CA moves to outlaw USCCA & NRA Shooting Insurance

CA bill AB 1602, which has passed the Assembly and is in the Senate will outlaw the sale of any policy in CA that covers any individual for liability in a shooting other than property damage. The author refers to the NRA specifically and calls such policies 'murder insurance. " He also said anyone involved in a shooting 'must be held accountable. " My take on this is it’s an attack on NRA finances and to intimidate people in CA from purchasing firearms or defending themselves with them.


Sounds like to me more massively corrupt politicians want to start their own insurance company or intimidate people with their Failed ignorant gun-buy back programs. More people will be fleeing California because of ignorant politicians. Sounds like the Supreme Court will have busy schedules in the next several years.


I hate to make some mad but this is what the left does. They want total control. I urge everyone to read the Declaration of independence.


I don’t think any modern day politicians have either read or have any real understanding of the US Constitution, Federalists Papers, Bill of Rights, or Declaration of Independence. The only person in government I can think of is Ted Cruze, but overall to my knowledge Civics is not taught in grade school or grammar school, wherever you’re from anymore.


I know cali constttion is a bit different than other states, but I would have to start with accurate numbers on gun violence (see john Lott), I would also see if the state had a duty to protect or preserve, and intimate that they are not doing that for me (most likely by suit), I would also examine each politician that supported the bill and seek to find the violations of service and seek to have them removed. Then I would address the state ve constitutional issue, and push the issue of what makes the state part of the union originally(esp since George Washington wrote in his final farewell address- a warning based in part upon California) I would then most likely go left and hit the politicians and the state with , charges of discrimination, bias, hate speech etc. I don’t have to win but I d have to raise all the issues including the writ of mandamus if coming from an adjoining state I also would question the size of the ninth circuit and if it was competent to rule on this matter given the territory the ninth circuit covers and the juxtapositions that the territory makes them have legally. It is time to legally tell the truth not the party line, and respect the legal Gun. owner


and these people are lawyers supposedly with understanding,


agreed, especially the last line before signing see below

And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, *** mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor*

when was the last time we pledged our lives and fortunes and sacred honor-The only ones I know that do that routinely are military and LEOs


Having been a LEO in CA I was sworn in promising to protect and defend the U.S. and CA Constitutions against all enemies foreign and domestic. Don’t recall it getting more specific than that. Course that was in the 70s. Now they’ve probably added some Social Justice mumbo jumbo.


This isnt just about the NRA… it’s a war on our rights. Besides its the same issue they’re having in WA and NY with USCCA, right down to the language they use. @Dawn, any news on this?


Robert I understand your comment but I can tell you that many schools, mostly in the heartland states, still teach the Constitution, the DOC, and civics. The real problem is in college and universities. They are staffed nearly 100% by liberals. My feeling is that any college or university that accepts tax dollars should have a 50/50 split of conservatives and liberals in teaching positions.


@Michael7 Yes There lies the real story,
My generation of The Baby Boomers Hippies, draft dodging, run to Canada and Jimmy Carter will forgive you, scum-sucking, sink swirl, naked free love jerks, The Chicago 7, Abby Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, and the rest, unfortunately you can thank my generation for this .


I’m a boomer too. Went to Catholic School. None of that free love stuff and the Godless Commies were our mortal enemies. Now they run for President.


Like all of you, we are watching the situation in California. I don’t have anything additional about it at this time. As soon as I hear anything, I will share it with you.


We’re probably about the same age. I only wish we, like the left, demanded more. We are not going to win without a fight I’m afraid.


Yeah your probably right but I’m really tired of fighting. I got to Vietnam on my first tour and I was 19, seems like I’ve been fighting most of my darn life. I’m 69, born in ‘49 December. Tired of fighting Mike for something that’s lawfully belongs to me. My beloved Constitutional Rights



Unfortunately I firmly believe you are correct on this. I’m also afraid next years elections will be the straw that breaks the camels back so to speak. I hope I’m wrong.


Hang in there Robert and thanks for a lifetime if fighting the good fight. We took the same oath to support and defend…I plan to go out fighting. Freedom or death!


possible but unless it is deemed a constitutional issue the state will havethe right to do what it wants effectively ignoring the constitution of the United States


@KenM are you tracking this?

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It’s not murder insurance, it’s wrongful imprisonment insurance. Just take a look at what is happening to this guy in NY for defending himself with a firearm he inherited from his father!

@Dawn is USCCA aware of this current battle?