Bump in the night belt, do you have one?

Friend of mine mentioned this to me, something I didn’t even consider. A quick fastening duty belt, with a flashlight on it, an extra mag for the pistol you grab, a holster, in case you have to grab dogs, a couple AR mags or some shotgun rounds, for which ever you pick up on the way to check that bump in the night, a couple of heavy zip ties for restraint or securing…

Do any of you do this, have such a belt ready to throw on when you jump out of bed with your gun? Thoughts?


All you mentioned and some, ready and hanging from my bed post, All on a tach belt that I can sling Rambo style over my head. Includes OC and a 2.5 micro lumens stun device. No restraining devices though, I’ll just rely on good marksmanship.
Good post. :+1:


Yepers, 45 & 2 backup magazines already onboard, a combat light & cell phone close to hand. I’ve also got a ancient Taser (80’s model) close at hand but o’dark 30 wake ups don’t support my more generous intentions… If it’s really serious, a 12 gauge S&W 3000 supported by a bandolero supplied with various payloads as might seem necessary.

The brutal part of my technic is the fact they’ll be seeing a white ghost naked indian belted and bandelero’d behind flashes of lightening and thunder coming for them… I just shiver at the horror.


As far as checking a bump in the night goes, I will only clear my home if my wife is not in the same room as myself and I need to move to her. If she is in our room I will take a defensive position to defend us.


Perfectly honorable Sir. IF I had the same qualifications I would do exactly the same thing.

And in fact, if I have to I have a very good shelter in place location set up in the bedroom which should account for the first two or three, depending on how insightful the crew is as they pile on.

Of course, sooner or later the cavalry is expected to come along, and mayhap they are the ones to suffer such terror!

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I want a belt with magazines, and maybe my pistol on it. I just have no idea what I’m doing. I thought at first that you got a belt for that, but now it seems you just put a cover on a belt, and that holds your magazines? I’m still confused.

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I’ve found that it is very quick and easy to toss on my shoulder holster when things go bump in the night. If you have one with multiple magazine compartments, you can also keep a flashlight, pepper spray, or w/e. on it, and it’s all right there when you put it on.

No, I hadn’t thought about doing something like that but it’s an interesting concept.

So you’d grab your gun from your nightstand safe and then grab the belt off the hook on the way out the room…?

For me, I don’t think I’d want to grab it on my initial run out of the bedroom because I want to get to the kid’s rooms quickly and get them back to the master…but it might be useful once we’ve staged up there although my safe has an extra mag and an extra gun with 2 extra speedloaders…and I have a flashlight on my nightstand along with the light on my gun…so not sure what else I would need to put on it.

But that’s just me, still think it’s an interesting idea…“bump in the night belt” BNNB!


You’re right there with me, things I hadn’t considered, but it made me think about. So yes, as I understood it, grab the pistol from my bedside quicksafe, then, hanging on the wall, would be this hypothetical belt. It would already be stocked and ready, just need to put it on. It has a generic fits most holster, to put the pistol in, in case you need to grab a pet or something. It has mag pouches, maybe one extra for your pistol, a couple for the AR you might choose to go for if needed, it’s an option, maybe a handful of shells for a shotgun for the same. Got an extra flashlight, a knife, a couple zipties, maybe a tourniquet, but it’s already prepped, you just had to throw it on.

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@LordDeinonychus @JamesR


If we’re transitioning from the nightstand pistols to the long guns in my safe…it’s more than a “bump in the night”…and it’s going to be a loooong night at that. lol :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Ha, you’re not wrong, I guess that’s why some apparently call them “Battle Belts” or “War Belts”

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That Battle/War belts is a carry over from service men/women in theater and the rigs they carry on patrol outside the fence (or while awake in general, lol). I think some LEO special teams may have also adopted the phrase. (apologies if that came off as a “well actually” not intended as such :slight_smile: )

But you’re right it would definitely translate! I’m not sure if it’s a Marine or an Army saying but it goes “a pistol is the weapon you use to fight to get to your rifle.”

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Interesting concept. Would certainly be handy to have a flashlight, extra mag and holster that could be grabbed by the bed. Seems like a vest might work as well, except for the holster part.


If it’s a MOLLE type vest, you can stick the holster right there on the chest lol.



I was thinking about that phrase reading your post (the “a pistol is…” Not the ‘well actually’) Appreciate the pointing out the belt bit. I got out of the Navy almost 13 years ago, but patrol wasn’t part of my work lol.

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Of course, if you have all that together, why not some electronic ear protection? A gun being fired inside is going to be pretty brutal on the ears…


I do not have this setup. What I do have is a light on my Glock 21. It was purchased during the assault weapon ban. I had to buy a “pre-ban” 13 round mag for it. With what that cost, why stop there? I added a +4 plate to it.

I live in a city with houses all around. It’ll be a cold day in hell before I go Rambo in my house. If I go through 18 rounds of .45, I have made poor life choices.

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Might want to check with the Devil’s weatherman…based on things going on in VA and a couple other States, it’s starting to get chilly down there… :wink:

Just saying, 18 may go faster than you think they might depending on the situation. But I agree, don’t ever “go Rambo” in the house…unless it’s with a nerf (see Nerf thread).


Yes. I have a 45 round over the shoulder underwear holder upper with an extra pistol mag, flashlight and a large knife. :grinning: 45 rounds of 12 ga. slug and buck that is.

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