How Many Permits Do You Have?

PA-Non Resident
DC-Applied for


Curious of the language in New Mexico’s reciprocity with Utah.
I’m a resident of Utah and New Mexico used to have language that sounded like, “if you are a resident of utah and have a Utah CWP, then NM will honor it.” But now it reads as though they won’t… Although it states, “limited reciprocity”. Can anyone shed some light for me?? As I plan to travel through NM sometime in the future. Thanks

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Playing with the reciprocity map, I had assumed Utah was my NM coverage, but it’s not. My Florida permit covers me in NM. FL is a pretty good permit, 7 years, $95 total, you can do a lot of it online, but will have to mail in training cert and fingerprints.


Same here. Resident: Illinois.
Non-Resident: Florida.
Relatives in: Arizona and Florida.
Discontinued UTAH and replaced with Florida.
Take care.
Joseph a1


Currently 3: VA resident, PA non-resident, just got Utah non-resident last week, and waiting on D.C.
Utah only added 3 states for me on top of the ones I had already, but I mainly got it for Delaware, which is may-issue but recognizes Utah permits (and some others). I can carry now pretty much anywhere I expect to travel except for MD, which is unfortunate because I go there or through there frequently. I was thinking about applying there but figured my odds were slim, and after the SCOTUS case last week I’m just going to wait it out - I think that’s going to go in our favor.

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Jeff202, I wish you good luck with MD and D.C. lived in the DMV for 30 years with lots of “reasons to carry” and police recommendations but out of the 5745 submissions, only 8 were issued. That was about 7 years ago and since then, the restrictions have increased.

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I’m working on my Florida’s permit.

I’ve got a hard time to wash my fingers after visiting IL State Police for fingerprints. :neutral_face:


Concealed Weapon or Firearm License, State of Florida - received ! :muscle:
2 months waiting time… not so bad. Thank you Florida!