Deadly Body Armor

What caliber pistol/rifle were they using and who was the maker of the body armor. Just curious.


It was a 9mm handgun. The story does not state the manufacturer of the body armor, but one story states it was a shot that did not hit the body armor that killed him.


Sometimes many will buy surplus military flack jackets thinking they are getting a bullet proof vest. Iā€™ve seen that at gun shows.


The story states it was used multiple times and that this was not the first time.


We have, itā€™s called the Bible, the penal code and family!
How about we get proactive on crime!
Iā€™m not very religious, but an eye for an eye sounds pretty good right now! Or maybe we should fix stupid at the higher levels. Trickle down common sense. The Gun has NOTHING to do with stupidity!


Multiple use is another factor, so is age! I was surprised to find some body armor has an expiration date!

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I was looking into body armor awhile ago. Pretty much all body armor has an expiration date. Even steel armor I think because the anti spall coating can eventually wear out. Most of the body armor I looked into has a 5 year expiration date. I decided it was too hefty of an investment for something that was very likely to expire before the very unlikely event that I would actually need to use it.


9 mm took all together 5 shots


I wonder what the expiration date is on a titanium or ceramic trauma plate?

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I never came across titanium armor in my research. Think most of the ceramic plates were 5 years. But do remember a couple of non steel options that had a 10 to 15 year shelf life. Canā€™t remember what the materials were or the companies but do remember they were very expensive.


It is too far beneath mine too.


Mostly it is ceramic body armor and it is due to degradation due to body sweat. They consider that wearing the body armor daily for five years it gathers so much sweat and who know what else, deodorant, after shave, soap vapors, etc. itā€™s time to dump it. It also is a CYA move advised by the lawyers.

I wouldnā€™t just throw out body armor that was past its use by date. Itā€™s just like the foods. You have to use judgement. If you have been running and gunning at shooting schools quarterly or if wealthy enough, monthly, after five years you might want to dump your body armor without any encouragement from the manufacturer.

I donā€™t think steel has a use by date but could be wrong. Obviously, if your steel body armor has rusted through in a couple of places it might be a good time to consider investing in something a tad newer.

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Steel from a reputable maker, if the coating remains intact, is effectively infinite. The warranties iā€™ve seen are usually 20years. If the coating is removed, cracked, or otherwise disrupted then all bets are off and its only a matter of time before rust gets in and begins to weaken it.

Plastic, Ceramic, and soft armor (kevlar and all similar tech variants) are usually 5years and will begin to degrade over time. I have seen some really pricey plastic and/or ceramic armor with 7-10 year warranties.

I do agree that you can keep and ā€œtrustā€ armor well past its due date. I havenā€™t seen any data on how quickly over time the material degrades. Maybe it drops 1% effective every year, or maybe it drops 10% effective every yearā€¦ ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

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you have to be careful what you put in a plate carrier and what kind of carrier it is, a plain steel plate for example will redirect, or splatter the bullet sending shards out, and your chin is right there! When I looked into it I learned two things, one, it REALLY pays to learn the subject before you buy something or put something on, and two, the good stuff simply isnā€™t cheap, expect to pay at least what you would on a gun to get a set-up thatā€™s safe, and worth having.


looks like he got a little cross contamination when he heard the term " wear protection" - which activity did he intend to safety up?

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Hereā€™s the reference.
Super Troopers Bullet Proof Cup - YouTube