I bought a knockoff ACOG!


So, I was trolling the depths of gunbroker, and I came across rifleremedy2000 selling ACOG 4x32s for about $100. My first thought was that it was a scam. ACOGs on the low end cost $800. It was too good to be true, but too good to pass up if it was true. I decided that $100 wasn’t a lot of money to lose if it was a scam, so I bought it with my eyes wide open, expecting to be scammed.

I decided that the most likely outcome was to receive a Chinese knockoff. It arrived today, and it was indeed a Chinese knockoff. I went back and looked at the listing, and it was listed as an “ACOG Style Optic,” so it’s not like the guy lied or anything. It’s from a brand called Ohhunt.

I won’t have time to test it for a while, most likely, so I can’t report back soon on its quality, but has anybody else heard of Ohhunt optics and know if they tend to be any good? Do they tend to hold zero? Do they tend to fall apart?

I have not heard of them, nor would I expect a “insert name brand style” optic at 1/10 the the price to be particularly good. But for what most of us actually do with our rifles, in the conditions we actually do it, we may not actually ‘need’ that much of an optic. And some of the things that make good optics expensive may not be noticeable without looking through both back to back, clarity, brightness, edge to edge clarity, etc.

Does it have tritium illumination for dark-dark conditions or is it fiber optic only?


Some interesting reviews. Guy has the acog on a .308 and says it holds zero. Another guy says he gets fraudulent cc activity after placing an order twice, and ohhunt response is they use an overseas bank :roll_eyes:.
They seem pretty proud to be using the USPS :joy:…SaaaahLute!!

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It’s highly unlikely a product sold with those tactics, at that price, will hold up for long. God forbid someone trusted their life to such a product and discovered failure at a bad time. As I understand it, many such products work for a while, but are not built so as to be able to survive shock, or a difficult recoil impulse.

There are some very good fakes of Eotech optics too, to the point that Eotech put out videos about how to spot the really good fakes. One of the easy ways was that there was no port hole screw for where they put the nitrogen in.

My experience with several budget optics is that they work for a while, but soon fail or flail because they are built like toys and not tools.


Without reading all this stuff I put information on this site about Walmart that sold me a JBL Knock off. It was about $30. cheeper and I didn’t read the reviews till after I pushed the button ( wrong ). It works but not too good and I called JBL and it’s a fake. Talked to Walmart they refused me to a third party vender and the only thing they did was guarantee it was new. ( HEADS UP DONT TRUST WALMART )
PS: not the first time for me, now I’m done, I would like to be kissed while I’m being screwed.


As my brother likes to say: quality doesn’t cost, it pays. Also as noted on a TV show: a cheap tool is an expensive tool.


It’s the Value over Cost continuum.


It says it has Tritium, but I haven’t tried it in the dark yet.

At this point, I am glad that the seller only took Paypal payments. I shall be watching…

Rifleremedy2000 whos name is colin from austin texas got raided by the atf for selling illegal chinese solvent traps with the drill jig. Solvent traps were legal if manufactured in the united states but not with the drill jig that would have been sold separately with a form 1. Due to this situation i was visited by the ATF. I reached out to colin for an explanation and was met with no remorse at all and when i spoke on the chinese solvent traps he became very dismissive like he had something to hide. Colin the atf and gunbroker worked together to cross reference names with addresses and colin has been willingly cooperating as a federal informant. William kirk of washington gun law put up a video basically praising this kid and saying hes only a college kid trying to get by without knowing factual information and everyone now believes at the drop of a dime what anyone says without facts. The facts are hes a snitch and has used his prior customers as scape goats so he dont get into trouble hes a disgrace and an embarrassment to the 2A community

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First, welcome to the club! Glad you found us!!

Now, not siding with either side, but if you buy a product, it is your responsibility to know the laws and regulations related to the product(s) you are buying. On one hand, snitches get stitches, but on the other hand, you should abide by the law when selling or purchasing a product. I don’t know anything about this event or the seller, but here’s a question, and please answer honestly… If you have a wife and children, would you want to spend the next decade at a minimum in prison? If we are going to talk about something, let’s first address that we know the minimum of what the factors are in this situation, and as far as I am aware, I currently have received no jury summons… If what you say is fact, I don’t think l’d I have sold out all my customers, however, I wouldn’t get involved in selling potentially NFA regulated item(s) when I don’t have a complete and factual knowledge of the item(s). Second, I would not purchase potentially NFA regulated item(s) without such. If these people bought an NFA item without a stamp, it seems as if they might have been risking a bad outcome? If the seller doesn’t care about selling NFA items according to the letter of the law, I wouldn’t really trust them to keep my name a secret if/when they get pinched. Would you? Seems like there may be fault on both sides?

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Also, let’s not call people out directly as if we are righteous. @moderators

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This, uh, seems like something to work out between an individual and their attorney


Pinty makes a knock-off ACOG for about $100. I bought one and it is ok, but it’s definitely not an ACOG.


Walmart sells JBL SPEAKER knockoffs ;
Long story short.

PS: ; Red flags

  • a lot cheeper
  • read reviews b4 you buy, I didn’t.
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I Bought one 3 years ago. It has held Zero under some trying conditions. It has not fogged up. I paid 75.00 at that time. It is an Ohhunt. Still using it. Results may vary I would say. mine has the Aurora style reticle.


You know, if you can get a few good years out of a product that much cheaper, it might be worth the difference. Especially if the choice is between having a cheaper knock-off brand, or not having anything at all because you can’t afford the real thing. Depends on your situation and how important your tools are to your livelihood, I guess.


Yes, my rule of thumb is, “as long as I’m not risking my life with this equipment, go for the cheap.” I’d never do that with my EDC or my parachute.


Yep, On the knockoff stuff, Its the luck of the draw I believe. I more or less bought one to see if I would like the ACOG. I was lucky I suppose and will end up buying the real deal. About a year ago I picked up something from a company that had aquired a bunch of Surplus ACOG s. I am digging back through my info to find them. The models they were showing obviously had seen sandbox time. Wont know how much Tritium is left on it though.
Wanted to add that I bought it it just to try the system out,Plan to upgrade to a real deal. Like one other said to some extent. How much is my safety worth. But as of now the knock off is still working


Classic Firearms are the ones that were selling surplus ACOGs They had 3 different conditions A B and C. I looks as all have been sold out

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I just got my knockoff Acog put onto my AR… I believe it had tritium in it when I got it, but it doesn’t now! When I cover up the fiber optic input, my optic goes dark.

I may be switching back to my meprolight reflex sight.

When it’s on, I love the thing so far, at least with my Blackbeard in it. Haven’t had a chance to go shooting yet.

I will keep you updated.