Does your spouse or significant understand?

LOL, I understand. My wife says she does not like me to carry. I stage my Rock Island on the nightstand when I go to bed, giving me easy access should it be needed. I tell her I understand her unease because she didn’t grow up around firearms and people who hunt. However, I explain that the world seems to be a little crazy these days, and if something kicks off, I want to at least be able to defend us. Don’t believe in going down without a fight, that’s why I train! I have to deal with the world as it is, not like we want it to be!


My wife not only understands, but is an active partner in our mutual defense. She carries whenever we go out, always has her beloved Beretta 92 handy when I’m not home, has asked for and received several guns as Christmas presents, and is an excellent shot and handler. She is my partner and best friend in every way, including loving the 2 A.


My wife grew up around guns as did I and I have hunted since we’ve been together. While she doesn’t shoot much and is not really into guns. She is ok around them and is fine with mine.
When I told her I was getting my CCW license I got the typical why? What for? Response. When I explained why she was indifferent. That all changed 2 months later. While shopping the week before Christmas we nearly walked out of a store in our local mall into a gang related shooting. I was not carrying because I was a newbie and the mall was posted. Ever since that day when we go somewhere unfamiliar, questionable as to the surroundings she asks if I’m carrying. Which I always affirm. The upside for me now is she doesn’t question my purchases of accessories. Haven’t tried getting a new EDC yet.


My wife understands and is getting more comfortable herself. We both have our CHL. I carry everywhere legal. If I have pants on, I’m carrying. My wife is starting to carry more often, lately. Unfortunately, we don’t have an indoor range anywhere close. And the “local” outdoor range is extremely limited in resources, but not useless.
She is definitely ok with my collection but I am still trying to get her interested in at least holding my AR, and getting familiar with the mechanics. I want her to gain some familiarity with the platform in case she had to grab it in a pinch. We’ll get there. I think once she actually gets to shoot it, she will take a lot more interest in it. Considering she is the one who requested I buy more bulk ammo yesterday, my wife does not have the same mindset as maybe a year or so ago.


When I said I was buying another handgun, my girlfriend says, “why do you need so many?”. I answered with a question, “Why do you have so many pairs of shoes?”


Agree with brogue - sometimes it takes a woman to help a woman. If she was brought up around guns maybe something happened back then to sour her ideas about guns. Also, maybe she’s just not interest - period.
Be safe, be supportive and enjoy your family.


My wife is the reason I started carrying. Her brother took me to the range. That’s where I shot handguns for the first time. She feels safer when I carry. It’s a difference in being raised. I was raised that handguns were dangerous and we needed long guns, she was raised “handguns are tools to be safe” needless to say I have adopted her family’s philosophy, AND in my getting licensed my family got into conceal carry. :man_shrugging:t2:.