything “right” yet they keep jerking him around, telling him he needs new pictures, or they lost his paperwork, etc.

I spoke with a trainer whom is already doing the Utah and Maryland permits and asked if he was going to ever do the NJ one and he said “Not until there has been a successful lawsuit against NJ Gov. for not issuing permits even though they said they would”. Apparently they haven’t issued a single permit since the law changed.

Also, they haven’t published the full list of places that you won’t be able to carry but already it’s looking like there is going to be little point in having a permit there as everywhere is going to be deemed a “gun free zone”


Out-of-state residents must apply to the New Jersey State Police station nearest to their geographic location using the same process as residents. A firearms training course is required for new applicants, who must be at least 21 years old.

Here is a link to the USCCA Reciprocity Map, where you can see the requirements for obtaining a New Jersey Permit To Carry A Handgun, as well as access to the online application for it.

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And the class is 14 days long😉


14 days is toooo long,NO NJ for me at all! Even passing through with out of state license is a sure stop and search,not worth it at all!


Good luck out there. Heard of legal cases where a 2A supporter was Vs. against a government (ie state), and won, gaining more fair rights. We stand on their shoulders.

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I haven’t yet spoken to anybody who actually received a NJ permit, whether resident or not. Most don’t even try when they look at the process that must be gone through, those that do, perpetually waiting.

It’s not a state to be in if you want individual Rights or Liberties, unfortunately


newjersey.pdf (392.6 KB)

Looks like handguns are prohibited pretty much everywhere in Jersey. Even on private property.


Kinda like a New York situation…

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A few days ago I emailed the NJ State Police looking for an appointment to drop off my “BIG” package applying for said permit. About 30 minutes after my email went out the State Police called me with the advice to wait a week. Apparently law suits are hitting the court on Tuesday this coming week and all the new onerous laws according to the Trooper are expected to be shot down. The officer seemed very pro CC in our conversation. I was impressed with his attitude and his distaste for what the politicians were trying to accomplish. I am a non-resident but am in NJ for my job very frequently. It would be easy to just kick it to the curb but that is exactly what politicians want so I’m not giving in unless they prevail and exclude firearms from every sensible location.



I am in the same boat as you. I live in CT but work in NJ. I just took my qualification class for NJ, but haven’t filed the paperwork yet. Can you tell me which State Police barracks you talked too? I’ve called a few and have received different advice, none of which was helpful. I’d like to talk to someone who can give the correct advice on what’s actually required to file (how many copies of the form, insurance requirements, etc.) and schedule an appointment.

Thanks in advance.

Scott O.


Hello and welcome @Scott398


Welcome to the family and we are blessed to have you here.


Hi Scott,

I contacted NJSP Woodstown by email and provided my phone number, they called me.In my email I stated that I had my packet ready. Their email address is: [email protected]. If you live in CT you will need to contact a barracks closest to your home. I live in Maryland and Woodstown is closest to me.

Here is a good starting point for you to get underway: Firearms Information | New Jersey State Police

NJ is in the least a pain in the ass. The intent of the politicians is to make the carry permit all but useless. The officer told me the new statutes were to go to court yesterday and would likely be struck down. I know that the NRA is suing. I haven’t seen any result yet. If the politicians are successful seeking the permit will be a total waste of time because it will be illegal to carry anywhere you would need to even in your own car. Between fingerprinting, money order and photos and time I am already more than $200 into a 2 year permit, not including the proposed $150 increase in the cost of the permit.

Good luck…

I just looked up the latest: MSN