Firefighter/EMT - Armed Ambulance Personnel Your Thoughts?

Hello Burdo,
Yes some divisions do have unions & the crews have their choice on their involvement. With that said some are not ems geared unions like for example USW in some areas which tend to not help with certain causes. Though there are other divisions like mine that are not union stations. I’ve had the experience with & without. I enjoy the stations without, cause you don’t have an entity taking dues out of your pay every two weeks for doing absolutely nothing, management tends to be more approachable & willing to work with you more. Finally even with unions they tend not to be able to do anything about changing policies unless there’s a law that changes which in turns supports the change of a corporate policy.


Insightful for us, appreciate your taking the time. Wishing all our firefighters and EMT “safety”, and we thank them for their own service to us all.


Yeah, I agree! As a first responder, That would be great & ideal. Unfortunately, as I stated in another response; most calls don’t have Law enforcement attached to them. Even escorting other responders falls low on their dispatch centers priority list.
Also per DESHANEY v. WINNEBAGO ‘89 SCOTUS ruling officers are not legally obligated to protect or interfere with anyone even an assault victim /other crime that happens right in front of them. Even other responders included. Not arguing or trying to dismantle your statement, just providing facts/food for thought with your ideal statement for future reference.

Wow… thank you for this information , much appreciated. Take care and stay safe.

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I, too, was a volunteer Firefighter - EMS - Rescue guy for about 10 years (before 9-11-01). I can remember the day that they had to put locks on our station doors. This came after someone walked right into a station (we always left it open) and blew the entire crew away! All EMT’s know to check seen security and wait for law enforcement if required; but this robbing of the ambulance and fire crews is new and particularly distasteful.
I have to say that, in a day and age when some areas have reduced police force sizes or where any federal agency is involved, attacked crews won’t get response fast enough. Initially people will balk at the idea but, if the unions stand their ground, it could become normal for EMS - Rescue and Officer-level Firefighters (Captain on every truck) carry weapons of both non-lethal and lethal types.

Good luck in the liberal Northeast, though, on getting that idea to fly! They’ll demand police-level training, that will cost more, and frankly I do not see how that would be feasible; but my prayers are with you all. Ballistic protection is a viable idea, as is gas / spray, tasers, etc.
My own feeling? Basically crews will need to maintain a very high level of SA and, when they are robbed hopefully intervene enough to leave the perp in such a state they will require their own medics! Of course, using only that force which was necessary to stop the assailant.
Why the hell do people want to hurt police, fire, rescue, EMS, anyway? Then again, why the hell would anyone shoot up a school??? They took God out of government and schools; that’s why. Certain types of judges let criminals go; that’s why. Certain administrations enable drug abusers; that’s why.
(Moderators please note I did not use the words liberal or Democrat.)
One man’s opinion; user’s mileage may vary.