Federal Court Rules Machine Guns are Protected by Your Second Amendment

This ruling brings to light a broader debate over the Second Amendment and what types of arms it protects. The original intent behind the Second Amendment was to ensure citizens could bear arms for self-defense and as a check against tyranny. However, what constitutes acceptable arms has evolved over time, with technology and societal changes influencing interpretations.

For gun enthusiasts, this ruling is a reaffirmation of their rights. Many believe that law-abiding citizens should have access to all types of firearms or weapons, including machine guns, howitzers, tanks, and F-15 Eagles, for self-defense and to maintain a balance of power. Critics argue that such weapons pose a significant threat to public safety, labeling them as “weapons of war” unsuitable for civilian ownership.

Get One!***** GIT SUM! (That’s all I have to say 'bout dat!

adonde nosotros vamos uno nosotros ir todo!!!
Nessun passo sul serpente


Ever wonder what a mouse is thinking when it sees a piece of cheese on the ground? It is like letting someone play with rope waiting for them to hang themselves. Call me skeptical but I am skeptical about it. If it is too good to be true, then


I have a concealed carry weapon permit. That means I am allowed to carry a weapon concealed. I am not allowed to brandish it. I don’t carry it for looks. I don’t show it off to anyone or think it makes me look tough. Walking around with a machine gun under most situations is considered brandishing in my eyes. Driving around in tank, well let’s call that brandishing also. If one wants one in case one is there when the SHTF that is fine.



Using said MACINE GUN correctly could enhance society!

This country is DROOLING with TYRANNY!


That is a very handsome looking machine gun you have there Scotty.


I wouldn’t mind burst fire on a few items I own.


Thank you, sir, it’s good to have your blessing!


Your welcome kind sir.


@Robert1246 If the State is open carry, all those items (if legal to have) is not brandishing, except for the eyes of anti-gun sheep. :laughing: :astonished:OMG LOOK! that guy is holstering an assault weapon! call the Police :scream:. AH!! Excuse me, it is legal to open carry, now calm down!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :laughing: :smirk: “Chec Yo Selve” :rofl:


Seems like a legitimate ruling to me.

I still don’t want one.

Hope the rest of you get as many as you want. :grin:


Sin, Have you ever fired a Machine Gun? .
(It’s a pant changing experience Brother).
The first time I fired an M-60 I raked the target straight across the Bulls-eye!
But that’s not the entire story Bruh!
It was (30-40) rounds that went wide on both sides of said target before and after
going across the center!
I know my eyes were glazed over, I think I drooled! and all I could think of
was ‘God please have another belt around here somewhere!’



The whole purpose of the 2nd Amendment is weapons of war. Hunting and self defense has nothing to do with it. We are supposed to be able to take on an invading force or a tyrannical government. That is why the government does not want us to have guns. In reality the government should be supplying vets with military grade weapons and an ammo pack. Everyone should be required to take a minimum of 6 months training. That is how Switzerland stays free.
That said I can barely afford to shoot semi auto. I hope this carries over to suppressors. It would be nice to walk into a gun store, buy a suppressor and take it home.


I have never had the privilege. If I ever do, I hope you are around to see the smile on my face. :grin:


They are fun, and full auto fire does have tactical applications in the field. One of them being keeping bad guys heads down when you retreat out of a bad position or ambush.


:face_exhaling: Now if they would just legalize Claymores. :crossed_fingers:


I hope I am Brother! Come to Albuquerque when the dust settles I can possibly wrangle us up the appropriate hardware.
I know a guy who shot a guy who killed a guy! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:Shamelessly stolen from The Bowrey king in JW !


Claymores, Phoo-Gas, Frag’s, 
where are we? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Suppressive fire is really the only effective need for full auto. Burst or single fire is what does the job. On a related note after The Civil War, the amount of ammo/munitions expended per verifiable kill has risen exponentially during every conflict we have been involved in ever since.


The whole purpose of the 2nd Amendment is weapons of war, meaning defense of Country, Family and self. If we are in a self defense situation, it is a small war! We are supposed to be able to take on an invading force or a tyrannical government. That is why the socialist, commies don’t want us to have guns. Obama and Walz are both Communists and Race baiters. Walz made a lot of trips to China and sold out his Country! The movie Red Dawn says it all, and may be coming true, if the Left can pull off another steal. We may need our guns if they can succeed in killing President Trump. I believe Obama and the muslim Brotherhood, are responsible for the contract put on Trump’s head! Remember Obama bowed to the muslim King as he is supposed to do according to the koran. I just wonder how he as a homosexual, queer, browny lover, gets by with it as a muslim?
The Left is the side that has brought: Hunting and self defense it.


An interesting think piece, but there are some disturbing observations that are eerily like things that are happening right now.

Real-life Wolverines: What if "Red Dawn" Actually Happened? – MIRA Safety.

This is an observation they made about the Current Conflict between Russia and the Ukraine. That I do think keeping it in mind.

Note that the ability to project and sustain power is proving extremely difficult for Russia even within Ukraine, a relatively smaller and less populated country.

2 Countries, with direct physical borders.

However, with the amount of military aged males that have crossed our border that is a concern, one that I would hope that our military theorizes, and war games. I know we did in the 80’s

If I was to bet on something like this. My money would be on a combination of hacking our banking systems and an EMP event carried out by an, oh I don’t know, some number greater than one of errant high altitude balloons crossing through U.S. Air Space :thinking:

I am acquaintances/borderline friends with a military officer who taught/lectured at the Army War College and The U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC) located at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. He talked about this with a group of us who were hanging around together after an event he spoke at late at night over drinks and cigars, and “What Iffing”. No classified material just general type musings you have when the liquor is good and the conversation is stimulating.

I don’t think we will see a conventional Navy type support for an invasion, since quite honestly, no one has the cap extant vis-a-vis foreign power to project that much force across an ocean, well except for the U.S. But landing a big enough Army to the South of us bybusing Conventional Seagoing Cargo vessels/ships that had been modified into war materiel moving ships. That I could see. There is more than enough Cargo Container type vessels to support that idea, maybe enough to overwhelm and take a Major U.S. Seaport. That would work
 once. Then our Navy would clear the Ocean. So it would have to be an all in bet Texas Hold 'Em style.

People, from other Countries don’t really get how truly big the United States is physically, at least the ones I have talked to in relation to my time in the military, and it’s absolutely massively different biomes a foreign power would have to contend with here. That is a logistics problem of enormous complexity. Everything from the Arctic to Desert. Think of the recent GWOT, and how difficult it was to keep supplied logistically which was really only one type of biome and that was with complete ownership of the Air and Sea spaces.

One of the biggest complaints I have seen/heard about U. S. Military training was the propensity of the U.S. Military spending to much time training in Peacetime conditions by training to fight the last conflict before it became Peacetime, everyone wave at Fort Richardson, a lovely little heckhole that was our premier Jungle Warfare/Sere training base in Panama (that’s a place where service members learned to eat bugs and “other things” that would make a dog say “oh h*ll no”, That’s true of the U.S. and most of the rest of the world.

Bottom line, logistics win or lose wars. It would be a huge complicated logistics problem to fight a conventional war for a foreign power. But it is an interesting theoretical exercise.

My biggest concern, quite honestly, is a foreign power(s) may already be here. Because you hear things when you belong to 2nd Amendment organizations that support "Gun Shows. Concerning things like people buying up all the body armor/Semi Auto weapons that with a good gunsmith can become full auto. All paid with Cash.

Disclaimer: I’m just random old_guy_002749 on the Internet. None of my meandering should be construed as anything other than a just for fun look at a “Red Dawn” scenario.