Carry concealed in my place of work?

I told the owner of the small retail company I work for that I am getting a concealed carry permit and a firearm. He says I’m not allowed to carry at work because his “insurance won’t allow it.”

Can I get around this? Or fight this in any way? Or do I continue to conceal my weapon at work and tell nobody about it because it’s concealed?


My first question is, why did you tell him?

What state do you live in?

What kind of business is it?

It’s almost guaranteed that no, you cannot fight it…if this person owns the company, likely it’s their company, their rules. Don’t like it, don’t work there.

The “insurance won’t allow it” may be 100% correct or may be a made up excuse, probably we can’t answer that for you.


Welcome Tyvan. Wish it weren’t like that. I don’t know the answer to our question. I admire and applaud your advocacy.

Personal belief, I believe in the right.

Unrelated, but just for conversation sake, I wonder if there are any employers out there, in the U.S., who offer - at least - lock boxes where upon an employee’s arrival, they can lock it up on the inside, instead of resorting to leaving it in their motor vehicle.

Wish you well.


The owner is allowed to set the rules for his business. While there are 2a rights, there are other rights that your owner has.


You should not have brought it up. Are these rules posted or given to employees in a formal fashion like a “statement of conduct” or similar document they have to sign in order to work there? If not “I can’t recall this conversation.”.


To me it is a CYA thing. You are covering your ass by being a protector and he/ahe is covering their ass so their insurance doesn’t go up. I can’t tell you what to do. That is on you.


Unfortunately, if the owner said not allowed, you have to abide by his decision. If you decide to bring it against his telling you not to, if something does go down and you’re involved and successfully defend yourself and others, you may not be the hero, but rather a victim/criminal for unlawfully carrying on the premises and deploying after you were told it was not allowed in the building. Don’t know your particular state, but this is something to consider.


It’s better to have it and not need it then need it and not have it. Always! :slightly_smiling_face:


No it is not. Not if one puts a law ahead of an innocent human life. But then again not my call. Oh wait a second the law is on our side because we have the right to carry a gun. As far as I know being allowed and legal are two different things.
I don’t know if I worded it right but you know what I mean.

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All the emotions in the world won’t make a difference if the local laws say you have to abide by the property owner. That is the law. Regrettably, the 2nd Amendment is not treated like other Amendments, there is no national reciprocity, no national requirements, no national freedom of carry, no national much of anything. Heck I’m currently in the state and city I was born in and can’t carry or own a firearm nor get a non-resident permit because I don’t own a business and no longer live here. And yet I have 7 CCWs including the District of Columbia. Go figure. I can be charged while I’m here if I have a dropped cartridge from a range visit in my car. The law of the immediate local government rules.


Sorry to read about your current firearms related issues, most of us don’t live in a communist state, rather because we won’t or we did and left. Some of us get to ion carry big guns into a convenience store or the supermarket and no one looks at us twice.

Hope you get to enjoy some freedom sometime in your life.


Well sure one has to abide by the property owner. One is not breaking the law by carrying a gun one is only breaking the law if the property owner one is asks to leave and one doesn’t. One is then charged with trespassing. That is my understanding.

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Welcome, you picked a bad day to ask such a question, let alone informing the enemy you may be armed. Tactical error!

So let’s put this in context, there are 20 MILLION terrorist in OUR country and the former, soon to be next, PRESIDENT of The United States was just SHOT :exclamation:

May want to apply for a new job, and keep your mouth shut, carry every second of every day henceforth during the war they just started!
The Rubicon has been crossed! Protect yourself AT ALL TIMES.



Like how the media tried to hang the Indiana mall shooter for ignoring the no firearms signs. It took other media to say “he saved lives what’s wrong with you?” To get them to stop.


… Now there’s a novel concept.

So a person should deny himself a fundamental right and ability to self defense because of fear of reprisal by the press or local law enforcement?!?!? Sorry, no…


First rule of concealed carry is - Don’t tell ANYONE you’re concealed carrying.
The owner is lying about the insurance. Damage caused by war, insurrection and other “force majeur” aren’t covered, but rarely do they extend as far as defending yourself.
If it isn’t stated clearly in your employee handbook / regulations or posted publicly in the place of business, then I’d go ahead and carry. Concealed. As in not telling a ■■■■■■■ soul.


I think places in Nevada. When I worked in the mines, occasionally someone would forget to lock their gun and they have a safe. We were usually bused to the mines. I would think most places of business have safes and if you ask them nicely they will let you use it.

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The Courthouse in Bridgeport, CT used to have a locker system when you walked in where you could check your firearm while conducting your business.

The first time I went there I handed my shoulder rig I was carrying under my suit jacket with a then brand new, and not well known in the USA, SIG P226 and two spare mags to a deputy.

He looked at my rig, started laughing (back then they carried revolvers) and asked if I was expecting a war. I looked at him and said “have you really taken a good look at the shithole neighborhood this county is in?”. He stopped laughing and said…. “Yep.”

He stowed my rig and said he’d personally make sure it was waiting for me on the way out.

Ahhhhh, the good ol’ days….


I had seen at least one hospital have lock boxes “for patients” who carried, but I don’t know if it was unique to that one facility.

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